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The Coming Wave


Word Count: 3391    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

l her speech and all her actions indicated this. She had not visited the shore for recreation, and was not idling away a vacation. One day she commenced a conversation with Mr. Ben

in her room, on her knees before the fireplace, apparently investigating the course of the flue; but when the

than with his father. On the second day of her stay she offered him a dollar, when he brought her a pitcher of water to drink in the parlor, which the young man was too proud to accept. The guest talked to him for half an hour; and he noticed that she did not drink any of the water he had brought. On the strength of this and other similar i

ere situated, for the high land on the south shore of the river intercepted the view of them. Miss Liverage appeared to become more desperate in her purpose, whatever it was as the day passed away; and the storm seemed to increase her excitement. On the fourth day after her arrival, she vibrated between her chamber and the parlor all the forenoon, occasionally visiting the dining-room and the office. The land

ntly to assure herself that no one was within hearing distance of her. She labored under more than her usual excitement of manner, and the landlord's son was impressed with

she, and then paused to observe the effect o

the pause that he was expected to say something, though he

said you were a very ni

hink Mr. Barth was a man of g

wed some money fo

ow. I was very lucky with the mackerel, and I have had plen

ded Miss Liverage, apparently "hea

we a cent

you might want to

e anybody anything," replied Leopold, willing to encourage t

ney," continued Miss Liverage, watching th

e remark, and with a nod h

object to making five h

stly, fairly, and above-board; but I wouldn't stea

d anything which was not honest, fair, and above-board, and I never mean

ect. I suppose the money would do m

" demanded the woman, more excited than ever; so much

wn mind whether or not the woman was crazy. "If it is to cheat anybody out of a cent, e

eat or wrong anybody. I wouldn't do such

hat won't harm anybody

t even your father, what I say to you?" asked Miss Li

t, or anybody else. But I don't want you to tell me anything

interposed Miss Liverage, impatientl

after a glance at the door an

for the first time manifesting a

he gr



to Rockhaven. Of course this important revelation was in some manner to involve Harvey Barth; but Leopold was not willing to beli

demanded the woman, as soon as she ha

t after you have told me, if I find that anybody is to

k I came down here, all the way from

u did, I can't do

Barth said: you are a good young man, and you will b

rse I w

be five hundred dollars. Sha

hed Leopold, to whom the a

take this as


keep the


and I don't get this money, somebody else wi

d, whose views of an honest policy req


he young man. "It mus

it d

an tha

r is dead

elongs to

s no h

s he,

say he was dead and gone?" dem

ho was h

n't k

strange," m

take it, somebody else will, or it will stay in the ground till the end of the world," said the

is it b

understood the bargain they had made, and was ready to abide by all its conditions.

e money was buried," continued

g from his chair, and bursting into a la

will tell you all about it. Sit down; for I don't want



ne up to Squir

the Franklin stove, and Leopold seated himself in the corner nearly oppos

whatever became of Harvey Bart

him, and he was going to get it when he went to New York

anybody stole it. I think it is in this ho

the time of it, and I do

diary will tell us just w

find the diary

the money was buried. It was under the

are about

was buried

long, and it would be a winter's job to di

as wrecked i


lled himself Wallbridge; but Harvey

e passenger as it was pr

hundred dollars in gold-on the beach; and in the diary the place is described. Har

in gold," said L

greed to give you

, who considered the information rat

we can

ll you just where th

ne for him. I was a nurse in the hospital, you see, and was his only companion. He felt very bad about the loss of his diary, and told me all about it. He said he put it in the flue of the fireplace, because

nto the chimney, it must have come down into this fireplace

and Miss Liverage was satisfied with the young

ed it up and put it awa

ough I am of Harvey Barth's opinion, that some one stole the book. If any person saw him put it into the flue, as Harvey thought the drummer did, he might have supposed it was something very valuable. Why should he take so much pains to

se searched for herself, so far as she could do so without exciting the suspicions of the hotel people; but she was no more successful than her confidant in the secret. If the diary was in the house, it could not be found. The struct

s of the river, which, sheltered from the force of the blast, were as smooth as an inland pond though the waves rolled up white and angry beyond the poin

he beach under High Rock," sai

if you don't know where the money

me where it was; but I can't think of the names he used in telling m

ck, I will take you down ther

boats. Can't

and you can go a great deal easier in her than you ca

tonished when he saw his son taking her out to sail on such a chilly, blustering day; but he always allowed his guests to suit themselves, and offered no objection to the expedition. Leopold seated his timid passenger in the standing-room, and shoved off the boat. In the river she made smooth

o rise from her seat, as the bow of t

," said Leopold, pushing

ned!" cried the t

boat is doing first ra

he spread over his passenger. Though this garment protected her from the spray, the angry waves were still a vivid terror to her, and the skipper vainly assured her there was no

o went to pieces," added Leopold, pointing to the black rocks, now

Liverage, holding on to the washboard with

he money if you don't

t stay out here another minute for the

to the river, and soon landed her in front of the hotel. She declared she would

him the search for the buried money. The next day she started for home, disappointed and disheartened at the

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