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The Brownies and Prince Florimel


Word Count: 1711    |    Released on: 06/12/2017


of a deer in the direction from which

companions, and they pointed in a frenzy of alarm to the clump of rainbow roses in the

p, and tortured by the pain of his loathsome embra

r, and was aghast

ing spectacle he realized that

d an arrow from his quiver

e Human Octopus, and back to its

ue, and the speeding arrow cl

ew away into space a vapory-looking object with a long, traili

amazing sight, but there were other matters more u

and seemed about to faint, but Florimel spra

st she began to recover her composure. "Noble prince," she murmured, in to

r, and kissed the pink finger-tips of

s she, while her tiny heart throbbed faster at the sight of him in all his g

lorimel left them had followed close upon his heels to aid him if need be, since, in spite of mystic pow

d the kind-hearted Brownies had the interesting task of conveying some to places of safety,

ure's tentacles, while Queen Titania's overjoyed subjects crowded around Flo

dil, while all with much timidity examined the green, mottled shell that lay

Titania, with a sigh of relief. "Th

y would have no more trouble, since he had seen the wraith-like Re

to wreak further harm. Not wishing to cause uneasi

y, joyous mood. But Florimel and Titania withdrew

to end," said the Policeman to the Sailor

arply reproved the Sail

fallen in love with the

l is a Brownie, and

nie. He's only been taken into t

Florimel was bending over Titania

he cried. "They do

lorimel, Dame Drusilda determined to exercise her arts upon

e Student, "that he is conne

her enviously, "he som

up in which the Dude held forth vivaciously, and

ways you remind me of t

ite far back," he said, as he lo

great-grandmother told my grandmother, who told my mother, who in turn told me. As you ca

en out a good man

not susceptible to beauty. Yet I have heard it often remarked that

his cuffs an a


nies remained in close proximity to the palace. During all this time Florimel and T

lose their new companion to whom they had become so friendly,

the part of Florimel, humored his wishes, and ordered the band to rem

ng time. Do you not think we had better s

e showed his d

re always plenty of opportunities to do good. W

tania my wife," sa

el, my boy, your whole life-story, like nearly every other man's, may be summed up in j

ared to see displeasure written there, but the genial, encoura

has always been my great desire to have an alliance of the Brownies and fairies, for together we can do more good

ngs as far as she is concerned are too plain to be disguised. Still it is not alone the joy of being near her that causes me

s seemed very

ted. "What harm

r she was in from the Human

id the king. "There is nothing to fear

Florimel. "They may be wild, foolish threats, yet they caus

man Octopus had been cleft in twain by the magic arrow, had flown away in

eazened face turned ve

the band to keep a sharp look-out for the rascal. And do you, my

rly as he her. So when they were seated once at twilight on a stone bench in the palace-garden, ver

while she first looked at it, then pressed it very tenderly to her little red pouting lips, the

or an arrow the other flew of

" Titania cried

her mind, though he wa

ed Spirit was goin

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