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The Go Ahead Boys on Smugglers' Island


Word Count: 1652    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

vinced that some one had taken the skiff and probably was not far away, as it would be impossible for any o

when the boys returned they discove

id in a low voice. "D

ief time Fred said quickly, "Yes,

I have been sure of it for two or three minutes, but I have not been

which steadily sounded nearer. A few minutes only had passed before

erly. "Probably George and Grant are on board

t least not yet. We had better wait h

twenty feet of the shore. There the power was shut off and the course slightly reversed, so th

steering. They were aware that at least three were on board for they saw plainl

He was sharply recalled, however, by Mr. Button, who once more urged the boys to remain behind th

-boat to the shore. Without using his oars the boat soon ground on the beach and when the occ

arcely glancing behind him, at once passed swiftl

he house," said Fre

"Shall we follow him?" He had t

thing for us to do is to take t

hail the other fellows before we do that though? W

r. Button, "but don't ma

es and taking his stand on the shore ca

e the response fr

are here," r

gly came from some one

o we are. That's you


," responded John. "Wait a m

er but before they had taken their seats Mr. Button

to stay very long

t," said Mr. Button, "

the stern of the little skiff. A moment later the little boat was alongside the Ga

erly into their faces and plainly surprised

right away,"

r?" dema

t the only thing for us to do is to get away from this i

sn't belong to us

for the day? Didn't you pay the man to bring you out t


done all he agr


ne and ten o'clock at night. We have been cheated out of a good deal of our day by the

n and after a brief silence, John said, "I don't believ

," said Mr. Button. "

on with the boys, Mr. Button had hauled in the

wheel and as soon as the power was turned on the speedy, little

wever, before they heard

re you doing with that motor-boat? Co

r. Button caused all th

louder than before and in tones of o

her aground! I'll have you arrested

ice of the mate as the one which had ordered them to return with the boat. They were aware also that the charge he ha

trouble, but just now there's nothing else to be done. You can put the whole blame on me, for I'm the one that took the Gadabout. I'm steering her

e, but it was evident from the tones of the voice that th

I'll give you ten doll

few minutes had elapsed before the Gadabout had passed bey

mond Island loomed before them. Then changing his course he guided the swift, little craft on a line parallel with the shore. The boat was moving southward and all fo

e stern seemed almost to glow with light. There was excitement for the boys in the m

sland was passed and then to the amazement of the boys the course was not changed. The Gadab

," called George anxiously. "This is

r. Button, without glancing behind

in the wrong directi

once more. "I know what I am doin

ll were aghast at the unexpected turn of events, however, was manifest to all, but the little Gadabout, as if

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