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The Camp Fire Girls at the Seashore


Word Count: 2509    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

iting for them, and as soon as she was alone with them, she did something tha

Unless there is something that makes it positively neces

all about it, anyhow, Miss El

all these things out by yourselves, even if I see very plainly that you are making mistakes. I think you can sometimes learn more by doing a

Bessie. "But this time we really haven't

ia and of the unpleasant episode created by

story. "I was so afraid that you would lose your temper, Dolly. Not that I could really have blamed

cia seemed to think Miss Tu

nd we both decided that that wouldn't do much good. It might save us some trouble, bu

ut it was plain from her loo

ey want to like it, and feel sure that they're going to. The hard cases are the girls like Gladys, who have a prejudice against the Camp Fire without really knowing anything at all

t, Miss Eleanor," said Bessie. "And I'm

course, she can't actually take part in a Council Fire until she's a member. We don't want her to feel that she is being punished, and Mi

ess I've got more reason to be down on her than any of the others except Bessie. So i

a stiff test of your self-control and your temper for the next few days. When people are in the wrong and know it,

to her to-night without getting angry, I think I'm safe. I never came so

ing in as a Camp Fire Guardian, and at the very beginning she has this trouble! But if she does make Gladys come

y, and it was plain that she was greatly rel

ie," said Dolly, "but I'm going to turn in and sl

lly had enough to make us

uption. The peace and calm of Plum Beach were disturbed by nothing more nois

A gentle breeze blew in from the sea, dying away to nothing sometimes, and the water inside the sand bar was so smoo

y. "See? Oh, I bet we'll have some good times with them. W

re beside that old flat bo

that excitement yesterday Captain Salters would have brought

Remember I haven't been

Bessie-a little sloop, and as fast as

sture of despair. "You've touched the button, Bessie, and Dolly will keep on

ever, Bessie, and when it comes to cooking-my!" She smacked her lips loudly, as if

s towing the Eleanor, all right, Do

boat, have you? I'll have to show you how everything is done, and the

have enough of a good thing. The higher the wind, the happier Dolly is. She'll keep on until the boat hee

t you are! You pretend you are terribly frightened, and all the time you're enjoying it just as much as I

over at Bay City, Dolly. The yacht cl

, Margery. I guess she's right, too. I may be pretty good for a


ally saying that someone might be able to do something better

, and I know some people who won't get a chance to be even on the crew. They'll feel pretty sorry they were

nded the talk about Dolly's qualifications as a yacht captain, and there was a wild rush to the beach, and to the tents, since those who had been in for an early sw

or to-day, girls?" asked Elea

lf a dozen voices. And a bro

o fish!"

k for me!"

Bay City and buy things. We haven't been

r lunch and dinner. I think we'll have the same rule we did at Long Lake-four girls attend to the camp work ea

harder for the four who work than it would be if we all pitch

gives some of you a chance to do things that call f

was complete. If she gave an order, it had to be obeyed, and she had the right, if she decided it was best, to send any or all of the

at she would not herself have chosen, and, as they were not accustomed to receiving positive orders on all sorts of subjects, they understood without being told that there was a good reason for tho

when Marcia Bates walked along the beach and was

like that," she announced. "That littl

m Bay City. And we want to challenge you to a regular yach

Eleanor. "Dolly Ransom is skipper of our

y, with shining eyes. "I was just wishing for

the lighthouse on the rock out there and back. That's not very

olly. "What sort o

s bigger than the other, we can arrange about a handicap. Miss Turner sai

of our boat, and have Bessie King and Marge

nswered Marcia, af

I'm going to beat her so badly she

a lau

d. "I'll let you kno

l show you just what you'll have to do. It won't be hard-you'll only have to obey orders. But y

ance of the trim little sloop, took lessons from

't get excited. That's the only thing to remember. We'll wear our bathing suits,

"I know how Dolly likes to sail a boat. So if you don't want a

essie, happily. "I've never even seen a y

y had landed. She looked out to sea. "It's pretty ha

and we won't make good time, but that doesn't make any differe

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