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The Extraordinary Adventures of Arsene Lupin, Gentleman-Burglar

Chapter 6 The Seven of Hearts

Word Count: 10306    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

estion: "How did you make the

w evidence that I produce, the interpretation that I place on certain acts of which the public has seen only the exterior manifestations without being

Why was I selected to be his historio

I was participant in one of his strangest and most mysterious adventures; and by chance that I was an actor in a drama of which he was the marvelous

y on that occasion to the unusual frame of mind in which I found myself on my return home. I had dined with some friends at the Cascade restaurant, and, the entire evening, whils

d in such a tragic manner on the frontier of Morocco-Jean Daspry and I returned on foot through the dark, warm night. When

you a

an i

no neighbors.... vacant lots....R

very cheering

se. The Saint-Martins have impressed me wi

good-night. I took out m

urmured, "Antoine has for

disagreeably oppressed by the darkness and silence of the night. I ascended the stairs on tiptoe, and rea

leted my reassurance. I laid down and, as usual, took a book from my night-table to read myself to sleep. Then I received a great surprise. Instead of the paper-knife wi

could have put it in that place? Nervo

happens, whatever you may hear, do not move, d

t, let me repeat, I was in an anomalous condition of mind, with my nerves set on edge by the events of the evening. Besides,

I read and re-read those threatening words: "Do not m

"It is a joke; the work

laugh. Who prevented me? What h

I could not do it. "Do not move, or you a

an the most positive realities; but why should I strugg

s, proceeding from a large room used by me as a library. A small ro

t was still moving. And I saw-oh! I saw quite distinctly-in the narrow space between the curtains and the window, a human form; a bulky mass that prevented the curtains from hanging straight. And it is equally certain that the man saw me through the

ammer that rebounded. At least, that was the impression formed in my confused brain. These were mingled with other sounds, thu

portion of my body, combined with discretion; for why should I struggle? Behind that man, there were t

was in constant fear of their renewal. And the man! The man who was guarding me, weapon in hand. My fearful eyes

r to me, passed along the boulevard; and, at the same time, I had an impression

d. Then I put one arm out of the bed, slowly and cautiously. My eyes were fixed upon the curtain, locating the exact spot a

t, I had been hypnotized by a fold of the curtain. And, during that time, the malefactors....Furiously, with an enthusiasm that nothing could have stopped, I turned the key, opened the door, crossed the antechamber, opened another door, and rushed into the

, I inspected the walls, I made a mental inventory of all the familiar objects. Nothing was missing. And, what was mo

ng my hands on my bewildered head, "su

d a card-an ordinary playing card. It was the seven of hearts; it was like any other seven of hearts in French playing-cards, with this slight but cur

book. But was not that sufficient to affirm

taste of its founder. The floor was a mosaic of multicolored stones, formed into large symmetrical designs. The walls were covered with a similar mosaic, arranged in panels, Pompeiian

it was probable that the men had entered through it, by the aid of a ladder. But, again, there was no evidence. The bottom of the ladder would

wrote a lengthy account of my adventure and it was published in the paper on the second day thereafter. The article attracted some attention, but no one took it seriously. They regarded it as a wo

w him up. He was a man of about forty years of age with a very dark complexion, lively features, and whose correct dress, slightly frayed, proclaimed a taste tha

p a copy of the `Gil Blas,' and read yo

nk y



re all the facts relate


I can, perhaps, give

ell; pr

e sure that the facts are exa

y word. What furthe

ain alone i

stand," I said,

aordinary coincidence with another case that came under my notice. If I am mistaken, I shall say

vous; but, at the same time, although somewhat astonished, I found nothing particularly abnorm

w much time do

onger. Three minutes fro

nutes. Why did I feel so depressed? Why did those moments seem so solemn and weird?

middle of the room, the man was lying on his left side, motionless. Blood was f

two feet from the body, upon the floor, I saw a playing-card. It was the seven of hearts. I p

he deceased; no name upon his clothes; no initial upon his linen; nothing to give any clue to his identity. The room was in the same perfect order as before. The furniture had not been disturbed. Yet this man had not come to my house solely for the purpose of

ast moment, an incident occurred that appeared to us of considerable importance. As two policemen were raising the body to place it on a st

such an impulse to the metallic industries in France. He lived in princely style; was the possessor of numerous automobiles, coa

e man's name?"

