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The Long Trick

Chapter 5 UNCLE BILL

Word Count: 4920    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

papers, drawings and charts. He walked across the cabin to the tiled f

aw it, and they're seamen. I didn't see it, and-and I'm called a scientist." He made an

uestion of actual experience," he said. "Experience of this particular

n a piece of paper and stud

s a wonderful invention, and there's no limit to the possibilities of its development-or abuse. Until an effective c

in the North Sea-weather and visibility. And, later on, in the North Atlantic. I'm going over to Ireland next month." His tired eyes followed the blue smoke curling upwards. "Of course, the experiments we tried down South answ

Canute said. Or words to that effec

nes for a day or two and test that new theory-to-morrow if I may. And-while I think of it-I have prom

ut his hand, pressed the button o


o discuss sherry and the day's affairs before descending to their cabins to change. It was a cheerful gathering, as

of farmers or elders of the Church, or even Christy Minstrels, would, if thrown together for a sufficient period of time, and utterly dependent on one another for daily intercourse, fall into the places allotted to each by temperament and heredity. Each little community would own a

ing his voice. Working cables on the forecastle in the cold and snowy darkness, when men's faculties grow torpid with cold, and their safety among the grinding cables depends more upon the alert supervision of the First Lieutenant than the mere instinct for self-preservation, "Jimmy the One" was credited with powers allied to those of the high Gods. "'Tween decks," where the comfort and cleanliness of close on eleven hundred men was mainly his affair, they abus

ore recent discovery, Owen Wister's "Virginian." A widowed mother in a Yorkshire dower house was the only relative he was ever heard to refer to, and for her

lend of antagonistic and sympathetic traits of character which binds young men in an austere affection passing the love of woman. One was short and stout, the other tall and le

as that of a deliberate thinker whose thoughts had not led him to an entirely happy goal. Yet his smile when amused had a quality of gratitude to the jester, not altogether without pathos. He had a sligh

ng matter. He had an invalid wife; his means were small, and most of his life had been spent at sea. But misfortune seemed to have but tossed a challenge to his unquenchable optimism and faith in the mercy

et, gentle-mannered, fastidious in his dress and not given to overmuch speech. The Engineer-Lieutenant, whose outlook on life alternated between moods of fierce hilarity and brooding melancholy, according to the tenour of a correspondence with a distracting Red Cross nursing sister exposed to the perils of caring for good-looking military officers in the plains of Flanders. Lastly, the Captain of Marines; he w

ntered the crowded room and crossed over to the door leading t

got a guest to dinner

the Wardro

of the stove warming himself, crossed over to Thorogood

the wassail-bowl, my lad, I should like to remind you that the boat's crew will com

looked up from a game o

Paymaster. "Who've yo

ntroduction of "new blo

rally a matter of in

nalled from the Flagship that he was coming to

arm of the sofa watching the game of

"Is that man of mystery u

ed Thorogood. "Dirt

d college chum Sir William!" Then with a swift change of mimicry he bent in

e and I were lads together-hee-hee-brave lads … Eton and Chr

eutenant, laughing. "You aren't a bit funny-in

nt. "Let us see now. What's the penal

ter calmly, with an eye on the sofa where

First Lieutenant, "so i

ely awakened from slumber, dumped on top of him, and his struggles stifled by the bodies of the P

entered into the game with zest, and sprawling across the Surgeon's chest with one m

!" The victim writhed

at donkey! Piff!-you'

no offence-Jimmy, I '


roar the door opened a


r," he called. "So

and wiping his face. The dog jumped to the deck and accompa

h his cloak over his arm, entered the a

we've just started training for the Regatta and we're straffing the coxs

her embarrassed grin and shook

chair of Comparative Anatomy-we were at college together-bless me!-a good

d the two men. "There's Mouldy-you remember him?" Mouldy Jakes came over and shook hands gravely. "And this is the rest of the Mess." He included the remainder

ew, "what about a co

nsibility of entertaining this eminent guest. "We've got ra

I came to the parting of the ways more years ago than I care to re

"Well, Uncle Bill," he said, "what brings you

ying with-with an old friend for a few days, for a change of air," he said. He took the proffered

dy Jakes. "I'm the wine c

announced and they passed th

f the table and winked and glistened against the dark mahogany. Slips of white napery ran down on either side, on which the glasses, silver and cutlery lay. They

