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The Children's Book of Stars


Word Count: 3288    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

of it, and elementary things, such as air and water, which have always made up a part of this planet since man knew it. These are obvious, but there are other things not quit

little attention to them; but when we begin to learn about other worlds we at once want to know if these substances and elements which enter so largely into our daily lives are to be found elsewhere in the universe or are quite peculiar to our own world. This question might be answered in several ways, but one of the mos

improbable it seems, it is undoubtedly true that masses of matter do crash down upon the earth from time to time, and these are called meteorites. When we think of the great expanse of the oceans, of the ice round the poles, and of the desert wastes, we know that for every one of such bodies seen to fall many more must have fallen unseen by any human being. Meteors large enough to reach the earth are not very frequent, which is

tself some feet deep in the soil, or it may burst into numbers of tiny fragments, which are scattered over a large area. When a meteor is found soon after its fall it is very hot, and all its surface has 'run,' having been fused by heat. The heat is caused by the friction of our atmosphere. The meteor gets entangled in the atmosphere, and, being drawn by the attraction of the earth, dashes through it. Part of the energy of its motion is turned to heat, which grow

possible, it is found and placed in a museum. Men have sometimes come across large masses of stone and iron with their surfaces fused with heat. These are in every way like the recognized meteorites, except that no eye has noted their advent. As there can be n

; it burst and scattered stones far and wide, but luckily no one was hurt. The largest meteorites that have been found on the earth are a ton or more in weight; others are mere stones; and others again just dust that floats about in the atmosphere before gently settling. Of course, meteors of this last kind could not be

the earth's power to pull it back, but so that it fell within the influence of the moon and was precipitated on to her surface! Such things must remain achievements in imagination only; it is not possible for them to be carried out. Other ideas as to the origin of meteors were that they had been expelled from the moon or from the sun. It would need a much less force to send a projectile away from the moon than from the earth on account of its smaller size and less density, but the distance from the earth to the moon is not very great, and any projectile hurled forth from the moon would cross it in a comparatively short time. Therefore if the meteorites come from the moon, the moon must be expelling them still, and we might expect to see some evidence of it; but we know that the moon is a dead world, so this explanation is not possible. The sun, for its part, is torn by such gigantic disturbances that, notwithstanding its vast size, there is no doubt sufficient force there t

ors, and this was proved to be not possible, even though there are no doubt u

earth they are called meteorites, and also aerolites. Then there is another class of the same bodies called shooting stars, and these are in reality only meteors on a

must get rid at once of the notion that it would be possible for any fixed star to behave in this manner. To begin with, the fixed stars are many of them actually travelling at a great velocity at present, yet so immeasurably distant are they that their movement makes no perceptible difference to us. For one of them to appear to das

on their clothes and ran out of their pretty thatched cottages, thinking there must be a great fire, and when they saw the wonder in the sky they were amazed and cried out that the world must be coming to an end. The clergyman knew better than that, and was able to reassure them, and tell them he had only taken the most effectual means of waking them so that they might not miss the display, for he was sure as long as they lived they would never see such another sight. A star shower of this kind is certainly well worth getting up to see, but though uncommon it is not

rushed to meet them this effect would be produced. Therefore the first discovery was that these meteors were thousands and thousands of little bodies travelling in lines parallel to each other, like a swarm of little planets. To judge that their path was not a straight line but a circle or ellipse was the next step, and this was found to be the case. From taking exact measurements of their paths in the sky an astronomer computed they were really travelling round the sun in a lengthened orbit, an ellipse more like a comet's orbit than that of a planet. But next came the puzzling question, Why did the earth apparently hit them every year to some extent, and once in thirty-three years seem to run right into the middle of them? This also was answered. One has only to imagine a swarm of such meteors at first hastening busily along their orbit, a great cluster all together, then, by the near neighbourhood of some planet, or by some other disturbing causes, being drawn out, leaving stragglers lagging behind, until at last there might be some all round the path, but only

more-a bold and ingenious theory to be advanced. It was found that a comet, a small one, only to be seen with the telescope, revolved in exactly the same orbit as the November meteors, and another one, larger, in exactly the same orbit as the August ones; hence it could hardly be doubted that comets and meteors had some connection with each other, though what that connection is exactly no one knows. Anyway, we can have no shadow of doubt when we find the comet following a marked path, and the meteors pursuing the same path in his wake, that the two have some mysterious affinity. There are other smaller showers besides these of

certain record of any large meteorite reaching the earth; they seem to be made up

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