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The Third Officer

The Third Officer


CHAPTER I The S.S. Donibristle

Word Count: 2690    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

now, and the rasping sound of the derrick chain, the last of the cargo for No. 3 hold of the S.S.

t, boss," observed t

mp, making a cryptic notation in the "hold-book". "Right-o; all shipshape

then, clambering over a triple tier of closely-stowed packing-cases,

my, rusty iron deck and the welter of coal-dust and snow trampled into a bl

re was ever threatened was removed for all time, the Admiralty were compelled to make drastic reductions both in personnel and material. Numbers of promising young officers, trained from boyhood to the manners and customs of ships flying the White Ensign, had been "sent to the beach", or, i

hip when the "cut" came. Without loss of time he had sat for and obtained first a Mate's and then a Master's Board of Trade Certificate, and with thes

ain point it was a regrettable promotion, since Alwyn had to step into a dead man's shoes. But Roberts, the Third Officer, disap

n and Chinese Shipping Company via a wind-jammer and a Barry collier, was appointed as Fourth Off

Nanaimo coal; the last of her cargo-mostly Canadian ironmongery a

y aft, his india-rubber sea-boots slithering and squelching on the

attracted by the arrival of three people who were on the point of stepp

e of the deck-was a lady, evidently his wife. The third member of the party, disdaining any extraneous support either animate or inanimate, was a girl of about nineteen or twenty. She wore a long fur travelling coat, a clos

Burgoyne. "Didn't know we

ranscombe in a low tone. "Dear old

g on the frozen snow in the midst of his homily, measured his len

way out of which opened the officers' cabins. Here they e

room, steward?" asked Burgoyne. "Thanks-by t

's a Mr. Tarrant, a Mr. Miles, Colonel and Mr

said Alwyn, as he hurried off to the bathroom to rem

tish Columbian and Chinese Shipping Company for the officers to dine with the captain and passengers in the saloon. Although the Donibristle was primarily a cargo-boat, she had accommodation for twelve passen

s chum by two minutes, was taking huge mouthfuls of bread and jam, and drinking copious draughts of tea with the rapidity of a man who never knows when he will be interrupted by t

" inquired

s draw with Oxf

ard-played game in which Sub-Lieutenant Burgoyne, R.N., was one of the United Service team.

g cats and dogs in Melbo

rld of sport that were taking place in almost diametr

mouldy messmate. Hand over half

eer. "There's another boat missing-a week overdue. That's

r. "Wasn't that the vessel we sighte

icer of the wat

nces. If the Alvarado had sent out an S.O.S. we should have got it, I suppose. What's the distance-ah, here's ou

outh who had just entered the mess-room. His uniform

styn, who then proceeded with the characteristic fervour of a wi

a jovial laugh. "You've floored me. I feel like that young Ca

at?" inquire

y mortal thing in the engine-room-twenty-five minutes steady chin-wag. And when I'd finished he just a

e. We can dismiss the mine theory. Fritz didn't try that game on in the North Pacific, and it's hardly likely that the mine laid by

e. "We had it a bit stiff just about th

stic purser. "Wireless and other scienti

man!" interru

th Officer pushed aside his cup and plate, struggled into his greatcoat, and left the mess-room. It was his job to s

and thumb-marked novels. A few, Burgoyne amongst them, retired to the more secluded part of the room in o

ed Withers, breaking

d Holmes, the purser. "Boiled shir

s?" inquired Withers wit

rser severely. "We haven't a full passenger list, but we've

they?" as

er I should imagine. There's a Mr. Tarrant. He's in the Consular Service, and is bound for Kobe. The last is Mr. Miles. I don't

" replied the wireless officer, "abo

Withers, making a precipitate rush for the door.

have done," observed Holmes. "Get a move on, you fellows. Nothing like p

rtable, well-equipped apartment. Electric lights in frosted glass bulbs with amber shades threw a warm, subdued light upon the long table. The snow-white table-cloth looked dainty with glitt

d been twice in collision and torpedoed on four occasions; yet, until the surrender of the German Fleet, he had never set eyes on a Hun submarine. He was inclined to be irritable as a result of the nervous strain

His features were clear cut, but a rather heavy chin and a military moustache gave the casual observer an impression that the colonel was a severe and ste

equently Alwyn Burgoyne, far down the table, saw but lit

ext to him was Miles, an undersized, white-faced individual with an unlimited amount of "push an

ent, and mannerisms all pointed to the undeniable fact that he hailed from the Clyde. Five feet ten in height, broad-shouldered, rugged-featured, and

the extreme. Whenever a subscription list came round for some worthy cause-usually for the widow or dependent of one of the company's former servants-the scrawled initials "J. A." invariably appeared for a substantial amount from Jock Angus's funds. I

set of engines and guarantee a good head of steam. He had been in charge of the Donibristle's engines for tw

wing that his confidence would be respected, and that the advice he received was blunt, sympathetic, and sound, while the relat

ercantile Marine, without which the British Empire would crumble into the dust. Most of them have already been brought to the reader's notice; and since it is yet

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