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The Fairy Ring

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 1304    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

s, which troubled Finette. At noon he returned without his flock,

to boil, and call me when the broth is ready." Saying this he stretched himself on the bed t

knife, and called Yvon. She pricked his littl

id Finette; "now hel

en took Yvon by the hand, and led him through the three antechambers, where she ran in a mold three bullets of g

w himself in the country. "Explain yourself,

f we do not quit this wretched island

ed Yvon laughing, "and

giant stretched his limbs, half open

boil," answered the first

ur or two longer. Then he stretched his limbs, half opened o

swered the second dro

r. Then he yawned, stretched his great limbs,

swered the third drop

and looked around to see who had spoken;

d he, "why isn't

seized a ladle, which looked like a caldron with a pitchfork

alted it. What sort of a soup is thi

quite all boiled to pieces. At this sight he fell int

ve played a fine trick on me

a quarter of an hour he discovered the two fugitives still far from the seasho

embling. Yvon clasp

e sea is not far off; we shal

nting to the giant not a hundred yards off;

bullet and threw it

llet, save

giant on

and an enormous fissure, a bottomless pit, stopped the gian

rm of Yvon, who was gazing at the giant wit

and flung it across the gap. The branches of the oak nearly crushed the children as it fell. The giant seated himself astride the huge tree, which bent under his weight, and crept slowly a

rave, picked up stones to attack the giant, and to sell his life dearly. Finet

let, bright

m this frig

wings. Yvon and Finette plunged into the sea; a rope was thrown them by an invisible hand; and when the furious gi

long the shore; he flung huge masses of rock after the vessel, which happily fell by the side of it, and only made great black holes in the water; and, finally, mad with anger he plunged head foremost into the sea, and began to swim after the ship with frightful speed. At each stroke he advanced fo

let, bright

m this frig

o scarcely had time to dive, chased him under the water, pursued him on the top of the waves, followed him closely whichever way he turned, and forced him

!" cried Yvon,

venge on me the insult offered to her godson. My art tells me, my dear Yvon, that if you quit me a


nd not of a hero! Am I not here? Am I going to abandon you? Do you believe th

nette laughed in turn at th

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