The King of Ireland's Son
o where the King of Ireland's Son was huddled and said, "I am now goi
wn and he could not see the bottom, so deep the well was. "At the bottom," said the Enchanter "is the Ring of Youth. You must get it
t him with deep dread in her eyes. "What task did my father set you to-day?" said she. "He bids me go down into a well," said the King's Son. "A well!" said Fedelma, and s
down the sides of the well. You must kill me. Take my bones and make them as steps while you go down the sides. Then, when you have taken the Ring of Youth out of
"It must be," said she, "and by all your vows and promises I command that you do it. Kill me now and do as I have
and he found the Ring of Youth. He brought the bones together again. Down on his knees he went, and his heart did not beat nor
in its place-the joint of my little finger." She held
me when Aefa and Gilveen brought you to them. Now the three tasks are done, and you can ask my father for one of his daughters
u, Fedelma, love of my heart,"