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The Joy of Captain Ribot

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 2924    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

of the lady who had been on the point of drowning the night before. In strict truth, the one whom I thought of was the daughter. Those eyes were of the kin

ere stopping at the Iberia. So I wen

ou should see them?" th

lady) had rested fairly well and that the doctor, who had just gone, found her better than he had expected. Do?a Cristina (the young lady) was perfectly well. I left my card and we

of a violet color, and her black hair was half-imprisoned by a white cap with violet

expressed, if not all the gratitude we feel, at least a part. But it is better that you have come-and yet the letter was not wh

here there was an alcove wh

s the gentleman who saved yo

sed sighing and sobbing, with words between that I cou

ts extremely having caus

d run no danger at all; but even i

d from the alcove va

you a tablespoonful of

I exclaimed

, laughing. "Mamma uses that remedy a great deal, and makes us all take it too.

I did as Do?a Cristina requested, and was im

she announced, darting a mischievous g

ut. "I believe it will do me good

and struggled to keep from lau

the way to become a

ntelligible sounds

to your wife, and advises you not

wife. I am

Do?a Cristina had the

r father, nor brothers or sis

I do not know what qualities of a husband the lady could have observed in me, except facility in grasping and sliding down a cable. I responded that surely I desired nothing else; but up to now no occasion had presented itself.

d my gaze upon the smili

l thought thereupon

his own pleasure, and if the Captain has not married

have not cared to marry up to the present, but I cannot

t you may get a very handsome wife and a half

" I ex

with her as if I had known her for years. She invited me to seat myself on the sofa, seating herself th

effects of the chill. The only thing to be feared was the nervous shock. Her mamma was very nervous; her heart troubled her, and nobody could say what might be the consequences of that terrible shock

, we are V

med. "Then we are almost compat

un who was her mother's sister. They had had this intention for years, and had never carried it into effect before, on account of the length and discomfort of the journey. At last they ha

balmy and tranquil air. The sea does not terrify as it does here; it is bluer and its foam is whiter and lighter. There the birds sing with notes more dulcet and varied; there the breeze caresses at night as by day; there the delicious fruits, that in other parts are in season only in the heat of summer, ar

gentle and profound I had ever seen, spa

wolf! You speak like a poet. I am almost tempted to beli

rses or prose; but you will pardon me for saying that those eyes of yours revived i

nt; she regarded me with more curiosity than gratificat

you are commanding-d

Usually we run between

p here is for

e damages from a little fire o

ow long they proposed

d to meet my husband; but now it is necessary to postpone going on account of what has happened. At all eve

ght be married? I cannot account for it to this day. And conceding it to be the case, why should the information cause such a bitter emotion when it concerned a person whom I was only just beginning to be acquainted with? I cannot acc

r husband with natural and friendly interest. She told me that he was called Emilio Martí, and was one of the partners in the shipping house of Castell and Martí,

have no

he responded, b

where they had always lived; through the winter in the city

. I spoke of my satisfaction in placing myself a

ession was soon dissipated, as I talked with acquaintances and went about my affairs. But all through the day the figure of Do?a Cristina was constantly present to my imagination. I adore women who are slender and white, with great black eyes.

ved me with even greater cordiality, putting her finger to her lips and asking me to speak in whispers like herself, for her mother was

), until they have finished her wig she

g! Yes, I r

ou tore it off, wicked on

esee! It is fortunate that I did

ame time to laugh noiselessly. A moment later she sa

am going to have some break

an untruth. While the maid was getting the table ready in the room where we were, we continued our chat, our mutual confidence steadily growing. All through the breakfast she treated me with a cordiality so frank and hospitable that it

the night of the accident. She laughed heartily and promised to make it up to m

to make you forget the tripe of Se?ora Ramona. I s

I hope to show you, in the course of time, that apart from these hours of tripe and snai

dalous style, inviting me not to dissimulate my tru

Fancy yourself breakfasting with a

tion for that. The pilot is sq

than the wine or the chat. Although we talked in whispers and checked our laughter, occasionally there escaped me an indiscreet note. Do?a

ty, relating my history, which was simple enough. We discussed the pleasu

it makes me afraid and sad. If you could see how often

omen to the sea," I remarked, h

are very beautiful. I have a little cousin named Isa

iful than yours?" I

o account," she an

hing on all this eastern coast, among all the beautiful ones that there abound. They ar

, without raising her eyes from the tablecloth. Then she s

l, have you not? But on board th

urn. Without responding to her

We are not versed in etiquette, but our intentions mus

continued our chat with the same cor

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