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The Prisoner of Zenda

Chapter 9 9

Word Count: 2636    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

e for a

feel that I had far better confine myself strictly to the underground drama which was being played beneath the surface of Ruritanian politics. I need only say that the secret of my imposture defied detection. I made mistakes. I had bad minutes: it needed all the tact and graciousness whereof I was master to smooth over some apparent lapses of memory and unmindfulness of old acquain

hand, I think. But I've


the Castle of Z

o you

ade, and they're all there-Lauengram, Krafstein, and young Rupert Hen


march to the Castle with h

the moat

inned Sapt, "and we shouldn'

t's certain

e drawbridge is kept up, and no one goes in without an order fr

to Zenda,



very likely stay ther

my friend," sa

ky," observed Sapt. "H

old your ton

his pipe. It was quite true that I was i

'm dogged by half

I send 'em," he r


ient for Black Michael if you disappeared. With you gone, the old

ke care o

them, lad, would cut your throat as readily-as readily as I would

t and read

s a gate in the wall at the back. At twelve o'clock tonight, if the King enters alone by that gate, turns to the right, and walks twenty yards, he will find a summerhouse, approached by a flight of six steps. If he mounts and enters, he will find someone who will tel

ended, "but he can dicta

as about to throw the letter away, when I s

here's so

e writer continued, "

enuinely astonished. "Does she ta

o him to

from marrying his cousin, and therefore most to preven

feet. Sapt laid

Mauban, by he

u know?" a

w of the lady, and ho

s had a great row with Mich

she could be

h, that Michael w

to know for certain

hall go,

o as far a

to the sum

ged if y

my back against

in that woman,

ny woman," said Sapt,

summer-house or back

how far he could lead or dr

where he is there is fresh risk. Every day I masquerade like this, t

he said, w

uard, our destination not being revealed to him. It was a very dark night. I wore no sword, but I carried a rev

," he said. "If I

he King's only chance. You

ght, lad.

iously. My lantern was closed, the revolver was in my hand. I heard not a sound. Presently a large dark object loomed out of the gloom ahead of me. It was the summer-house. Reaching

door," she

striking beauty was marvellously displayed in the glare of the bull's-eye. The summer-house was a bare little room,

Listen! I know you, Mr. Rassendyll. I


three men will be

-the t

by then. If not, toni

hey w

l Sapt and Captain von Tarlenheim first-proclaim a state of siege in Strelsau, and send a messenger to Zenda. The other three will murder the King in the Castle, and

plot. But why,

follow you as a guard. Is it not so? Well, three follow them; Michael's three are never two hundred yards from you. Your life is not worth a moment if ever they find you alone. Now go

ou?" I

what I have done, we shall not meet again.

will you

ame-that you saw

hand and

served the King well tonight

o a fearful whisper.

ome to a heavy door; behind

re steps

oon! Heavens! they're too soon

said I, "to be in

, there's a chink in the

p I saw three dim figures. I cocked my revol

ne," said she.

tside-a voice that s


e no

Will you promise not to

e of addressing Mr.


et mine

ire. I've an

three had mounted two steps more; thr

We pledge our honour

them," whispe

through the

d though we should finish you, you might finish one of u

em," whispered

I considered it for a m

re you do," said I; "but I won't l


id my ear to the chink. I could hear no words, but Detchard's head was

ications," thought I

emen, what's

frontier, and fifty t

tte in the lowest of whispe

ering through the chink. They were all c

did not need Antoinette's warning. They meant

der," said I; and I though

d to An

, out of the line of fire f

ing to do?" she


g in front of me, made a complete screen for my head and body. I fastened my closed lantern to my belt and put my revolver in

oor, holding the table in the position t

fer, relying on your honour.

urself," sa

and back a little, gentlemen, or

he latch. Then I stole ba

" I cried. "The l

hard. "Nonsense, Bersonin, why

ace across the summer-house and through the doorway. Three shots rang out and battered into my shield. Another moment, and I leapt out and the table caught them full and square, and in a tumbli

again. I raised my revolver and took a snap shot; I heard him curse, and then I ran like a hare, laughing as I went, past t

truth about the ladder!" for the wall

rd us, and was battling and raging with the locked gate, hammering it and firing into the keyhole like a man possessed. He had

I've got the finest tea-tab

e safe!" and wrung my hand.

devil are yo

been uncommonly ludicrous to see the formidable three altogether rout

t I had honourably kept my wor

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