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The Mystery of the Hidden Room

The Mystery of the Hidden Room


Chapter 1 THE NOTE

Word Count: 2113    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

the open grate in my library, for the October night was chill and the landlord had not sufficiently relented to order the steam-heat, I settled myself comfortably with my bo

tart to find that the clock on the mantel was chiming eleven. A little impat

come to remind me that it is lo

d by nature into the semblance of perpetual gloom, and shook his head with a grieved air a

ted that he at least would not be responsible for the veracity of the statement, "has j

with a funereal air. The note was from Rut

t once with my cha

inging aside my jacket. "You need not w

eemed to my impatience. The moment we reached the lobby I was out of the elevator and down the steps

y bachelor apartments were situated on 72nd Street, just off the Park, and I knew we could not cover the distance to the

nically I drew it forth and tore it to shreds, flinging t

rs, and I could only read in this sudden appeal and the haste with which I was being whirled toward her some dread calamity. Nor was my anxiety lessened by the fact that I was hopelessly

at once without any fuss, and so should have avoided the trouble that befell us, but Ruth wanted a trousseau and

ish, for her wedding was a sort of nine days' wonder, Philip Darwin having long b

he wrong end, giving a false impression of the facts of the case, for I never on

ever to see her again. I was decidedly taken aback, but I retained sufficient presence of mind to laugh at her and to request her not to be absurd. She was not to

ianced husband I was entitled to some say in the proceedings. Never in the course of my life before had I been called upon to plead so skillfully, and plead I did; for it was

nk of which her father was president and Dick assistant cashier. Handsome, spoiled, the boy had been flattered by the attentions of the older man, who explained his interest on t

im of trying to cheat. The fellow, a big, powerful chap, made for Dick, who pulled out a pistol which Darwin had given him, and fired. His opponent went down like a log, and as the man fell, Darw

ick, both he and Darwin attended these places in disguise and a trip West for the scion of a wealthy family was no unusual event, hence his absence from social circle

But now things were different. Her brother was wanted by the police for murder. The police, to be sure, didn't know it was her brother

ven if Dick eluded the police, think of the disgrace for Daddy and for me. It's terrible enough that he should have killed a m

ent immobility for acceptance, she continued: "It's a big sacrifice, dear, I know, but you will bear it bravely f

e deemed me. I agreed, therefore, to give her up and when she said we had better not meet again I consen

and sincere pity, for the misguided boy who had committed the crime. My anger blazed toward that man who by his foolish adoration of his only son had spoiled and indulged the boy to

was his for the asking. Everyone in the home had to give way before him. He was never crossed and never denied. Small wonder that when he grew to manhood he should expect the world to

come Ruth's husband and for a moment I saw red. Ruth, pure, s

, even if she never married me, when I paused, for the horrible alternative flashed across my mind. With a groan I returned to my library wher

hilip Darwin beyond the fact that he had been the one to lead Dick astray? For ought I knew to the contrary he might make Ruth

ll it helped to allay the fever in my tortured brain, and from that time on I r

gle detail had escaped my memory and it all came back with tenfold force for ha

realization that we had arrived at our destination. I alighted and as he backed the car down the drive I paused

utonian monster, harbinger of evil, and the soughing of the wind in the branches of the nearby trees gave me s

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