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The Eve of All-Hallows, v. 1 of 3

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 5852    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

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despatch the duties attendant upon his high official situation. As soon as the mansion was placed in a state of proper repair, and becomingly furnished to be worthy of the reception of the representative of majesty, the Duke resolved, for the benefit of the health of a beloved and only daughter, as well as for his own repose from the fatigues of office, to retire to his newly-acquired purchase of L?tely Abbey-for thus wa



crowned by lofty groves of arbutus, or the strawberry tree; laurel, holly, added their combining greens and shades; and though last, not least, myrtle groves, which in this county grow to an amazing height, verifying the very just description of the great pastoral poet, Virgil, "amantes littora myrtos"-myrtles which rejoice in being near to the shores of the sea. While in the fore-ground of the landscape, in all its splendid azure majesty, burst forth upon the delighted spectator's view the mighty ocean, its bosom studded with frequent white sails, which, as they scudded along, brightly glistened in the rays of a refulgent autumnal sun. The shore was indented by high and undulating downs, all richly cultivated, whose green sward, in smoothness and brilliance, vied with, if not ri

eneath, whose sides were studded with every variety of wild herb and plant indigenous to a mountainy re

ascended and curled into clouds amid the overhanging foliage, betokened habitation and comfort. To the cottage was annexed an extensive farm-yard, with all the appe

nter a torrent,) whose devious course was distinctly outlined by an accompanyin

ey. This structure was built in the style of architecture of the family mansions of the Elizabethan period. An extensive lake, supplied by a copious mountain stream, presented itself in front of the house, until, winding onward, it was lost amid the adjoining wood

was upon her cheek, and her skin was fair and pure as the unsunned lily; her dark blue eyes sparkled intelligence, beaming beneath her beautifully arched eye-brows. Her look, gesture, and demeanour, communicated joy; and we shall not deny a parental pride to the Duke and Duchess, at the same time, that her looks beamed forth delight upon all who beheld her; while her converse, sustained with a voice sweet, distinct, and

to the lowest domestic she was beloved, for they felt and knew that her del

ns thus elicited Adelaide was occasionally in the habit of committing to writing. One day, while some workmen of the Duke were employed in breaking up ground upon the confines of an ancient, but neglected cemetery, which surrounded a small dilapidated church, stationed on a green and rising knoll, whose ruinous walls were thickly overspread with ivy, while the alder, holly, and thorn, had stoutly installed them-selves in what had been once the chancel-it happened that, upon di


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they distinctly expressed, than delighted as they were with the poetic feeling (for thus their partial fondness adjudged) with which it was written; considering it as no unfavourable specimen of the expanding powers of a youthful mind. Adelai

f spring were chained in their petals, or wholly destroyed by the frost. And when the merry month of June arrived, it was indeed unusual and extraordinary to behold the blossoms of the wild rose, hawthorn, and the laburnum, all mingling their beauties and their perfumes amid the numerous hedge-rows, and presenting a

own estimation she considered herself;) we here speak of the redoubtable Mrs. Judith Braingwain, who, rushing incontinently into the library, and quite out of breath, exclaimed, "Oh, my Lady, who would have thought it? But however marvellous it is, see, yonder they come; see, ther

t Tyrconnel; what unaccountable anomaly brings the bi

ay faith do I, she was the finest--Oh no, not the finest-that belongs to another; but as fine a girl as a body might see on a fair May-day in ould Connaught, any how! And beside, and moreover, she was right loyally discended [lineally descended] from the great bould pirate princess, Grace O'Malley, in troth, and sure enough, far an

nd notable contempt of time, place, and circumstance. This really is not to be endured. Besides, I pray you to remember, that once, however, there was a time when no one was so handsome, so good, and all so angelic and so forth, as your own Adelaide! And, in undisguised truth, I was in a very fair and hopeful way of being utterly spoiled, but that happily I turned a deaf and obdurate ear to all your too partial praise, as well I knew that your commendations all sprung from overweening kindness. However, ju

ful way, half pretendedly serious

herwise; this I ever thought you were; and I defy Guy of Warwig, the seven Champions of Chrysostom, and Saint Patrick himself, to boot, to deny it if the

y the subsequent details:-Three friends who came to dine en famille one day at his house in Dublin, sat down, previously to dinner, to play a snug rubber of whist, thus to pass the intermediate time. It happened to be of a Friday, during a parliament winter; the printed proceedings of the House of Lords of the preceding day were brou

l give, in totidem verbis, the answer of the learned Theban, the bishop's friend:-"Why, my good Lord," said the facetious gentleman, smiling withal, "'fore