the S?reté le

ndermatt is a thin ma

hy thi



ectory, and then ask

im that Mon. Dudouis wished him to come at o

mstances had been explained to him, he was taken in to see the corpse. He displ



, yes.... by sight o

has a

see me once on some matter of b

does he

ive together-rue de

eason why he shoul


s hand. It was your c

ve been there by some chance that wil

t; and I felt that the others e

r the double discovery of the seven of hearts pierced with seven holes, after the two inscrutable events that had happened in my house, that visiting card promi

eatly surprised that my card should be found in such a p

gambling resorts, associating with a band of foreigners who had been dispersed by the police after a series of robberies in which their participation wa

concluded to waste no more time upon it. But Jean Daspry, whom I frequently met at that period, became more and more interested in it each day.

rfare, will be given in presence of the former Emperor at a place that will be kept secret unt

een the name of the sub-marine and the incidents which we have related? But a connection

spry to me. "The most diverse effect

wing foreign news item wa

French engineers, who, having sought, in vain, the support of their compatriots, s

erefrom has now come to an end, I must speak of the article that appeared in the `Echo de France,' which aroused so much comment at that time, an



n years ago, a young

vote his time and fort

he then held, and rent

e that had been recen

Through the agency o

assisted in the prel

financial agent, th

Andermatt, the founder

iews, he succeeded in

on which he was worki

nvention was perfecte

the Minister of Marin

tion of the government

ent visitor at Ande

er the various improv

one day, being satisfi

d Mon. Andermatt to

That day, Louis La

left there about hal

t been se

wspapers of that dat

used every possible i

t was the general opin

riginal and visionary

rts un

heory-improbable, tho

tion, which is a most

me of the plans of the

them away? Are

ough investigation,

plans are in existenc

brothers Varin. How

question not yet det

ed to sell them at an

to them would be cal

ar, and we can announc

e are now the propert

to publish the corr

thers and the represe

invented by Louis La

ed by our

ulfill the optimistic

rned in that t


orrespondent informs

f-Hearts' has not bee

he plans sold and d

lude the final docum

rmatt on the day of

spensable to a thoroug

ed a summary of the f

tes and figures not

document, the plans a

the plans, the doc

act and recover what

r, but we rely upon

to his interest to exp

strange and inscrutab

these facts at the t

o why he has never rev

ell known to him. He

e paid spies to watch

pect from him, not on

. Other

onsist? What whip was Salvator, the anonymous writer o

announced the scornful manner in which they were treated. There

not, he will be, henceforth, our colla

and examined it from every point of view with that exasperation that a person feels when walking in the dark and finding himself constantly falling over the same

ieur, who lives

but I do not

not locked,"


mbarrassing. She looked at Daspry, and I was obliged to introduce him. I asked her to be seated and explain the object of her visit. She raised her ve

e Andermatt

t!" I repeated,

nued with a voice and manner t

affair-you know. I thought I might

s already appeared in the papers. But if you

now....I do

ome poignant grief was concealed beneath that air of tranquility. For a mom

me to ask you a

he cried. "I

.. whatever those


Louis Lacomb

rough my

see him for

ng he dine

ng to lead you to believe that

ken of a trip to Ru

pected to se

dine with us,

xplain his di

ot expl

n. Ande


ished in the `Echo de

thers had something to d

t your


you base y

ers relating to his invention. Two days later, my husband, in a conversation wi

d not deno


y n

e in the satchel-something besid

t wa

of speaking, but, finally, rem

forming the police. He hoped to recover the papers and, at the same time, that compromising a

m, and o

er you,

, in par

ce. Daspry observed it; he paced to and fr

itten to Lo

husband had bus

be.... other letters? Excuse my insistence, but it is absolutely n

e replied

e into the possession



istence and threatened to publish them if my husband should take

ied to recover

ew with Alfred Varin, and after some harsh words between me and

u have nothing to lo

he would still love-oh! I am quite sure of that," she murmured, in a fervent v

?....But the two brot

sted of having a s


band discovered t


and has discovered

here w


I cried

isure hours, by making safes and locks. No doubt, the Varin brothers were aware of that fact and

d not live h

hey did not count on my husband, who came here on the night of 22 June, forced the safe, took what he was seeking, and left his card to inform the two brothers that he feared them no more, and that

oment, Da

..Has Mon. Andermatt sp


hanged in any way? Does he app

n't noticed

in my opinion, he has not got those letters, and i

as it,

ave felt from the beginning. It was he and his friends who entered this house on 22 June; it was he who discovered the hiding-place of the pape

