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The Scarlet Pimpernel


Word Count: 2159    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

n: a cool, balmy, late summer's night, essentially English in its

ich had been sent down to Dover a couple of days before, were just sufficiently fresh and restive to add zest to the expedition and Marguerite revelled in anticipation of the few hours of solitude, with the soft night breeze fanning her cheeks, her thoughts wandering, whither away? She knew from old experience that Sir Percy would speak little, if at all: he had often driven her on his beautiful coach for hours at nigh

tle bedrooms, Mr. Jellyband had quite a few important guests: the Comtesse de Tournay, with Suzannne, and the Vicomte, and there were two more be

ed in the coffee-room, before the huge log-fire, which, in spite

ord Tony, as the worthy landlord still bus

as you se

r servants g

," added Mr. Jellyband with a laugh, "I exp

here undisturbed

. and your rooms are quite ready . . . I sleep at the top of the house mysel

lamp out-the fire'll give us all the light we n

', my

ut the quaint old lamp that hung from the r

e of wine, Jelly,"


quite dark, save for the circle of ruddy and fitful l

s he returned with a bottle of wine and a co

y, thanks, Jelly!

my lord! Good


he passage and staircase. Presently even that sound died out, and the whole of "The Fisherman

fee-room, save the ticking of the old grandfath

time, Ffoulkes?" ask

nd seeing therein, no doubt, a pretty, piquant face, with large

, still musing



ntly as he poured himself

, whether you found the jo

ask," replied Sir Andrew,

. "She's a bonnie lass, though she IS a French one. And here

e last drop, then joined h

lf from his meditations, "you and Hastings, certainly; and I hope you may have as pleasa

whilst a sudden earnestness crept over his jovial young face, "how about business?" The two young men dre

ed cart, under which the Comtesse de Tournay, Mlle. Suzanne, and the Vicomte lay concealed among the turnips and cabbages. They, themselves, of course, never suspected who their driver was. He drove them right through a line of soldiery and a yelling mob, who were screaming, 'A bas les aristos!' But the market cart go

n that of his friend, could only find an oath or t

said Sir Andrew, more quietly, "on the 2nd of nex


f the Scarlet Pimpernel's ingenuity, is now under sentence of death. It will be rare sport to get HIM out of France, and you will have a narrow escape, if you get through at all. St. Just has actually gone to meet him-of

special instru

ned to discover the identity of our leader, so that he may have him kidnapped, the next time he attempts to set foot in France. This Chauvelin has brought a whole army of spies with him, and until the chief has sampled t

hey tried to read it by the dim red firelight. So intent were they upon this, so wrapt up in the cause, the business they had so much at heart, so precious was this document which came from the very hand of their adored leader, that they had eyes and ears only for that. They lost count of the sounds around them, of the dropping of the crisp ash from

ns and commit them to memory," sa

t, when a tiny slip of paper fluttered from it and fel

that?" h

ow," replie

ust now. It certainly does not s

there? It is from the chief," h

h a few words had been hastily scrawled, when suddenly a slight noise

t very moment he received a stunning blow between the eyes, which threw him back violently into the room. Simultaneously the crouching,

r chance to utter a cry or to make the faintest struggle. They were each seized by two men, a muffler was quickly tied r

he door; he wore a mask and now stood motio

men, as he took a final survey of the

or; "now search their pockets and

vidently satisfied that this dastardly outrage had remained unheard, he once more opened the door and pointed peremptorily down the passage. The four men lifted Sir Andrew and Lor

r of this daring attempt was quickl

uietly took off his mask, and his pale, fox-like eyes gli

y scrap of paper which the two young men had only just had time to read; but one

arguerite Blakeney," he added viciously between his clenched tee

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