scomposed; nor did he recover himself again until th

emained solely in the singular number. However, he thought fit most condescendingly to write to a friend, then residing at Rome, a long letter, the burden of which ran to the following tenor:-"Now, dear and Reverend Sir, as you are seated, or I, who am a bishop, may say, enthroned at the fountain head of the fine arts, I have to reque



the palaces of prelates!)-what, I pray, my Lord, would you think if I should select for you, instead of the heathen gods of antiquated Greece and Rome, videlicet: Jupiter, Vulcan, Mars, Venus, Apollo, Bacchus, and Co., shall I, most dear and Reverend Lord, transmit to you statues of the twelve apostles, which surely, most venerated Prelate, you will find to be, upon mature deliberation, every way far more episcopal, apostolical, more in good taste, a

rative letter of his too candid friend; and here consequently the proposal fell to the ground, and never was again resumed. The portico,

ne woman, and still a portion of that beauty, though somewhat clipped by the shears of ol

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nmarried, and besides much attached to his niece, that there appeared to be more of prudent calculation for the future, than ardent love at the present, in the transaction; inasmuch, that a large portion of the uncle's fortune, if not the entire, would ultimately vest in the selected fair one; and perchance, moreover, a rich benefice to boot, which might be expected from his Lordship's great episcopal patronage, that in the developement of time would be bestowed upon Cu

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a close similitude to the head or leather covering of the French vehicle which is called by a similar name. This structure was formed of various hoops of whalebone, arranged in equidistant, semicircular, parallels, forming en massé a huge and outlandish head-gear; the outside was covered with black lutestring; and the penultimate circle of this pent-house was adornated and fringed with deep lace; the interior was lined with rose-coloured silk, w

it may at the present time appear, so far fully answered the functions and intentions of these later discoveries of modern art. The lady wore a large silk cloak, trimmed and flounced with ermine; she also carried a muff, small in size and calibre, formed of the same mater

elong not to our province to enumerate. No, gentle reader, the simple staff which the lady bore was of a most placable description; it was, in sooth, a tall tapering indian cane, and adorned on the top with a head of beautiful china porcelain, upon which, in rich and brilliant colouring, were depicted some of the most beautiful wild flowers of summer. And through every change of wea

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ery often selected, with due circumspection, for this wholesome exercise of her lungs. An auld Scottish steward, who superintended the agricultural establ

untry far and near, that the "omnia Rom? cum pretio" of Juvenal, might be fairly applied to Madam Rocket's establishment; but it was insisted that the "cito peritura" did by no means belong to the lady. However, rumour went on, with its gossip tongue, to whisper that at th

o continue their guests for some days at L?tely Abbey. But this was upon their part most gratefully declined. The Bishop and Mrs. Rocket partook of a collation, and departed for Dublin, declining the warm and hosp

d all the romantic scenery and the various picturesque views, each lofty mountain, re

tary; so wild, so rude, and mountain-locked, that one here might almost imagine that they saw one of the secluded pilgrims of Salvator Rosa studiously wrapt in silent devoti

ree or four banditti; put helmets upon their heads and lances in their firm hands; then on a sudden our whole party, spurring onward our jaded steeds, are to fly from the a

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he "sweet Vale of Ovoca." Ascending the high hill of Knockm

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Demon's Glen and Waterfall, the

aide looks in renovated health and beauty! Each day still adds to her charms; and, in verity, I should be fully justified to speak of her in the words of the historic worthy, old Titus Livius, (whose name, by the bye, the ridiculous French sink down into Tit Live-just, my Lady, as if they wer

and said, "that inasmuch as she was mother to the object of his praise, she confessed that withal s

e interrupted by the occasional absence of the Duke to hold a levee or a privy council at Dublin Castle; the routine of state dinners, or when her Grace presided at drawing-rooms,

ving in the expansion of her mental powers, and in gradual increase of personal beauty. The Duke, who had been long absent from Tyrconnel Castle, proposed to pass the ensuing summer and autumn at that lordly residence, and with all due pomp and solemnity there to celebrate Adelaide's

f the castle, as well as in the external adornment of the lawns, parks, and gardens of this princely abode. Pursuant to their determination, their Graces set out accordingly, upon a fin

her recollection. It was a serene summer morning. Our readers perchance may recollect the scenery which surrounds the castle of Tyrconnel, the lofty mountains of Slieve-Doon, and the great gap or pass to the mountains, called Barna-More, all of which we have endeav


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tions were making, had been made, and were in a progressive state of continuation at this hospitable chateau. The Duke and Duchess seemed fully resolved to spare no expense to testify, if indeed it wer

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