ated the glittering trophies. "I see you keep you

nk, successive ships bearing our name will carry them, you see … yes, half a glass, please. But all you see here we won at battle practice just before the war, boat-racing and so on…. Incidentally we hope to win the Squadron Re

to on a scroll beneath it. The guest picked it up and examined it. "Wha

animated faces-many of them little more than boys

oncerned an episode of bygone days which appeared to be within the in

er and friendly mischief on certain faces Sir William read an

ights. Musing thus, glancing from face to face, and listening, half uncomprehending, to the laughing jargon, he glimpsed for an instant the indefinable Spirit of the Fleet. Each of these communities, separated by steel and darkness fr

to catch Sir William's eye. His nephew intercepted and interpreted the gesticulations. "Mouldy's recommending the Madeira, Uncl

ed and filled his

dmaster by a Marine waiter, the band in

e violins outside resumed their whimpering melody; coffee followed a second circulation of the deca

he Commander turned sideways to the guest of the evening. "Will you excuse me if I leave you?" he said. "I have to go the rounds." And risi

Which reminds me," he added, "that I met A

ar and contemplated the pal

ied. "Did you by any chance meet

r a moment, and that was in the darkness at the r

to America," re

choed his ne

hool friend. It seems s

rt se

used, "are you going to

going," was her

in silence

on earth did Cecily develop a

a book, I fancy,

Cecily likes-pottering about in old tweeds with a dog, sketching and fishing. I can't see her at Bailey's Beach s

am made n

tage been making love to her? I know he used to follow he

t into the feminine mind. All I know is that she looks rather pale, and she has grown uncommonly quiet. At

e spent a summer leave with us once, and he used to come up to town a good dea

ever remember her saying so. Do you think that would accoun

id James, "but he lost a foot early in

ked the Scien

. And he's frightfully in love with her. You see, a th

fail to see what I am to do. I can't kidnap this young man and carry him to my

Crabpots!" He chuck

ry, as you imply," continued the older man, "it's no us

en't safe enough just now-we'd never forgive ourselves if we let Ceci

abins, there to write letters, read, or occupy themselves in wood-carving and kindred pursuits. At a small table in the comer of

alone remained seate

's move on, Uncle Bill. Would

ke this opportunity of paying a visit to the Gunroom. When you are my age you'll find a pe

arine postman entering with his arms full of letters and papers. "Hullo," he continued, "here's the

end of the table resembled a bee swarm: a babel of voices sounded as those nearest the pile

til the distribution was complete. Then they were seen, an

ght him along here." The Sub laughingly shook hands, and the inmates in his immediate vicinit

"It's all right as long as you don't lean back-but if you do we must prop it against

drink?" queried Kedgeree. "

m smilingl

r form of entertainment. "We've got some perfectly priceless George Robey ones-

he support afforded by the table and leaning bac

gne advanced with a soda-water bottle, a corkscrew and

to throw into the air and catch his miscellany, while the trumpet of the gramo

his eye. "Remarkable!" he said warmly. "A re

ashed something; the gramophone record was palpably cracked; their powers of entertainment were rapidly

rge has called for

ted juggler caught and retained the soda-water bottle,

miling, and took his departure amid polite murmurs of farewell, followed by James. Proof of his appreciation of the entertainment

e said when the door had closed behind the visitors

his forehead, and stepping across to the common bookshelf indicated the back o

other's finger. "Good

splay of my unequalled t

me more sleepless nig

ge Robey been shoutin

. He slit the envelope and sat down in the vacated arm-chair. It was from his sister at school in Eas

up that bet with Harcourt's father at the club. He probably can afford to lose and you can't. There are lots of things that Mother wants that ten pounds would buy. Besides, Harcourt is my best


pale, picked up his sister's let

losed. It had evidently been put in by mistake, because th

the enclosure. It was in Mordaunt's handwriting. But how did i

t came across the mess

er has just sent me this lett

id, "it's one I wrote to my sister for her birthday. And here's

possession, looked his friend in the eyes and smiled wanly. "I've only

what's happened. Do you remember that scrap just as we were finishing our letters the other night? Bosh pulled the ta

tter to his father over

end it off to my sister, with a note to explain. There's no harm done! I don't suppose your letter was a matter of vast importance ei

the stove, slowly teari

d. "Oh, no …

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