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The Bobbsey Twins

Chapter 8 FUN ON THE ICE

Word Count: 1467    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

!" cried Nan, in high excitement

asked Flossie, ju

ered Freddie. "Can't shoot snow

n those inside let fly a volley of snowballs. But the snowballs

he air was full of snowballs, flying one way and another. Many failed to do any damage, but some went true, and soon Bert r

fort, but then the ammunition gave out and they we

rns more wildly than ever. But their own ammunition was low and they made other snowballs a

e attacking party h

move on the fort from the front and the other from the back. Then, if they attack one

et us do that

attacking force moved away along a fence until the rear of the f

ore filled with snowballs, much to the delight

et into the fort t

wered another girl, who

nowball coming over the walls was almost certain to hit one or another. More than this, the pile

detachment that was to attack the rear. He was hit again, but d

y into his face. But Bert threw the lump back and the boy slipped and fell flat. Then, a

and they gathered around the flag. The struggle was now a hand-to-hand one, in

two boys shoved him down on his face in the snow, and the next moment Bert and a

n!" screamed Nan, a

ie. "The-the forters ar


ys began to dance on the top of the walls, and down they came, one after a

Nan to Bert, on the way hom

eddie disappointedly. "Real soldiers h

e. "They weren't fish-horns

I like a band, with

t time-just for your ben

this, some of the snow had gotten down his back, so he had to

ptured the fort," said he. "He is looking

ed Nan, remembering the troub

eater part of Lake Metoka was frozen over. As soon as this happened nearly all of the boys an

as before, and each was impatient to go on the ice, but Mrs

understand the ice in the middle of the lake, and

lumber yard. Here was a small office directly on the lake front, where they could see

, and he took hold of his twin sister's hand, and away they we

fancy skating," said Bert. "The Dutch ro

ford," said Nan.

a medal for making fancy figures on the ice. They watched

ed Nan, when they skated away. "It's jus

Bert, who did not ca

eat fun, shrieking at the top of their lungs as first one was "it" and then another. It was hard work for Nan to ca

per, would stop and pull the others around in a big curve. This would make the boys on the end of the line skate very fast, and sometimes they would go down, to roll over and over on the ice. Once

n, trying to scramble up. "What do yo

st no time in getting out of the gentleman's way. The gentlema

Bert and Charley Mason watched this work with interest. "Let us make an ice-boat," said Charl

greed that the ice-boat should be built

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