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The Boy Scout Treasure Hunters


Word Count: 2384    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

s was beyond measure. They were pushing their way eagerly toward the group to get the full news when a runnin

ng up. "He's always playing some kind of a tric

wn from the branch a

ained, in his jerky fashion. "Too good a chance to miss

e and let us go. We

Great an' Only Matty a chance t' spread himsel

e long table, for Mr. Newton had decreed that no action

made the announcement: "Burton will now tell us of his discovery

, the designated title being popularly known and appr

face. He was of good family and had been reared in a home of refinement and taught to feel at ease under all circumstances. He accepted his nickname of "The Great and Only Matty" with some complacency, as being not inappropriate, especial

trees. Then I knew there's always a false scent thrown out to put searchers off the track. I figured that the false scent was probably the story of the lake. So instead of choosing any place in the Hollow I looked around until I found a heap of rock near the timber. And then I chose one hundred feet from the timbe

r?" shout

have been there a hundred years. It was about ten feet high, and of course the length of its shadow was different at different times of the day. The only guide I had was in the heap of rock. There were four rocks in it. As there is n

lence. One of the younger ones squeake

etite, and I didn't dream of what I was going to find so I didn't hurry much. But I found the ground turned up easier and I had hardly dug twenty minutes before my spade struck something that gave out a metallic ring. I scraped away the dirt until I could see a metal object like the lid of a box about fourteen by ei

tions which we hope will turn out to be the treasure, although one box fourteen by eighteen inches would not ho

and Goosey,"

take a pick and a spade and

d not respo

idn't want us yesterday and he won't want u

ry, but we'll excuse you. Corl

this find," said Glen to Spencer, as

d a gushing spring, my boy. I don

get hold of that pick I'll

earth, and Apple and Matt quickly spaded it out. As soon as a grip could be obtained Matt seized the box. It certainly was heavy, especially since he

t Burton as he looked at his treasure and r

laughter from Black Bob, the cook, who h

e yis'day two days gone," he shouted. "D

x. As he saw its contents to be damp earth, tightly t

Look at this. The tr

isgust had chang

ted. "You've been rubbing me wrong ever since we let

conflict in the narrow confines of the pit. But the scout master reached down from above and s

ton. "Climb out of that hole. Glen,

king an answer, for Henry H

rday we thought we'd give him something to dig for. Never dreamed he'd make big blow 'bout it. Just s'posed be little joke all t' himself. We came last nigh

private conversation with Henry Henry about his joke, but Chick-chick never told the boys what he said. The scout master also had a private conver

have everything his own way still existed and many an angry word flared up and many times he was near the fighting line, but this had been so much a part of his every day living for so many years that it troubled him but little. Even with Matt Burton he had not come to blows, though Matt continued to assign to him disagreeable tasks, so markedly indeed, that Mr. Newton announced that he would make all assignments himself, henceforth. Th

do very well at first but Matt had seized a pickax (the very one used in unearthing the bread box) and was beating him about the hea

be in the next county in five minutes. Get up! You would sleep on, and come to no harm if we were

of bed in a flash, wide awake. He knew where to get a heavy hammer and m

t stakes so the first strong wind would b

opes didn't pull them out. I fixed those stakes just be

dles," replied Spencer.

Apple! Just like 'em

ou. Go to sleep. Every one has troubles, but it's no good

ugh," said Glen. "The day's beginning to break

bile, as he frequently did. The automobile was no ordinary car. It had a driver's seat in front and a closed car behind. Bright colored letters announced to

ed and stretched, a

gang won't be there until night, anyway. That'll give me a chance to do a nice little business at that Boy Scout Camp I hear the

e had no troubles, but perhaps he did n

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