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The Third Officer

CHAPTER X Investigations

Word Count: 3760    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

rose. In spite of the unusual stability of his hard bed—it was the first night he had slept ashore for nearly fo

e, as Branscombe lifted a tousled head from

ed the Third Officer. "Come along, let's se

the edge of the cliff. The reek of wood-fires mingled with the soft, cool air. Already in three separate canvas-screened

athered another day, old t

t's so. Hope we'll be able t

d Phil. "Miss Vivian told me last night that you nearl

y about it?"

it, only

s side of things. I wouldn't mind betting that she'll disobey orders, and show a sp

formed the "galley ". As they did so a grimy, laughing face with a mass of cropped h

," observed Phil. "Wonder if s

well, but honestly I don't like the look of things. There's something very fishy about the way that scoundrel Porfirio is treating us. This sort of

rogress was barred by the sheer descent of cliff. It was hardly what Burgoyne had expe

diverging shorewards until towards the north-eastern and south-western points of the island the lagoon narrowed to about one hundred yards. On the northern face of the island the coast was but slightly indented, the cliffs being of almost uniform height. But on the western side there was a bay of considerable width, bo

rities responsible for the safety of the secret base deemed the frowning cliffs to be sufficient protection. An ar

ently contemplating the view, sta

explore that b

smooth. There's not a single niche in it. Y

said Burgoyne. "But I mean

rope?" asked

under our clothes. Then at night, or at any odd time if it comes to that, we can make up a rope long enough to

ght. There's a mighty sharp Chink in charge of the stores in the workshops, and he takes care to count every b

th Officer pointed in the direction of the conical hill which had attracted

the two block-houses, but from the hill as well. A few minutes before the flat top of the hill was seemingly bare. Now a tall flag-staff had

or, I wonder?"

I should imagine, since there's no wind. See anything s

" hazarded Branscombe. "Wh

of hers," replied Burgoyne. "But I don't fancy

and that other craft, and they would have had ou

pirate, is no fool. If the island made use of it its position could be fixed by directional wireless, and tha

n the last occasion when the Malfilio made the harbour, three heavy columns of smoke were rising. That was the pre-arranged s

ted," remarked Branscombe. "The

ee her negotiate the reefs, but if we are to have any breakfast we must be getting back. Talking of grub, old thing, reminds me: I'm goi

flagstaff on the observation hill had been lowered, while a

immense height. Then, shutting off the motors, it volplaned steepl

"Pity we weren't in the Royal Air Force. Old man, we've

ar the seaplane one dark night, and be in Honolulu before daybreak. However, I st

rom Honolulu?" as

of the Nor'east Trades. No, Honolulu's dead off as far as sailing there is concerned. I'd make for the Marshall Islands,

s not present for this function. He rarely was, according to Captain Davis, since he had a strong aversion to early rising. But the under-officer,

provide fish for the Donibristle's crew. Later on Burgoyne found out that this was to be done every third day, th

" decided Burgoyne. "You fellows k

t in for a soft job". Knowing Burgoyne to be a smart officer who never spared himse

resembled Burgoyne wore the Third Officer's drill coat and cap, while the latter in his shirt sleev

unnel to the beach. Alwyn suspected that the fishing operations would be conducted from the rocks,

air-tanks under the side benches, while, differing from the majority of ship's lifeboats, i

e heavy chain securing the boat—it was the endmost

e," said the Chinaman. "You go lo

lacrity. He was all out to find things, and the more he learnt of the positio

eptionally stout hasp and padlock. Within were four of the pirates playing cards, while two more were watchin

amped to the walls. On these brackets were several oars of various sizes, boat-hooks, and light spars. Overhead, resting on the beams supporting the roof-trusses, were boats' masts a

d, selecting what he took to be the masts and sails belonging to the lifeboat, he lowered

fficer's approach. By the time the former had finished his conversation, Burgoyne an

o makee sailee. Takee um back velly

nt. He had found out at the first attemp

he truck of the mast with considerable

boarding," he soliloqui

by the side of the lifeboat's masts and sails, so that they would be invisible from the

d, two might perform the operation if there were rollers to assist in the launching. Then, again, there

scrambled on board. The oars were shipped, and with long easy

s glances at the old Donibristle, on board of which Branscombe's party were unloadi

Then he added something in Chinese, and the Oriental seated aft solemnly held up a

captors the slip. When he did he would take good care that his revolver, which was n

signed for the men to continue rowing, and steered towards th

trance when viewed from seaward. He wondered which of the two channels was the main approach; the northern one was the broader, but the boat was

f, pierced by a deep channel through which at that moment the Malfilio was returning. She was moving slowly, but before the lifeboat had rounded the south-eastern point of the

He was now for the first time making the acquaintance of the southern side of the island, and if the boat carried on

plenished every five minutes or so. Alwyn found himself speculating upon what was in the mind of this inscrutable-faced Oriental. Was he gloating over the fact that he was now a

arely thirty yards in width. The spray from the surf-thrashed reef descended in cooling showers upon the perspiring rowers. The grating of the

hooked promontory that Burgoyne had previously seen from the compound. Passing between the steep headland and the rounded islet that

oars. The boat glided another fifty yards bef

ishee," he said. "No cat

, took the opportunity to secrete one pair of rowlocks in a little locker in the bo

e failed to recognize, took the bait with avidity, and all four men were constantly h

the cliffs, although smooth and projecting towards the top, were considerably rugged at the base, a fact that Burgoyne had been unable to notice from his point of vantage on the brink of the precipice. There were one or two caves, but of what extent, and whether their

k, sir," observed one of the men,

runs across the Pacific, Minalto would amuse and astonish his messmates by his feats of strength. He could break a "nickel" between the tips of the thumb and forefinger of either hand; snap a piece of whipcord on the muscles of his arms or legs; but his show piece was to bend the galley poker by striking it against his bare forearm. Ye

nce would baulk you,

ly hauled a struggling fish

I'd scale the fence at Star Castle, down at home, a

t this was the man he wanted. When the opportunity occurred, the Scilly Islander would be the man ch

ing "Muchee finee; upee anchor ", announced tha

urgoyne's "catch" was the smallest, but he had obtained some very useful informat

ock when, on emerging out of the tunn

fish," exclaimed the pirate angrily.

of the Donibristle's crew were still l

nstead of work the crane, I'll have you beaten till you cannot st

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