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The Black Wolf's Breed

Chapter 8 A NEW FRIEND

Word Count: 3338    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ress, and ordered a bottle of light

and perched upon the edge of the table where I sat. Her humor was gay, her laugh was keen; she s

tention. I could see the fellow at the dice watching, but now he appeared quite satisfied I intended to stay and drink with the girl. She was evi

would come and demand them of me. I had begun the game, and must play out the hand. So I reached across the table, filled the glasses for myself and Florine, raising mine hi

ok so serious. You brought me here, and now I trust you to

apprehensively, so

watched, and you must laugh and be merr

f her voice were light and playful; she lifted the glass to h

-another way leading out

you re

or highest stakes-leads to the passage. Do b

n le

if he desired to play, I will slip around and make ready the door for him. Monsieu

andered aimlessly toward that table, laughing and looking on at the various games. The fellow watched us a

for awhile, watched my play, then disappeared. After a little she returned and again took her place behind me. Direc

ing over she took several gold pieces from my store, laid them out and l

play twice more, and by that time I will be in the passage. Arise, and when you

she knew, made her way beyond my range of vision. During the play I saw Yvard come in hurriedly and question th

nced toward the table where he had left me. I was gone. He strode over to his confederate, yet engaged in play, and made no pretense of concealing the abruptness of his question. The man, in reply, indicated my positi


ver toward where I sat. By this time my second throw was made, and I felt if Florine played me false the game was lost. Yet hoping for everyt

ck; lured to my destruction, hemmed in beyond

n an honest field in lawful fight for honor's sake or duty's. My cheek paled in spite of me, at sight of the men who n

e as a thief. Should the papers be found on my body, then honorable men would execrate my memory as a traitor to country and to King, for had not Serigny told me he could not avow my connection with hi

u art trapped; giv

ach of steel, was ever loud and brave. But Yvard, being in front, was more cautious. He well knew

light step without. My heart bounded to my throat; I felt the door give way at my back, and before they u

d I will follow here," and at once a great pressure wa

ogether we sped through many dark and devious win

t; it leads to Rue St. Antoine, w

rl, but she bade me haste. I pressed a piece

he wine shop shamed my thought. "Good-night, Monsieur

n the distance of three rods when I heard a scream, and loo

he go?" Yvard d

de no

I'll kill you as

e kept h

e other man suggested, and as I feared he

o draw them off

ands of the city guard with the papers I had upon me. I ran under a street lamp, and taking up a position some twenty feet beyond in the dark, waited. The knife for one, the sword for the other, was my thought. Hold

g my knife glitter as it struck him full in the shoulder, and bury itself well to

icken man, tugging to free the knife. Out it came,

d at his companion's suggestion, they stood bac

g no further. I dodged round the next corner and took

reets grew broader and travelers were not so few. I questioned several, and for a coin secured an honest-looking idler to guide me. It was not so very far after all to my inn, yet

prepared to leave off, whereat I apologized and begged them not to let me disturb them. Claude declared he had only wait

of a peasant farmer, with mild blue eyes, and straggling yello

how goes the

ever, yet your P

ot of the city; of

are bluer and the wind does not cut you thr

ate is with us in our parts beyond the seas. Beneath our southe

e, my lord?" his eyes

his artless recognition of th

ces, Louisiana," I explained, "

a knowing twinkle in the fellow's eye

must be a goodly land to dwell in, bu

hed ou

fore I was aware, I had told him of my voyage from Biloxi, and of going to Versailles, stopping short only of giving the purpose of

asked with purest Parisian intonati

to be stern, but somehow my eff

hed his hand across his chin, wiping the yel

kly, unmindful of my ill-concealed disapproval, "but found nothing in the way of identification. You see," he apologized, "these th

uld see he was as Serigny had described. He was not as tall

ill take these traps of yours to o

to a stranger, and felt ill-disposed to be pleasan

which adjoined, de Greville threw

ay as well know it. M. de Serigny tells me he has instructed yo

plied as simply

ther now, and men engaged in business l

ous, and I gladly caught it. "A

he papers, take them, cost what it will. For that work we have strong lads enough and true. Above all we must make no mi

t enjoying to the utmost my pr

ill probably exchange dispatches with Yvard, then off to the colonies again. There is not so muc

tly, still looki

h is alre

elbow and stared at me

ispatches from your f

, reaching the middle of the floor

eeting the girl, and ending when I found him, at the inn. He was as happy as a school

es not often find, and I warrant y

my encounter with Yvard, only that I h

ot see you, or you might not now b

at would perhaps assist us in a measure to determine upon our

age accomplishment sto

losely the envelope containing the papers. It had, from all appearance, come over from the colonies, and bore traces of having long been carried about a man's person. This set

had said of his shrewdness, and more.

go into hiding until his wound was healed; the finding of the p

ome gallant with a smooth tongue, had learned from a waitress at Bertrand's. This was the more probable because, Bertrand's being a public place, the confederate could seek him there

a; she at least would enable us to find Yvard, o

shining boots, blue coat, curly wig, laces at throat, in all which small matters Jerome was a connoisseur,

oth ignorant of effect. Yet it was true. Jerome and I, as we then thought, disposed our pieces with great care and circumspection, advanced the pawns, guarded the king, and made ready for the f

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