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The Doctor


Word Count: 3228    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ds and piled in a long heap at the bottom of the lane on their way to their ultimate destination, the foundation of the bank-barn. During the winter, previous the "timber was got out.

he lighter lumber-flooring, scantling, sheeting and shingles-were marshalled to the scene of action. Then with the spring the masons and framers appeared

new barn wasn't too blamed heavy," and it was Jack McKenzie's openly expressed opinion that "one of them 'purline plates' was so all-fired crooked that it would do for both sides at onct." But the confidence of the community in Jack M

d just five feet in his stocking soles, and was, therefore, a man of considerable importance in his estimation, was overheard to exclaim with an air of finality, "What! two twenty-foot floors and two thirty-foot mows! It cawn't be did." Such was, therefore, the

eady there when the mill people drove up in the family democrat. The v

yle," said Mr. McLeod, who stood

Magee, a big, good-natured son of Erin, the richness of whose

lied the miller, as with tender care he handed the g

le's fiddle were not to the fore. You'll find some oats in the granary, Barney. Come along, Mrs. Boyl

tson that will be needing to be k

Mr. McLeod. "A girl with an eye and a chin like that

rning away with Mrs. Boyle toward the house, which was humming with that indescribable but altogeth

oared Magee. "We're wait

kle. "If you make me the boss, here's my orders, Up you get

is." "Jump in, Tom," we

He's the man fer ye! Or what's the matter wid me frind, Rory Ross? It'

his reference to the brilliant

-headed, fiery-hearted little Highlander. "When he's

ins, and more than once had they led the opposing forces at raisings. The awkwar

"Some men do the liftin' and others th

s expense, whose reputation as

quit yer blowin'." He cast an experienced eye over the ground where the huge

s," he cried. "W

nose, Tom," said

e man loike that!" Angus was just six feet four. "Now thin, yer pikes! Shove her along! Up she is! Steady! Cant her over! How's that, framer? More to the east, is it? Climb up on her, ye cats, an' dig in yer claws! Now thin, east wid her! Togither-r-r-heave! Aw now, where are ye goin'? Don't

n, more or less pungent, the sills were got

min fer t

med the framework of the barn. Dividing his men into groups, the bents were put together on the barn floo

om. "We don't want no slitherin' timbers round her

less sulphurous, although the presence of the ladies interfered very considerably with Tom's fluency in this regard. He worked his men like galley slaves, and rowed them unmercifully. But for the most part they took it all with good humour, though some few who had the misfort

thin! Togither-r-r-heave! Once again, heave! Ye didn't git it an inch that time! Stidy there a minute! Here you min on that

us and two others to sustain the full weight of the heavy timbers. Immediately the bent swayed backward as if to f

ls!" howled Tom, "or the hull of ye'

d threw themselves upon the pike. Immediately they w

f serious danger. There was no more pause. The bent was walked up to its place, pinned and made secure. Tom sprang down from the building, his face white

apping them on the back with varied exclamations. "You're

d Rory at last; "I didn't see a

ugh," answer

tobacco, fighting to recover his nerve. He had seen as no other of the men the terrible catas

d. "It strikes me it's not quitting time

for captains!"

the powers

You'll be all rig

lone twice. By me sowl, min, it's a splash of blood an' brains I've jist been lo

on caught the

"Rory and Barn

the crowd. "I have never done anything but c

man in all the crowd had Barney's repu

rry yer head level, me boy. So at it ye g

will, if you give me first c

eed, and in a few minutes the sides were chosen,

e nerve was coming back to him. "We

lishman strutted to his place among Rory's men. "Yo

at it, by Jove!" cried Ben, to

beams, must all be set securely in position. The side whose last man was first down from the building after its work was done claimed the victory. In two opposing lines a hundred men stood, hats, coats, vests and, in case of those told off to "ride" the plat

pproach of battle was his own man again. "Niver ye fret.

tood the framer rea

e to Mrs. Boyle, her cheek pale and her blue eyes

le, "ye'd be riding

her eyes upon Barney. And more eyes than hers were upon the yo

. "Mind your pins. Are you ready?

" answe

ey n

acers springing from the tape, they leaped at the timbers, every man to his place, yelling like men posse

illiant complexion and still more brilliant locks procl

m, you'll see," cried Margare

" cried Rory's sister, merciles

the men detailed for this duty, it was in its place upon the posts. Like cats, three men with mauls were upon it driving the pin

n!" shrieked Rory'

screamed his conti

Keep at it! You've

the scornful reply.

her friends, proceeding to scream wildly after the fema

tion, suffering unutterable pangs of humiliation. "

garet, to whose eager spirit Barney's moveme

"purlines" and laying the rafters in order so that, although beaten by Rory in the initial stages of the struggle, when once his plates were in position, while Rory's men were rushing about in more or less confusion after their ra

ant pangs of what looked like humiliating defeat, rose in a tumult of triumph to heights

ving been neglected in the furious haste, and swinging free, fell crashing through the timbers upon the scurrying, scrambling men below. On its way it swept off the middle bent Rory, who was madly entreating a laggard to drop to the earth, but who, flung by good fortune against a brace, clung there. On the plate went in its path of destruction, missing several men by hairs' breadths, but striking at last with smashing cruel force across the

d Tom Magee, throwing

t, Barney," he said. He beckoned Rory to his side. "Tell them," he said between his gasps,

cried Rory. "No man bet

hat in the air cried, "Three cheers for Benny!" and the feelings of the crowd, held in check for so many minutes, at length found expression in three times three, and wi

r, but no man asked

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