" I asked,

ng evidence of that fact? Does he not mention in his letters certain details that no o

alarm, "he has my letters also, and it is he who no

u know and all you may hereafter learn. Your interest and his interest are the sa


cument that completes th


ble, procure the document for him. Wr

step would not aggravate the situation. If he were a stranger seeking to accomplish a particular purpose, he would attach to those letters only a secondary importance. Whatev

nt us the following letter that

ut I will get them. Rest easy.

e same handwriting as the note I fou

tor was, indeed, the or

e two seven-of-hearts. Perhaps I was unnecessarily concerned about those two cards whose seven punctured spots had appeared to me under such startling circumstances! Yet I could not refrain from asking myself:

oted all his attention to another problem which he consid

dvertence, perhaps. It is improbable that the Varin brothers would have removed fro

o he extended his investigations to the other rooms. He examined the interior and the exter

gave me the spade, kept the pickaxe, pointed

rmed by the walls of two neighboring proprietors, a small pile of earth and gravel, covered with briers and grass, attracted his attention. He attacked it. I

l piece of iron cut in the form of a rectangle, on which I thought I could see red spots. I stooped and picked it up. That little iron plate was the exact size of a playing-card, and the red

ugh of this. You can stay if it

burning sun? I know that I trembled as I walked away, and that I went to bed, where I remained forty-eight hour

y day, and remained three or four hours, which he s

" he said, from time to time, "they

eered me up. But a letter that I received that afternoon contributed, more than anything


act of which transpi

to a close. Force of

ipal actors in that dr

take place in your ho

use of it for this ev

e advisable to give

ng, and, perhaps, you

to the two adversar

your house on the ni

ur property. I feel

ld doubt, for one m

this affair.


equest. There was a charming display of confidence and candor in his language, and nothing

ft the house at eight o'clock. A few minutes

?" sa

garden gate unlocked,

are you g

intend to sta

asks you

be discreet, but I am resolv

, "you are right, and I shall stay w

ted by the sound

pry, "twenty minutes ahe

It was Madame Andermatt. She was faint and nerv

has an appointment.... they int

ou know?"

t dinner. The servant gave it to me by mistake. My husban


be at Boulevard Maillot with the papers connected with the affa

to your


about it?" asked Da

t Mon. Andermatt is one

for what

we are going

ehind the velvet chimney-mantle, and observe all that should happen in

ed. I was about to learn the key to the mystery. The startling events of the last few weeks were about to be explained,

ment! Whatever you may

to the close resemblance he bore to his brother Etienne. There was the

not please him. He took three steps in our direction, when something caused him to turn and walk toward the old mosaic king, with the flowing beard and flamboyant sword, which he examined minutely, mounting on a chair and following with

the banker. "Was it yo

ky voice that reminded me of his brother, "on the


by you, in whic

o you," declared

not wri

he unknown enemy who had drawn him into this trap. A second time, he looked in o

e are you g

his affair I don't like. I


. Andermatt. I have n

say to you, and this is


will no

e resolute attitude of t

n, be quic

he not a necessary party at this conference? Or was he satisfied to let these two adversaries fight it out between themselves?

tt approached Varin and, fac

nothing more to fear, you can answer me cand

As if I knew any

. You knew all about his plans and his work. And the last night I ever saw Louis Lacombe, when I parted w

has that to

were you and


e the papers and the plans that belonged to Lacombe and offere

that we found them on Louis Lacombe's ta

is a


will pr

not appeal

red the banker, with a s

u had the least certainty of our guilt, ou

o you suppose I ever gave thos

r me thousands of francs for their return? And why did

over th

soon as you had the letters in your possession, you

ly, but stopped s

over old ground. We make no headway. We

since you have referred to the letters, let me tell you that y

go when I


on. Andermatt.

