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The Carved Cupboard

Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 2522    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

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her eye wandered out into the back garden, which looked in perfect order, and hardly needed the incessant hoeing

h our accounts, Agatha, last week, we have come to the conclusion that we can live

fie saucily; 'don't purse up your mouth so,

I mean to go out to California and pay Walter a visi

aid a little drily, 'And you will want

hat you don't approve, but I've had it in my mind for a long time, only I have waited to see how things would go

ols you think us,' put

Villars; and Elfie, divided between the church organ and her music at home-I shall not be needed or missed. I don't mean to be away for years, but I am sure from Walter's letters that he is not doing as well as he should. He wants shaking up

are crossly. 'Why shouldn't one of us go, and you st

lways at a boarding-school, and we only saw him for the holidays, and then he went abroad di

, Elfie, for you were but a child when he left England. He has often said how he wo

want to go,' Aga

good reason why I s

ith innumerable questions, and were full of excitement about

be swayed by it. She felt this silence meant disapproval, and was by turns uneasy and indignant at it. It was not till after Clare and Elfie had retired to bed that night tha

wicker chair, and looked up at her sister's grave face, as she turned fro

ortant a step to take

; there has been no haste in the matter. Remova

ly inconvenience him by giving him such short notice of your intentions. A man living by himself on a small farm is not prepared to receive ladies at a day's notice. He may be away from home when you arrive. Oh yes, I know you are not going to be influenced by what

ous,' said Gwen,

never me

uch a humble opinion of your own judgment and powers. Now I feel-I can't help feeling-a confidence in myself. It may be conceit, but it is natural for me to

urs. I hoped, from your advocating a country life, that you would be content to settle down here qu

es. It is not that at all. I have wanted to go out to Walter for a long

of yourself,' sai

e, and self-confidence is a great blessing sometimes.

reserve between them on matters that lay closely to their hearts, and

eamers, and hope to sail the week after next. I have very lit

to go out quit

y. There are always some nice people on board wh

s wilful mouth and determined chin; 'and as I know vanity is not a failing of y

when you cannot manage it! You may be perfectly certain I can take care of

ha's parting words; and when Gwen got to h

her bedside every night; but religion had never touched her heart. It was but an empty name to her, an

7th Psalm. She first glanced at the verse Nannie gave h

trusting and doing nothing oneself, but letting God do it all for one. It is a psalm that must bring wonderful comfort to Agatha. Of course, I shall be able to pray that my visit to Walter may be for good, but I am sure it wil

d, and asked a blessing on her undertaking, and then t

proposal, but not one of them now thought to dissuade her, and t

in the village, and s

u going off to find a husband abroad, because you haven't been able to pick one up here?

retorted Gwen, holding her head proudly; 'we should be in a poor plight if they w

o where you will be the only woman. But I am surprised at nothing in these days, when everything is topsy-turvy, and

laugh, but Gwen

e you, Miss Miller, I wond

ss Miller; and she hurried pa

inent woman!' sai

ng there. She said good-bye to her, and then added with great severity: "It is a good thing for you to be without your maid for a little. I shall not hurry Emma Gray to go to you. A woman might as well turn into a fashion-block as allow her maid to clothe and unclothe her as your m

by old Deb and Patty. She went to wish them good-bye, and the

ve young lady to venture out all alone. But I should be terri

n' to flesh and blood. Mr. Giles told me all about it when he went to America with his master. You have to sleep on shelves up the wall, and there be no washin' your clothes for the whole time you'

r to such things than us should be. And then you'll be able to speak them foreign langwidges. But it's to be hoped the cannibals won't get hold on you. I've only

Indian prince out there,

. 'She wouldn't be marryin' a heathen who keeps

them that she meant to retur

ation, arranged for her journey in every detail, and when the

ant me back sooner, you have only to wire and tell

y off, and she perhaps of all the sister

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