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Motor Matt's Make Up


Word Count: 1756    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

liar hum of the twin cylinders between his knees carried his mind back to his ill-fated gasoli

cockles of Matt's heart. In less than a minute after leaving Burton and the machine's o

but the motor cycle must have been going five feet to the car's

assengers heard him, as the row of heads thrust out from each side of the car conclus

Wily Bill rushed out on the back platform, took in the situation at a sta

ill was doing that Ping's leap from t

of the road, and Matt shut off

ere, Wily!"

n, but plunged up the bank an

Wily. If the "barker" could be made to tell when and how he had received that note in Hindoos

nk. From the top of the rise he could see nothing of Wily, but a crashing of the undergrowth t

t, they inferred a deeper guilt than the mere pos

the fellow's capture a

ce with a good deal of vigor. Then, suddenly, he began to double. Matt would run on, looking and listening, only to find that there was no thrashing brush

ame of hare and hounds continued, Mat

had fled over the bank from the street car, at the rear

t rushed from a fringe of hazels. The "barker" cast a look over his shoulder

ed by the wide-swinging front door, key still in the lock. Besides, Wily had not had time to go around th

itation, the king of the mot

an on past one of the doors leading to a room on the right a sinewy, turbaned form leaped out

g toward the light that entered at the open door, he saw that the man who had struck him was

k that Dhondaram had begun. Another blow from behind, savagely given with all the "barker's" s

goin' on?" asked

answered the oth

blow in at this place till night-but any port in


ing of the motor boys was lifte

this won't do. There may be more after me. There's another pl

oo much steel and whalebone in his athletic body to kee

his eyes slowly opened, was a

th over his mouth, in a sort of pit. Above h

details together, he heard a light footfall on the floor overhead, advancing and retreat

t in the earth, the fluttering gleam of the candle over th

use must be one whom his captors feared. Had it not been for the cloth that smothered his lips, Ma

move nor make an audible so

hutters, only a scooped-out place in the earth where

tairs and could be heard leaving the house. Wily

uttered. "If we'd been a seco

The door had slammed and the g

door has been closed and locked, s

As it was, Motor Matt came within one of layi

t to Matt's side and peered into h

am. "It is well. He shall not wake

invoked by thugs, and it may be he thought the talk unsuited to American ears. Lif

Wily Bill had

" he growl

his glittering eye

nderstood," said he,

e it. What d'you take me for? They don't hang people in this State, but I don't intend

do this thing,"


because he told me. I tried to remove Motor Matt because he told me. That will p

acas turned on in the side-show tent, an' I got mixed up in it. Durin' the row I lost a letter that came to me by mail-a letter that contained so

wed expectantly, and


the thing, and when I tried to get it, Burton took possession of it. If that letter's ever translated, I'll bet it contains stuf

ram dr

ttered Dhondaram, "he's

nce of the Hindoo had detected it. Both Dhondaram

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