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The Bad Man


Word Count: 2908    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

lid at a less propitious moment; for he was a

ot his cut-out open, too! Pesky to-day, ain't he? That's one reason I came back." He spread his legs apart, and fanned himself

nk it would,"

ed. He was hungry even yet.

id his e

urs ago. What's the matter? Wi

aven't thought much about eating." H

ook," he said. "Now, if you had a Mrs. Quinn-" He had pulled out a worn to

notice the empty pouc

anyhow! If he wasn't leavin', I'd fire him! As if you didn't have enough tr

best-natured chap in the world, and he idolized Gilbert Jones. There was a big packing-case in the

e; but his thoughts were more of Ange

rief silence, "I was hoping to

een heaven! He could have taken


! You don't ow

of six months' wag

t peace with the world. His left foot beat a little tattoo on the

out this?" he wanted to know.

to admit, "But that doesn't alter the fact that I owe

y own proposition that I come here with you and

lder, and playfully pushed him off the box.

oo glad to take the gamble with you. An' I'll take

irst placing them carefully on the floor, spread out in all their rainbow beauty. Their bright patterns glorified the room, as if a lamp had been lighted. He sai

business again, we ought to get us a nice ranch in Washington, D.C. It

h!" he ejaculated, as tho

matter?" "

opez has broken off t

his pipe, his dinner, and even Ange

the Diamond D

rtgage." He paused, as though in deep thought; but Gilbert, had he known it, was thinking eve

station later?" "Red" went on, coming

the blankets neatly, rose, and went over

iled, "That still belongs to us-I mean,

g to tell you how grateful I am." In his preoccupation, he forgot to tie up the

h Jones. After all, they were two young fellows, playing a big game together, taking big chances; and what was the use


that bird in the beak so

. "What's he

e. She's so darn game, too. I wouldn't treat a horse the

still. He was in deep th

them I'm going away

Gilbert's pen, and began making curious little scrawls with it on a p

ered Jones. "The

o do?" "Red" was amus

cows-or maybe join the rangers. There

about yo

chance to ship him back to Bangor. He

sort o' har

ranch. Maybe it wasn't the right thing to do; but I thought I was certain to succeed. I meant all for the b

don't like jokin' much, does he? I asked him the other day why he didn

king mood just now. You

n't know whether he should ask the next questio

to-to marry Angel

surprised. "Har

" no

ou know?"

or six months. You wasn't thinkin' of doin

!" with

lief o

ed. "But once she gets h

Gilbert asked, not taking the matter very seriously. He

hinks she wants to." He was sitting on the edge of the table, swinging

Gilbert inqu

much at ease. "Like that traveling man from Saint Looey," he explained. "She thought she cared for him. I tried to tell her differen

, "And she though

doctor from Albuquerque! An' no

ay, how do you happen to know so

t up, took his pipe out of his mouth and emptied it in the

the heart of this young rascal. So it was ov

t? What's the matter? D

"I stand all right with him. He's

t his secret was out, paced the room, his hands behind his back,

ping to cover up his confusion. "If Hardy comes, keep him out

aid "Red," vis

nd the room. Maybe one of the many Indian jugs contained a str

hay barn. Want me to get i

see if you can't prod up the c

t the room, than there was a rumble, and Uncle Henry

" he all b

?" his ne

Mebbe he'd le

hat? An

-I betcher he'd lend you some." He paused, breathless, for he had run his sentences into one. Gilbert glared a

out, anyhow? Cut out this sort of talk

fore, and he knew that nothing would follow his little burst of wrath. "Oh, you make

hat Gilbert replied. S

ter and now you won't ask him for mo

gry now. "Oh, keep quiet

ain't goin' to

to hear another word. He turned

chair, and cried out after the vanishing figure of his nephew, "You make me sick

airway. She had discarded her riding-habit, and no

red, seeing at once that somet

"Gol darn it! By gollies! I got it again!" he cried, seized with another inspiration. He eyed the radiant Lucia, as a m

said, hal

in't you?" The question was a

he equally d

ood turn?" asked th

o you mean?" She w

make a swell marriage,

a curious catch

enry went on, almost smack

window, so that she wou

looked out at the baking valley, and off to the far mountains, and the ticking of the clock could be heard like steady rain in a cistern. Then she went over to the table near th

?" she fi

ool!" the old fell

ve her?" Lucia brou

no right to be livin' alone. All he don't get skinned out of he gives away. Never gets nothin' to eat.

" Lucia Pell got the words out somehow, ne

Mis' Pell: He won't listen to me-funny the way folks are about th

tartled. "I

fool he is and give him h--. Give it to him good! It's a wonderful chance. He'll never get another. Darned if I see how he ever got this. But

ink he

arn well

he looked straight at Uncle Henry. "I sh

I remember five or six years ago, he told me then he wouldn't ask no woman to marry him until he

that's keeping him from i

could it be, I'

asn't a lot of money. He

right. That may be i

ia Pell said. Bu

able to stand, he would have risen and given three rousing cheers.

me into the room, with a bal

over?" Gil

aback, but he quickly

essed Lucia Pell. "Don't forget," he admonished, a

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