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The Lion and The Mouse

Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 4976    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

re those which most men devote to rest. But John Burkett Ryder never rested. There could be no rest for any man who had a thousand millions of dollars to take care of. Like

isitive ears and prying eyes, he could devise new schemes for strengthening his grip upon th

mpudently claimed they administered the coal lands in trust for the Almighty, unscrupulous princes of finance and commerce, all visited this room to receive orders or pay from the head of the "System." Here were made and unmade governors of States, mayors of cities, judges, heads of police, cabin

uld send stocks soaring one day, only a week later to put Wall Street on the verge of panic. Half a dozen suicides might result from the coup, but twice as many millions of profits had gone into the coffers of the "System." Here, too, was perpetrated the most heinous crime that can be committed against a free people-the conspiring of the Trusts abetted by the railroads, to arbi

which lined the walls were likewise of oak, richly carved. In the centre of the wall facing the windows was a massive and elaborately designed oak chimney-piece, reaching up to the ceiling, and having in the middle panel over the mantel a fine three-quarter length portrait of George Washington. The room

kly as the door opened and the secretary made a movement forward as if to eject the intruder, no matter who he might be. They were not accustomed to having

Just a moment, until I get rid

ran over the titles while the financier c

Come, quick.

w moments to spare before he must rush to catch a train. John Ryder

nts an appointment," said Mr

the answer, quick as a flash. "Who el

the desk a list of na

elephoned. He sa

patiently, "but not here. Down t

down a note against e

airs in the reception room. T

are t

Sergeant Ellison of the Secret Servic

irst?" demanded

t Elliso

tee afterwards. But let them all wait un

a sign that there must be no further discussion, bowed respectfully and left t

aid kindly, "did you ha

Such a trip is a liber

ous talk with you in regard to your future. This artist business is all very well-for a pastime. But it's not a caree

e other hand, it was impossible to let things drift as they had been

dly, "I'd like a little talk with

his son, who, ill at ease, sat nervously on the

previous abruptness, he added, "I've had a very busy day, Jeff. What with Trans-Continental and Trans-Atlantic

one pair of shoulders to carry,

as something new to hear anyone venturing t

. "Julius C?sar carried it. Napoleon carried it-to a certain ex

of papers on his desk, while Jefferson was thinking what to say. The las

that I'm no longer a boy. It's ti

back in his chair a

lent joke. Do you know that a man doesn

e me seriously," p

ief duration. Anything that savoured of questioning his authority always

d one thing. I want no preaching, no philosophical or socialistic twaddle. No Tolstoi-he's

elt somewhat intimidated. But he realized that he might

you before if you had let

in one day than a tunnel digger works in a life-time. Thinking is a harder game than any. You must think or you won't know. Napoleon knew more about war than all his generals put together. I know more about money than any man living to-day. The man who knows is t

his own father that he did not think the million-makin

. I even intend to go away and travel a few years

in silence for a few mome

w the world better than you do. You mustn't go

ad no control. Jefferson remained silent, nervously toying with a paper cutter. Seei

I want you with me, and now you t

t to go where I shall be perfectly free-where my every move will not be watched-where I can meet my fellow-man heart to heart on an

Then, more amiably, he said: "No, my lad, you stay here. Stud

y, "I'd rather go-my work an

nger. "I'm a fool for wasting my time with an ungrateful

erson starting forward,

biggest name in the commercial world; the most colossal fortune ever accumu

and magazines, but you cannot silence public opinion. People laugh when they hear the name Ryder-when they do not weep. All your millions cannot purchase the world's respect. You

nt back to his desk, and, sitt

as old as I am you will understand that there is only one thing which counts in this world-money. The ma

was "The American Octopus." Tur

lds me up as a monster, a tyrant, a man without soul, honour or conscience, caring only for one thing-money; having but one pas

is sire had a suspicion who wrote it and was

onditions helped me. The whole country was money mad. A wave of commercial prosperity swept over the land and I was carried along on its crest. I grew enormously rich, my millions increasing by leaps and bounds. I branched out into other interests, successful always, until my holdings grew to what they are to-day-the wonder of the twentieth century. What do I care for the world's respect when my money makes the world my slave? What respect can I h

