Our Androcentric Culture, or The Man Made World
and law-enforcers, under the plain historic fact that th
consciously and fulfill by arbitrary systems called laws and governments. In this, as in all other fields of our action, we must discriminate between the humanness of the function in process of development, and the in
ntered group organized on maternal lines of common love and service. The early combinations of men
make this clear to their fellows; whereby, gradually, our higher social nature establishes rules and precedent
evil" in the play being the old Ego, which has to be harmonized with the new social spirit. This social process, like all others,
minance and mastery. We may instance the contrast between the conduct of a man when "in love" and while courting; in which period he falls into the natural position of his sex towards the other-namely, that of a wooer; and his behavior when, with marriage, t
Under its pressure we see the legal systems and forms of government slowly evolving, the general human growth always heavily perverted by the special masculine influence. First we find the mere force of custom governing us, the mores of the ancient people. Then come
and cares only to evade it when he can, obey it when he must. In the household, that stunted, crippled rudiment of the matriarchate, where alone we can find what is left of the natural influe
a man breaks a law of which he never heard he is not excused therefore; the penalty rolls on just the same. Fancy a mother making solemn
oppose, to fight, to trample to the earth, to triumph in loud bellowings of savage joy,-these are the primitive male instincts; and the perfectly natural social instinct which leads to peaceful persuasion, to education, t
r and executive. From the guarding and guidance of her cubs and kittens up to the longer, larg
d with us, fatherhood having become socialized while motherhood has not, he
These heavy forces reach their most perfect expression in the absolutely masculine field of warfare. The absolute authority; the brainless, voiceless obedience; the relentless penalty. Here we have male coerc
lect the fit; her eliminati
is the human process
ve carried as best they might the burdens of the state; and the history of law and governm
r harems. But the day of the masculine monarchy is passing, and the day of the human democracy is coming in. In a Democracy Law and Government both change. Laws are no longer imposed on the people by one above them, but are evolved from the people
hority from one above, but is an organization for public servic
't, but because we want to play the game. The rules of human conduct are for our own happiness and service-any child can see that. Every child will see it when laws are simplified, based on sociology, and taught in schools. A chil
"What i
y we agree to pay to keep
hy do we al
ongs to all of us, and we must
at proportion d
how much money we have."
at is it to
." (Sotto voce: "And
"-only recently outgrown, to our present method, where each contending party hires a champion to represent him, and these fight
ent as service. That it should be a representative government they grasp, but representative of what? of the common will, they
They cannot bear to think of the woman as having control over even their own affairs; to control is masculine, they assume. Seeing only self-interest as a natural impulse, and the ruling powers of the s
fierce struggle; each man seeking for himself. To deliberately legislate for the service of all the people, to use the governme
,-women cannot fight, and in case their laws were resisted by
think, is that women should not share the loot wh
arly the social hered
Hunter. Then the second head-ship, the Chief Fighter. Then the third head-ship, the Chief of t
the ages, from frank piracy and robbery to the measured toll of tribute, ransom and indemnity, we see the same natural instinct of the hunter and fighter. In his hands
t is-why not run the state on that basis? Government by women, so far as it is influenced by their sex, would be influenced by motherhood; and that would mean care, nurture, provision, education. We have to go far down the scale for any instance of
n of the species. In this human process we should never forget that men are far more advanced than women, at
er than the male for administration of constructive social interests. The change in governmental processes which marks our times is a change in principle. Two great movem
he growing strength and riches of the social body as merely so much the more to fatten on; now we are beginning to take an intelligent interes
interests, which is a growing and improving method of universal service. Here the socialist is perfectly right in his vision of the economic welfare to be assured by the socialization of industry,
woman only as a female, utterly absorbed in feminine functions, belittled and ignored as her long tutelage has made
ll-organized, wisely managed, in which the laws shall be simple and founded on constructive principles instead of being a set of ring-regulations within which people may fight as they will; and in which t