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The Carter Girls

Chapter 8 GWEN.

Word Count: 3573    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

e camp building plan as Lewis

to the letter he got from Lewis, a letter with R

would tumble at the chance. All

is arms?" asked Lucy. "I should thi

o at a moment's notice. I

nd and to decide on a site for the dining pavilion. It was a spot about one hundred yards from the log cabin, built by the aforesaid sick Englishman, that seemed to them to be intended for just their purpose.

rollable fits of laughter that nothing could stop, not even being shipped from West Point. It was this very laugh that had betrayed the hazers. If Bill had only been able to hold in tha

for shining," he had declared to Lewis; "but I wis

you will be laughing on the other s

to be of service and to use the surplus energy that was stored up in their splen

port for the roof. Under the pavilion the space was to be made into kitchen and store room. Some little excavating would be necessary for thi

ating possible, as that is the tedious and unin

eling his muscles twitch with joy at the prospect of removing mountains. Mr. Lan

Greendale, all of the lumber for their undertaking ordered and their tools sent on ahead by freight. Bill had gone to Ri

girls," had been

f waking up and finding themselves poor a great deal better than you and I did waking up and

ill, when Lewis took him to call on them

frank and open in his c

an. "Did you ever see

ght, who looks as though it would take an opera

le for the camp and it was joyfully accepted. He and Lewis stopped in Charlottesville on

but Miss Somerville had made them promise to burn sulphur candles before they went in and was deeply grieved because her b

te of the proposed camp. The boys had stopped at the station at Greendale and taken in all the t

ground this afterno

corners. I, for one, am going to lay out myself and rest and

and Nan has certainly got something about her that makes a fellow kind of blink. And tha

the employ of the Carter girls, and all the time they were building the camp they religiously kept themselves to certain hours as though any laxity

f," complained Lewis. "T


ernment makes mac

perpetual mo

oyment in the work. When they did straighten up to get the kinks out of their backs, they looked out across a wonderful country which they fully appreciated

een of an apple tree in May is something no one need be ashamed t

ple year

e pippins are

t Mr. Lane had said about excavating when the sun showed it to be high noon and after fiv

y believe little Bobby Carter could have done as much as

ut of the bushes and actually dislodged a great stone that went rolling down the side of the mountain into an abyss below. At least, his laugh seemed t

you uns

wl for Aunty," sa

fer Aunty quicker'n you uns." This brought forth another might

ere this afternoon and we'll have a sewing bee. What do you say, Bi


e the critter? We uns mostly go

at do you charge for

a day, but he ain't to say so spry as onct, an' now we uns w

ou feed Josephus yourself and we will feed you and pay you fifty cents a day for your

we uns don' arn," and the little mountain boy flu

e kind you are sure to find on the shelves of any country store. His trousers, held up by twine, crossed over his wiry shoulders, were corduroy. They had originally been the color of the earth and time and weather had but deepened their tone. His eyes shone out very clear and blue in contrast to the gen

ule and as soon as we can cook some dinner for ourselves and satisfy our inner cravings

to cook for you uns and wash the platters

Who i

oulder from which the boy had emerged a

n," she s

those of the young men, although you felt a timidity in spite of her directness. Her scant blue dress was

wis Somerville and this is my friend a

hioned courtesy with a quaint

e to cook and

e do! What c

dishes at the Mountain Mission School.

ld like them! Whe


e than you made last night except what I made myself this mor

ught she could manage to get dinner without his assistance. He showed her how to light the hard alcohol

as soon as a meal is over. Lewis and Bill had a method of their own and never washed a plate until both sides had been eaten from, and not then until they were

heir ease on a grassy slope near the cabin, quite pleased with themselves and their luck

ked Lewis. "She doesn't talk

of the girl as she went up the hill to the spring. She had refused

er walking that way. Don't you fancy the boy

. His legs had great lumps on them and he was forced to walk with his feet quite far apart to keep from interfering. He was sway backed and spavined and blind in one eye, but there was a kindly

oul!" exclaimed Lewis

ctionate arm up around the old animal's neck. Josephus responded by snorting in his master's ear. "We uns done bro

eds us, we will see what he ca

of mountain laurel glorified an old soup can and made a beautiful centre piece. The coffee was hot and clear and strong; the hoecake brown and crisp on the outside and soft and creamy within, just as a hoecake should be;

?" said Bill as he sank do

eat with us, you and

g enough, and, besides, I m

h, you com

in't fitten to sit down with the likes of you uns, al

s Gwen, you are fit to sit with us. We don't mind your meat

, what do I tell you all the time? Rags don't

k for washin'." But while the young men were enjoying the very appetizing food, Josh d

lves that were already in the cabin, unpacked the provisions and placed them with the dishes neatly on the shelves and in the old cupboard that still

s the two West Pointers had been able to move in a whole morning's work. Josh did very spirited driving, pret

to have one leg shorter th

n the mountings is built that a way. Ain't you an' Mr. Bill there a-planning that t

laughed so loud and long at the way Josh had gotten ahead of his friend in repartee that Gwen came out of

holes were dug and logs cut and trimmed and planted ready for the beams. A load

r them, a great dish of scrambled eggs and flannel cakes. She had brought fro

d, blushing with pleasure at the praise the

Lewis. "And will you and your brother

sh? He is no


t Mandy. I have lived with her for five years. I am very fond of

u anyhow

sent him home, five miles across the mountains, but he won't wash for her or for me. Aunt Man

ght grown-ups wished on me just for spite, and now a cold shower every morning is as necessary to my happiness as dirt used t

always meant to use that spring

r fa

who built the Englishman's c

ins! Now I

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