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The Red Seal


Word Count: 3009    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

gry gesture, threw down the

e to go to the supper to-night on account o

, fa

scenes with either of his daughters, and here was He

u were not engaged to Jimmie-wait," as she attempted to interrupt him

tears. "When I saw Jimmie lying there, dead"-she faltered, a

had been indicative of her feelings. "Keep to your room, Helen, until you regain some c

id submissively and walked toward the door; on reaching it she pa

nute at the doorway through w

of the ejaculation and turned to Barbara. "Go and get dre

going," sh

ghed abruptly. "Now, don't tell me you

Barbara's small foot came

er wearily. "Don't keep us waiting, Babs; the

I prefer to

"Come, Barbara, we cannot be discourteous to Mrs. Brewster;

" Barbara was op

stern rebuke she expected, his voice was almost wheedling. "I cannot ver

. Every one knows she is visiting us; what's there improper in your taking her out

g wheedling about McIntyre at that

ay, she announced, as a parting shot, "If you ca

h force that he scattered its contents over the floor. When he ros

elp?" sh

"If agreeable to you I will telephone Ben Clymer that we will stop for him a

ng wrap across the sofa and s

posed, and won't be


y, not, however,

them?" she asked. "Have y

from the floor where it had slipped and laid it across her bare shoulders; the action was almost a caress. She made a lovely picture as she sat in the high-backed carved chair in her chic e

scene with Barbara, having entered the library in time to hear the girl's last remarks. It was not the fi

y. Colonel McIntyre had planned to bring the twins, then at school in Paris, home himself, but business had kept him in the West and he had cabled to a spinster cousin to chaperon

me to Washington for their debut, visiting her cousins, Dr. and Mrs. Stone. The meeting had but cemented the friendship between them, and

s open to her, immediate departure, or to continue to ignore the twins' strang

while their facial resemblance was remarkable, their natures were totally dissimilar. Helen, the elder by twenty minutes, was studious, shy, and too much given to introspection; Barbara, on the contrary, was whimsi

Helen lying on the lounge; instead, she found her writing busily at her desk. She tossed down her pen

at supper party," Barbara announced, th

t up," commented

ed her sister. "He and Ma

er feet. "You let them

together," answered Barbara pra

indow she glanced into the street. "The car hasn't come," she exclaimed, and consu

go," stuttered Barbara, c

out her hand. "Come, to please me," and there was a world of wis

nstairs in time to spring into the waiting limousine after Margaret Brewster,

home, when the McIntyre limousine drew up, and he did not keep them waiting, as

re," he explained as the car drove off. "I called up y

uaded by her sister, and had remained at home. That her father had accepted her lame explanation and her presence in the party with unaffected pleasure had been plain. Mrs. Brewster,

ned perceptibly as the attentive head waiter ushered them to

arked to Benjamin Clymer. "A sort of casting bread upon the waters

hind to speak to several friends at an adjacent table, took the unoccupied seat by Mrs. Brewster and was soon in animated conversation with the widow and Clymer; Barbara, her healthy appetite asserting itself, devoted her entire attention to the delicious delicacies

drew Barbara's attention, and she wondered what had come over the generally entertaining banker. It was on the t

aid. "Colonel McIntyre is the most distinguished looking

it, and his erect and finely proportioned figure showed to advantage in his well-cut dress suit. Barbara's heart swelled with pride-her dear and handsome father! Then she transferred her regard to Margaret Brewster; she had been such a

talking to, and generally solved the problem by familiarizing himself with their mode of dress. The plan had not always worked as the twins had

eeling the reaction from the shock of Jimmie Turnbull's tragic death

waiter at their table in

t, Miss McIntyre," he said, and indicated a you

f with a bow which included Clymer. "May I sit down?" la

ce?" Barbara's hospitable instin

took the liberty of introducing myself. We plan to run a story, featuring the dangers of masquerading in society, and of course it hinges on the death of Mr. Turnbull. I'm sorry"-he apologize

they?" s

you confronted him in the police court?" Parker drew out copy

in court," she stated finally. "

Parker. "How about your sister, Mi

" fa

ation. Abruptly he turned to Clymer, whose prominent position in t

e police court on Tuesday

adding, "I helped Dr. Stone carry Turnbull out

stion Barbara set down her goblet of water without care for its p

, raising his head in time to catch Barbara's eyes gazing steadfastly

ed. "Just one more question. Can you tell me if Mr. Philip Roche

er's blank expression, she added,

shed off the face of the globe." The reporter rose

tly on finding that Mrs. Brewster was standing just behind her. Had the widow by chance overheard her rem

out of town?" inquired Mrs. Brewster. "Why

explained Parker. "Thank you, Miss McIntyre; go

s eyes, but she dropped her gaze on her finger b

question was not addressed to any one in particular, but Colon

first trip Philip has made to Baltimore sinc

nker's response. "What's the matter, Miss

e air here is-is stifling. If you don't min

dly; and as she turned solicitously to aid Barbara she caugh

d, and, cautioning Barbara and the widow to remain where they were, he went back

of her father's limousine coming around McPherson Square. Not waiting to see what had become of her companion, Barbara started up the sidewalk

and their companions some yards away who were indulging in noisy talk as they hurried along.

"And then come back for Mrs. Brewster

ng his cap the chauffeur swun

itched on the electric lamp in the car and opened the note so myster

r H

call an inquest.

t it was in the handwrit

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