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The Banner Boy Scouts on a Tour


Word Count: 2307    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

oy who pushed into the basement, urged on b

that's what!" exclaimed another,

wailed poor Bud, who managed to receive a full peck

ter all managed to twist around at the end, so that when the door finally op

scrimmage in far better physical condition than those who had said less. Some boys ca

the insulation, and the main part of the structure had to go back to ancient lamp illumination, when any

rear basement had escaped the general slaughter. He had even tr

ow, it was close to the button which governe

es. Up to this moment they had been having things their own way; but why should he wait unt

s, and Bud was sneezing violently as he tried to gain his feet there

armed intruders, seemed to be a small dog. But it was the signal of the Fox Pa

cover his balance, he saw the figures of four active boys

. Indeed, if they wished to take full advantage of the surprise, and complete the demoralizat

tion to the word by smiting the nearest of th

led over among the ashes, sur

instrument of torture around his head, and s

lace for a fellow who had any self respect. Their little game was spoiled, that seemed evident, and it would be the height of folly to think of conductin

d gave the ord

he called, hoarsely; "Hey! get a move

was, they found themselves kept so busy dodging the descending padded clubs of P

pportunity to let the red blood in his veins have free swing. The way he whacked at the ducking followers of Ted was certainly marvel

t of the rear door, pursued by a parting volley of vi

same manner as his companions, who were lucky enough to be nearer the exit, Scissors had darted through the connecting d

the tilting over of several ashcans; but Paul could

the day. In order to remind himself of this he frequently turns his badge upside-down until he has found an occasion to

ay just past, to perform a service entitling them to a sense of self satisfaction, after this little excitement they could go to bed with clear consciences. Fo

his merry disposition ever could, "whatever did they run away for? I wasn't half through, yet.

urled through the opening by the vindictive boys they had put to flight. Past experiences se

and a sprinkler busy here, so Peter won't co

ried William, pointing to a wretched and forlorn figure

nes. He had been tumbled over so many times during the exciteme

his sides with laughter, as the disconsolate

e. But it was serious enough to Bud. He judged others by what he knew of Ted Slavin's ways; and conseque

t all I deserve, you see, and the worst is yet to come; for when my dad looks at this new suit I'm in for the most dreadful li

think he deserved even more severe handling, to pay him for his share in the mean prank that had been nipped in the bud. But Pau

to what might await Bud at home, for he had a stern father, he agr

ver to unfasten

esson to you, Bud," he r

a window, and let other fellers have the snap of waitin' till the door's swun

natch his own chestnuts out of the fire. Small use trying to show such a chap the r

hey swung those terrible looking instruments of torture over their right shoulders, it seemed a

already experienced several painful connections with those

I'm all black an' blue now from tumbling around on the floor, with th

nged winks, for it had really never been th

off easy, Bud. But the next time you get caught, oh! but you're going to get it. Better quit that crowd, an

had been good friends. That was, of course, before they reached the parting of the ways, the latter

of thankfulness in his voice, "I'm beginning to get my eyes ope

d he done so he would never have made that remark about simply being tired of proving the scape

nt humiliation; and no sooner was he gone than

he novel weapon with which he had recently harassed the would-be destr

nless I'm mistaken there's another

gymnasium near by. Groans, and angry words testified to the fact that Scissors Dempsey was having his troubl

ttle glowed in his eyes; "I clean forgot that pilgrim in there. Oh! for one last good belt at a

place; and the sooner we do it the better," Pau

amp. It was close beside the door, and P

at his heels, trying to hold the impetuous William and the eq

st more positive. Still, those eager boys possessed sharp vision, and almost instantly both William and his fellow scout discovered a

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