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The Last Of The Barons, Volume 10.


Word Count: 2230    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

e French court threw Gloucester into one of those convulsive passions of rage, to which, with all his intellect and dissimulation, he was sometimes subject, by the news of

ddenly risen in the North, at the head of a formidable rebellion. No man had so large an experience in the warfare of those districts, the temper of the people, and the inclinations of the various towns and lordships as Montagu; he was the natural chief to depute against the rebels. Some animated discussion took place as to the dependence to be placed in the marquis at such a crisis; but while the more wary held it safer, at all hazards, not to leave him unemployed, and to command his services in an expedition that would remove him from the neighbourhood of his brother, should the latter land, as was expected, on the coast of Norfolk, Edward, with a blindness of conceit that seems almost incredible, believed firmly in the infatuated loyalty of the man whom he had slighted and impoverished, and whom, by his offer of his daughter to th

d vigorous description of the misrule of the realm, and their determination to reform all evils and redress all wrongs. [See, for this proclamation, Ellis's "Original Letters," vol. i., second series, letter 42.] Though the proclamation named not the restoration of the Lancastrian line (doubtless from regard for Henry's safety), all men in the metropolis were already aware of the formidable league between Margaret and Warwick. Yet, even still, Edward smiled in contempt, for he ha

now I feel how impossible, how falsely fair, the dream that I could forget all-all for a life of obscurity, for a young girl's love! Love! as if I had not felt its delusions to palling! love, as if I could love again: or, if love-al

rprise and joy. A letter lay before him; he recognized the hand of Katherine. What years had passed since her writing had met his eye, since the lines that bade him "farewell, and forget!" Those li

e whose life he hath saddened by the thought and the accusation

e lines could call forth, we lead the reader to a room not very

ing all the ingenious contrivances towards one single object invented by its maker, a harmonious compound of many separate details; but the iron crea

hood partially drawn over the face, but still leaving visible the hard, thin, villan

y pinching off three fingers, and scalding me with seething water, and spluttering and sputtering enough to have terrified any man but Friar Bungey out of his skin, is obstinatus ut mulum,-dogged as a mule; and was absolutely good for nought, till I happily thought

troopers and couriers and riders, hurrying to and fro, k

f thou hast the wit to serve me. This miserable Warner must himself expound to me t

e will no

me a stone dungeon, and, if need be, the use

hat p

Lord Warwick, whom a more mighty master lik

e sorcerer, what wilt t

sirest t

aul; and when the trooper sleeps it is with his knife by his side, and his sleep is light and broken, for he has wicked dreams. Give me a poti

stabilis! thin

h given a silver broad piece to Grisell; Gris

was, shuddered. "I cann

the potion; name


y, think

o-morrow night, I can place him in thy powe

nodyne, and which wastes not like the essence, but strengthens by usage,-an art thou shalt have at thy fingers' ends, and which often draws from the sleeper the darke

," said Grau


isten; he never stirs abroad, save w

ant not t

e deed and avenge it; and if she be left behind, she will go to the lord, and t

aul: it is ill-mannered and


p off the hen's claws, as that diabolism would fain snap off my digits. But the war will carry Hastings away in its whirlwind; and, in danger, the duchess is my slav

myself; for I want not thy coins, but thy craft. When the curfew has

the door, she stopped, and said

dost tho

llowed my stage of tregetour, I should have guessed thee for thirty; but thou hast

nce in the fair,' I would depart from my sisters, and have a hut of my own, and a black cat without a white hair, and steal herbs by the new moon, and bones from the charnel, and curse

y scanned the disjecta membra of the Eureka, gravely took forth a duck's egg from his cupboard, and applied the master-agent of the mach

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