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The Daisy Chain

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 3442    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

with daisies

as in disposition. She was a little woman, with that smooth pleasant plumpness that seems to belong to perfect content and serenity, her complexion fair and youthful, her face and figure very pretty, and full of quiet grace and

over which the hair strayed in thin curling flakes. His eyes were light coloured, and were seldom seen without his near-sighted spectacles, but the expressions of the mouth were everything-so varying, so bright, and so sweet w

was a thin, white, delicate edition of his father; and Blanche contrived to combine great likeness to him with a great deal of prettiness. Of those that, as nurse said, favoured their mamma, Margaret was tall and blooming, with the same calm eyes, but with the brilliance of her father's smile; Flora had greater regularity of feature, and was fast becoming a very pretty gi

l moon. And there he shone on them, by his mamma's side, announci

t as if his hands had been moved by machinery. "He has been with me to see old Mrs. Ro

a pleasure to her," said Mrs. May-"

" asked Mr.

as next to him. "She is one of papa's pet patien

his wife, to remind him of the presence of man and maid-"and that smart daughter is worse still. She never comes to see the old

ey do it?"

are distrusting each other, and squabbling over the spoil before the poor old creature is dead! It makes one sick! I gave that Mrs. Thorn a bit of my mind at last; I co

r. It certainly was vain to expect order at dinner on Saturday, for the doctor was as bad as the boys, and Mrs. May took it with complete composure, hardly appearing sensible of the Babel which would sometimes al

piece of news about Mr. Rivers, who had bought Abbotstoke Grange; and Alan Ernescliffe, in much lower ton

," said Margaret, "with mamma at the head of the tab

ated Alan. "What a blessing it must be

" said Margar

ife equal to it. Your father and m

leased to speak, and glance

oise subsided, and his speech was not intended for the public ear, so he dashed into the ge

n the donkey,

sailor riding," in

escliffe, as his honest Scottish face flushed like

se marine,"

r them to attempt any revenge, and it was left for Mary to call out, "Why, Norman, non

that is saying too much for

endid," said the doctor; "I shall take

n it several ti

ted, except at a fool of a woman with an umbrella, a

t at half-past four," said Mrs.

told the poor fellow you were going to see his wife,

ould like to tell h

r to-day; he may get through yet; but he is not my patient. I only saw him beca

at's hi

-don't think

Miss Winter; "it would

where the man in the hospital lives!"

'll run down to the hospital

ur pudding,

aid Norman, slipping back

n the back of Ethel's chair, took a flying leap

ther. "What will they know there of Cocksmoor, or the man whos

come back in ti

shout as he got farther off, leaving every one laughing, and his mother tenderly observing that he was going to run a quarter of a mile and back, and lose his only chance of pudding for the week-old Bishop Whichcote's rules contemplating no fare but daily mutton, to be bought at a shilling per sheep. A little private discussion ensued between Harry and Hector on the merits of the cakes at Ballhatchet's gate, and old Nelly's pies, which led the doctor to mourn over the loss of the tarts of the cranberries, that used to grow on

l you lend me a pair of

self one, Ethe

e-I want to

ed her mother; "you will make your sight muc

ever do wear them

" said Margaret; "becaus

arry stole them

s if they weren't my property, un

uld keep on, papa," said Ethel-"no use

" said Harry. "I shan't go, if you ch

time to put a stop to it when it came to a c

a capital likeness of you, papa; but I ne

turned, to protest that he would not join the walk, if she chose to be seen in the spectacles, while she undauntedly continue

lf, papa!" cried Ethel, "and then you would know how tir

t girls for the honour of bringing down the baby; but this time their father strode up three steps at once, turned at the top of the first flight, made

d hen-and-chicken daisy. Can't you take

che and Aubrey as they are n

e herself," said Ethel. "Fetch the

doctor. "Well! I'm off. I must see old Southern. Yo

him; "you know I am an injured individual, for mamma won'

bellish yourself, as f

, and only Mrs. May, Margar

ken daisy properly, without all your chickens. It is the

had his thoughts turned to the disappointment again and it makes Richard himsel

castic and sharp, and he cannot understand it, and takes it as meaning so much more than it really does, and

uld only teach him not to mind being laughed at, and to have s

almost indignantly, "that papa won'

ar to bring himself to bel

came into her eyes-"I cannot bear to think of his telling Richard it was no use to think of being

he means, and he was excessively vexed and disappointed. I know he was pleased with Ritchie's

as if he had done wrong. I do believe Mr. Ernescliffe thinks he has-for papa always turns away

er favourite brother her father's expense. "But, after all, Margaret, I never feel quite sure that

chie a jog, when there is some stumbling-block that he sticks fast at. Don't you remember those sums, and those declensions? W

id her mother. "There are so many troubles worse than these failures, that

r how wretched his schooldays were, when papa could not see any difficulty in wh

said the mother, "I often think there is more fear fo

sufficiency about

but the universal good report, and certainty of success, and being so often put in co

; "I was a good deal struck by it-she of

ellent compani

deal, mamma, how many forms of ambition there are. The craving for rank, or wealth, or beauty, are so clearly wrong,

ction," sai

garet eagerly; and then, her colour deepening, as she saw her mother looking at her, she s

hard, and that you well deserve to be so; but is the seeking to

is. I know it is w

ffection is round us like sunshine, and there is no use in measuring and

you don't

ome of itself, if we don't exact it; but rivalry is the sure means o

ve never thought of it,"

, as is natural, and what's the use of thinking about it? No, no, Margaret, don't go and protest that you love me, more than is natural," as Margaret looked inclined to say something very eage

argaret suddenly, "you a

he only security is not to think about ourselves at all, and not to fix our mind on any affection on earth. The least share of the Love above is the

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