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The Curlytops at Silver Lake


Word Count: 2191    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

er very well, for she had kept her little store near their house as long

an, forgetting, for a little while, h

circus, and is he turning som

d he was funny, I meant he was acting in a queer way. He walked toward your house, fe

, starting for the house

o my store. I left it all alone to run over and tell him about the queer

g about Skyrocket!" cried Ja

ket?" asked Ted. "Come on, we'

ttle girl, as she watched Mrs. Ransom hurry across a sho

suggested Teddy. "Maybe he's a clown, anyhow, and maybe M

r two, and then followed Ted a

n lying on the lawn of the Curlytops' home. He was not doing an

it funny!" de

ddy. "Maybe he got tired of being

had come in with the strange story of the "funny man." And Mr. Martin had no sooner bent

lephone for Dr. Whitney. Have her ask him to come right over here. Jan, you skip

y!" exclai

e house, the other to get Patrick, the kindly old Irishman who cut t

day's work. Laying that aside, he hurried to the front of

ramp?" ask

and few tramps are that. And though some of his clothes are ragged, they are c

the man, who had not opened his eyes

y to eat he will soon be better," said the doctor. "Are you going to

dy. "He looks like a good man, and ma

m stay here, Dr. Whitney. My wife says she and Nora will look after him, and

d enough to eat," said the doctor. "Fee

obody at the Martin house knew him, and Mrs. Ransom, who came over again, after she had found so

she did, since many of the fathers and mothers, as well as th

d Patrick carried him in and put him to bed in a spare room. The man was not really asleep, as Jan and Ted learned l

had left. "Take Trouble with you, and look after him. Nora and I are going to be busy w

is name?"

his mother. "When he wakes up he m

f we can't find Sky

e got to find

w with Baby William, or Trouble, in their care, they sta

here Patrick kept the lawn mower, the hose he used for sprinkling the lawn, and such things. There was a hen house and the stable where Nic

s she and her two brothers walked down the back

n gnawing the night before, and there was the nice, soft car

Nicknack's stable a

her places, but no Sky

" went on Jan, as she and the two boys sat down to rest af

aper-what do you

r pocketbook. She got it back, too. Somebody found it and brought it back. Maybe somebody has found our Sk

l him when he comes home to dinner. But now let's look out in the auto stable a

rouble, as his brother and sister

down at his store," explained

le fellow. "Wide to

d. "And say, Jan!" he cried, "what about Silver Lak

" cried Janet, with

oo?" aske

o!" sighed Janet. "I do hope you

et's go and look in the garage aga

an automobile. There was, however, an old carriage, and several other things, such as a w

and Janet entered the garage. "Here, Sky! Sky!" he called, and

ners knew, not to answer their call. Ted and Janet forgot Baby William fo

e," said Janet, with

ll have to put a piece i

king, for both he and Janet

e is!" c

lapping her hands. "He's caught

to sound once more. It did, but in a differen

n't det out! I caught f

ble!" shou

s he?" c

ching in the back part of the garage among the odds and ends for Skyrocket. They ha

rouble? Where are

uck!" was

t where are yo


ge!" exclaimed Ted, for Trouble alw

tead of seeing him upon the seat of the battered old carriage, where he sometimes climbed to

ble!" cri

ble!" sho

ndeed in trouble. His head was stuck between tw

o his brother and sis

ear!" said Janet. "But how d

' peek-a-boo

ith a chicken

e horsie wagon wheel, an' I looked at him, an' I did stick my head froo de

't!" cried Janet. "Take hold o

ull him!" decided Teddy; after looking

to be pushed!"

!" crie

! Det me out!"

Teddy pushed also, instead of pulling, which he had said was the right way, poor Bab

get him out!" said Jane

ecided Ted. "We'll both pus

ht," agr

they were so excited they didn't know what they were doing, I can't say, but Trouble was

out! Det

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