savour of treason. I couldn't imagine that American talking that w

son was an idealist. There was no use getting ang

wisdom teeth. Just at present you're in the clouds. But you spoke of my

n contact with you. Yours is an influence no one seems able to resist. You robbed me of my right to think. Ever since I was old enough to think, you have thought for me; ever since I

udiate in this unceremonious fashion what was a tacit understanding between the two families, and, what was more, run the risk of injuring th

t of rebellion, is it? You are going to welsh

nderstand that an engagement existed. You can't expect me to marr

whether it would be fair to

hair seemed to bristle with rage. He paced the floor for a few moments

tudio. I realized that you were restless under the harness, so I gave you plenty of rein. But I know so much better than you what is best for you. Believe me I do. Don't-don't be obstinate. This marriag

xpression on his face changed

d as he said between his teeth: "I told you some time ago how I felt about her. If I tho

pportunity he would have to redeem his promise to Shirley. So, lit

entirely innocent. What's more, I firmly believe he is the victim of a contemptible conspiracy. And I'm

e of his son's words and their application to himself he completely lost control of himself. Hi

aughter has entrapped my son. So it's her you want to go to, eh? Well, I can't make you marry a girl you don't want, but I

ory of every financial transaction were made known, how ma

He made a movement as if about to advance on his

own once more, he added: "Jefferson, give me your word of honour that your object in going away is not to find out this girl

uctantly held

the woman too. Listen, boy. This man is my enemy, and I show no mercy to my enemies. There are more r

ns?" demand

eenly as if to judge of the effect of his words, "the principal one is that it

d aright! Oh, father, how could you h

command of his temper, an

ttention. I did not see why I should spare him. He never spared me. I shall not interfere, and the probabilities are that he will be impeached.

ee now. I have no

ll intend g

. "Why not? You have taken away t

ry Kate or not, as you please

is made up," answere

fferson got up to go. Mr.

? Sergeant Ellison?

, Sr., rose, and crossing the roo

over, Jeff. D

over, sir, and I

ater Jefferson

aughter must be checked, even if he had to blacken the girl's character as well as the father's, or, as a last resort, send the entire family out of the country. He had not lost sight of his victim since the carefully prepared crash in Wall Street, and the sale of the Rossmore home following the bankruptcy of the Great Northwestern Mining Company. His agents had reported the

built man whose robust physique and cheap looking clothes contrasted s

ir. The man sat down gingerly on one of the rich leather-upholstered chairs. His

ommittee still waitin

replied th

ew minutes. Leave me

y bowed a

, what have you

hat stood on the desk and h

gar," he s

h Mr. Ryder held out. The financier knew how

e sleuth, sniffing at the weed. "We don

laughed Ryder. "They co

f extravagance that he inhaled a puff of smoke w

mary bluntness, came

the book?" he demanded. "Have you foun

has been well kept. The publishers have shut up like a c

demanded Ryde

erson as Shirle

ncier, "then you think i


was the reason for pr

hard knocks, and the author, no doubt, felt a little timid about lau

xious to find out who it is. I would willingly give this moment a check for $5,000 to kno

ilent for a mome

e you write to her in care of the publishers. They would certainly forward the letter to wherever she may be. If she does not want you to know who she is sh

Ryder. "It's a good idea. I'll write such

Mr. Bagley to come up. A few seconds

' We will address it care of her publishers, Littleton & Co. Just say that if convenient I should like a personal interview with

red. Mr. Ryder turned to

ther job for you, and if you are faithful to my interests you will not find m

I know it. They've got some fin

to this jocularity,

y son Jefferson came home on the same ship. They are a little more friendly than I care to have them. You understand. I wan

r. You shall k

desk and proceeded to fill it up. Then

ou. Spare neither t

he man as he pocketed th

egarding the other matter, we

a signal to the visitor that the inter

Mr. Ryder. "Have him shown out, an

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