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The Golden Bough

Chapter 2 ENIGMA

Word Count: 3519    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

hung loosely from his lean square shoulders, to a point midway between hip and knee. His hair was dark and long and wis

in, thin and impalpable, to the square chin which was thrust out aggressively as

rasov?" he asked in a

, Kirylo Ivanitch

glanced quickly


was much in need of

ed the other.

to join h

Albert relaxed and he seemed to give a gasp of

od. Even here, all about us----" He broke off s

lo. But I

e in. "You shall be made comfortable fo

ubts of the girl as to the hospitality which might be accorded him, the fugitive now saw no reason to suspect the intentions of

e refuses charity or alms to any seeker after Liberty, even tho

r," said the sol

er had passed through the door into the main building beyond. In the brief moment of passing them, the American experienced the same sense of vague hostility as that which had first greeted him in the man Ivanitch, a querulous attitude of anxious suspici

Russian reached the room beyond the kitchen, he motioned the Légionnair

he real Chartreuse, made years ago by the monks not many leagues from here-

ed his host and h

to steal and go upon my way," he smiled. "And so your ki

pleasantly. "You shall have a bed, a night of s

btless to keep people out. But in helping me, Monsieur,

irylo Ivanitch uttered the word. "May God grant her help--for she

ked. "If it will give you courage to fight with steel and bullets, I will t

"I know. It is written. So muc

"The same end, but with different means----" And then, with

ened as for the first time he

our name,


zled over the pro

I am an


r was Ita

ppens it that you are

ke adventure. And so when the war broke ou

young devils. It is madness

rance m

suddenly, "You join t

ut the girl Tanya, who had stood b

itch. Is it not better that I show him

as already restore

hand and Tanya Koras

ll learn to think over there. And then you will be able to help wit

-naturedly at the persis

and noble family. But in Ameri

t is im

le, turned slowly and fastened upon the uniform of the Légionnaire, the shoc

onsieur Rowlan'. Your un

ave worn it ever since. The Boches do not t

e, then, a prisoner

hair, his bony hands clasping its

weeks ago, ye

ain. He felt the black eyes, now almost hidden under the dark bushy brows, burning into his own. And while he could no

peated quickly. "And you come he

h a smile which concealed his growing curiosity. "I do

hat you should come h

ead quickly. The girl Tanya

aping soldier who has passed through t

rasov--he did not stay----"

ose from his c

, Monsieur, if you

of the house, but the girl stood before him and faced her compatrio

e! That you should be so inhospitable! The man is dead upon his feet

brushing his hair back with a wild gesture. "You were a

ess? What was the meaning of this extraordinary conversation? What the significance of this sudden and strange

ged and smiled aga

like a dog upon a railroad. I was chained to the man next

ocent explanation was

not tell you so? A slave--an escaping slave--here at Nemi. L


he mystery of this strange couple and the house of the walled garden. The girl Tanya crossed the room swiftly and noiselessly and laid her hand upon the arm of Kirylo Ivanitch

Would he not have broken IT at once? Who was to have prevented him

or him to remain,"

weary fugitive. But you shall not turn a loyal ally of Russia out into the night. Tomorrow he shall go forth and you shall send him, refreshed

at her,

m nowhere. I wish h

od her ground, c

civilian clothing and he will go upon his way

. But Destiny is too str

his bony fingers th

t cannot be,"

day they are coming--the conference

He shall

ugh to atone for the strange conduct o

works too hard, all day, and most of the night. You would und

oiselle, if Monsieur still desi

s they turned, Kirylo Ivanitch fled past them silently and out into the darkness of the night. T

the words had been stifled upon her lips and shrugged lightly. "I can tell you nothing--but on this I am reso

essed it to his lips. And

here, Mademoiselle, God grant you success in it. And for the part of one soul

said easily, though she flush

have made me once more a gent

be tomorrow?" sh

arden, came suddenly upon the sweetness of her lips and gave them new lines of lov

his dark eyes, and turned quickly aw

eur," she said decisively. "

o longe

ving toward the stairw

, and led the way up the stairs, her soft

n a villa, and more like a monastery than either. The girl led the way and opened at last a door near the end of the corridor, entering the room and setting the candle upon a table. In the flickering light which cast its shadows upward along her face

morning you will find a change of clothing upon the chair

e asked.

s, you shall bolt this door upon the inside." And as he turned t

o response. And so h

s you desire,

a word, sh

l he heard them no more, when he closed the heavy door, bolted it and sank upon t

intellectual power and doubtless held his sway as the official director of some sort of propaganda for the freedom of Russia, but his deference to the wishes of the girl made it also evident that she too was high in his councils. His niece? His cousin? Or was their relation something nearer, something----? Impossible. The man was fifty, the girl young enough to be his daughter. A relationship purely intellectual, more deeply welded by the bonds of a cognate p

leansed himself to be worthy of the immaculate linen, then blew out the light and with a sigh of delight at the luxury of sheets, he crawled into bed and tried to relax. He had thought o

ite wand which accomplished the impossible. She was pure, she was beautiful and had happened long ago, before--before his rather variegated career across two continents. This new Tanya was a part of the night, a gracious

ed to pause just at his door. Then a murmur as though of voices in a low tone. Once he fancied the knob of his door was tried by a stealthy hand.

ier Rowland was merely aware of a devouring curiosity. But presently

lexed him, and it was a moment before he realized where he was. No sound but the murmur of insects outside the house and the sighing of a breeze. What had

ved forward slowly a few steps, peering from right to left and then darted suddenly around to the other side of the da?s, but always eager and watchful, near the mound of earth. Rowland seemed to identify the figure by its broad bent shoulders and shuffling walk as Kirylo Ivanitch. As the American watched, he saw the Russian turn and walk slowly toward the house. Bene

ned away from the window and went

red to himself. "

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