you shal

suppress a cry of fear. Varin must have heard it, for he now tried to force his way

time, let me p


and, pointing it at


amazed. The shot was fired close to me. It was Daspry who had fired it at Varin, causing him to drop the

ry lucky. I fired at your hand

, surprised. Then he turne

g in your business; but, really, you play

n to Varin,

play fair, if you please. Hearts

h the seven red spots. It was a terrible shock to Varin. With livid features, staring

you?" h

er people's business, d

do you

brought he

ught n

ved an invitation to come here at nine o'clock, and bring with yo

ot understand; his manner was usually quite mild and conciliatory. Abso

pers ar



uis Lacombe and afterwards


e copies or t

the or

do you wan

ed thousan

y twenty thousand, and that was like money thrown into the

t understan

s are not

do you ask

offer you five thousan

and. Not a

who now turned to Mon

ndly sign a check

I haven'

k-book? He

examined the check-book

gasped. "How do

ur, if you please. You

n, filled out the check and signed

something more." Then, to the banker, he sa

ackage of

re they,

n't got

re they,

My brother had

hidden in

, you know wh


iding-place? You appear to be a

re not in the



he same person? Everything pointed to that conclusion. If so,

" repeate

got the seve

handing him the iron plate. Vari

, I wil

e coincided exactly with the two edges of the sword. Then, with the assistance of an awl which he introduced alternately into each of the seven holes, he pressed upon seven of the little mosaic ston

Varin, the s

y brother has take

rom the chair, approa

th me. There is another h

e is

y you want?


those letters worth the

d the bank

clicking sound, but this time, strange to relate, it was only a portion of the safe that revolved on the pivot, disclosing quite a small safe that was built within th

ready, Monsi


you received from Louis Lacombe-the one th


he document and the checks, and offered

t you wanted

ers that he had sought so eagerly. Then, with a nervous movement, he took them

business is ended. Oh! no thanks. It was only by a mere chan

ied with him the letters writte

hing is coming our way. Now, we have only to clos

y are-all

arefully, and then pla

u have kept your


t w

The money?" sai

l of assurance, my man. How

y what is

urning papers that you s

. He trembled with rage;

e twenty thousand

e! I need


nd don't get excited. I

cibly, that Varin uttered a

you the way. Ah! yes, we will go together to the vacant lot near here,

alse! That

om there. Louis Lacombe always carried it, and you buried it with the body-and

face with his ha

more. But I want to ask you one

t is

ttle casket in


on the night


id it c

t-a very pretty collection of diamonds and pearl

d you t

I did. Do y

appearance of that casket that c

e was not a sufficient motive. But the disappearan

g more: y

ith an idea of

y be turned. Today, you

ill b

so. Yo

ne Lu

ne Lu

ned by a heavy blow. Those two wo


ike this? No, it required the skill and cunning of Arsène Lupin. And now that

e bewildered Vari

ied, pushing aside the

hat's th


to inhale some salts, and, whil


s Lacombe that you g

his forehe

such a thing!...But, of course

rom his pocket a small package exactly similar

s, Madame. These are

. the o

band will not find anything objectionable in them, and will never suspec

e handw

dwriting that ca

witnessed the final scene between Varin and Arsène Lupin. But the surprising revelation caused me considerable embarras

farewell to


l send him to Morocco. There, he may find a death wo

e Lupin wi

is simply at the threshold of

pt him, and, leading him away from the

ller safe yourself-the on

enough! But the simplest things are the ones that usually escape our notice." Then, showing me the seven-of-hearts, he added

you gue

rmation, I knew that fact when I ca

you lef

obbery which were sure to reduce you to such a nervous condition that you wou

e worked p

and that the seven-of-hearts was the key to that lock. I had merely to place the card upon th

e h

he fellow

ld emp

representation of the king o

one time and the smaller safe at another time? And why did you open only

ed the position. But, yesterday, I observed that by reversing the card, by turni


But a person has to t

d not know the history of those

ides the casket, nothing but the correspondence of the two bro

tigate the history of the two brothers, and then to searc

y by c

ose did you ma

spry, laughing, "how dee

ect fasci

matt to a carriage, and dispatched a short story to the `

erved to amuse and mystify the public. Who does not recall the sensa

s of the engineer Louis Lacombe, he has placed them in the hands of the Minister of Marine, and he has headed a subscription list for

of Mon. Andermatt?" I exclaimed, whe

right that Varin should

s none other than Arsène Lupin, gentleman-thief. That is how I formed very agreeable ties of friendship with that famous

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