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The Forge in the Forest

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 2306    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

White P

were in sight, sprawling in indolent attitudes under the shade of a wide water-maple. In their midst, at the foot of the tree, lay a woman bound securely. She was huddled together in a posture of hopeless despair;

n maid! 'Ti

he was so tied to another tree that she might have no comfort or companionship of her sister,-for I needed now no telling to convey it to me t

for sending to our aid this madman Gr?l,-whom, in my heart, I now graciously absolved from the charge of madness. Seeing the Black Abbé'

ered to Marc. "Come away

lling back softly for a space of several rods, we paused in a thicket to take counsel. As soo

because they have plainly been ordered to part the child from his moth

me," said Marc. "How did he

my heart is stirred mightily by that poor mother's pain. I tell you, lad,"-and I looked diligently to the p

, thought now rather of his li

t what is to be done now, t

And sitting down upon a fallen tree, I buried my face in my hands. Marc, the while, waited with what p

an overmatch for the four redskins. But there was much at stake, with always the chance of accident. And, moreover, these Indians were a

of peace. I will endeavour to ransom the prisoners. These Micmacs are mightily avaricious, and may yield. It

Marc looked v

o to their four, and we put the whole issue at hazard. And as for their being of our pa

ere be ready with your pistols. I will approach openly by the water side and enter into parley with them. If I can buy the captives, well and good. If they deny me, we quarrel. You will

I like not this plan. The danger is all yours. And

for you, as you won't be long away from me when the fight begins,-if it comes to a fight

he. And turning away, he crept toward his post. For me, I made a circuit, in leisurely fashion, and came out upon th

me with black suspicion, but no hostile movement, as I strode straight up to them and greeted, fairly enough but

sly upon a rock, "seeing that you had a chief hand in the outra

gesture of authority. "Wait!" said I; and he paused doubtfully. "I have no grudge against you for that," I went on. "You but obeyed your master's orders faithfully, as

zzled, while his fellows gru

ant?" he as

l unmoving, the face still hidden under that pathetic splendour of loosened hair. Prudence I could no

som these prisoner

ach other, but the coppery masks o

aid the chief, with

"Then how will they profit you? If you wanted thei

igure beneath the maple. I felt that her eyes were watching me from behind that sumptuous v

ding. "They are useless to you except for ransom. I will give

avage was

" he repeated, s

bring them to him. And what will you get? A pistole or two for each! But I wil

eagerness, and muttered something in Micmac, which I could not understa

here till I fetch the gold, and I will deliver i

de with an air of settling the

e girls not

to my

your rascal priest. I offered to buy when I might have taken! N

t hand rested upon a pistol in my belt. I

asty aim at me; but before he could pull the trigger my second pistol blazed in his face, and he dropped, while his weapon, exploding harmlessly, knocked up some mud and grass. I saw Marc chase his antagonist to the canoes at the point of his sword, and prick him lightly for the more speed. But at the same instant, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the savage whom Marc's shot had brought down struggle again to his feet and swing his hatchet. With a yell I was u

nto the shade, and anxi

I found that the blow had not only grievously

in this campaign, dear lad, unless they put it off till

the same as ever?" he asked, somewh

trouble about that," said I

w, I cast about in my mind for a bandage; and I looked at the prisoner beneath the maple. Marc first, court

oor little feet softly to one side, with a stammered, "Your pardon, Madame, but the need is instant!" I slit off a breadth of the soft white stuff with my sword. And I was astonished to feel

ils that the hurt was beginning to agonize, but the dear lad never winced under my fingers, and I commended him heartily as a brave patient.

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