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The Native Born or, The Rajah's People


Word Count: 4366    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

lden hair, drew back a little to judge the general

she asked. "Missy look won

nly a close observer would have noticed that her eyes had the strained, concentrated

, after a moment. "You have done

missy wi

all only want you aga

he room, but an imperative gesture hastened her exit, and she

and then, turning in her chair, looked at t

to say, mother, say it," sh

ll, I must ask you not to interrupt me in the way you did just now before the-the what-do-y

enough English to understand more than is good for either of us, and whose discretion is on a par with that

in high, quavering tones that threatened tears

am only telling yo

you are not

le, began to play idly with the silver ornaments. "No, I suppose I am not respectful," she went on calmly. "I think we are too intimate for that, mother. We know each other too well, and have spoken about things too plai

what you mean," Mrs. Ca

Beatrice, when I thi

on calmly: "Let us put our personal grievances against each other aside, mother. Revenons a n

sight of his face nearly gave me a heart stroke. Of course you r

ary held u

not need to go into any details concerning ourselves or the past. I know quite well to what

ou ask why

e what harm h

tell the

ip into the white silk dress which

rid ourselves. It has chased us out of England and out of all possible parts of Europe; and, large th

g her florid face free f

ried. "You laugh at everything. You laugh even a

o that there are moments when I am thoroughly weary of it, and feel inclined to write

riously. "Do you really want the whole S

as I say, there are times when I should like to shriek the truth in the world's face,

he sort, I should take po

s all. It's the very futility of truth-telling which prevents me from experimenting in t

y over to her daughter's side. Her voice, when

me and respect me. I meant that one day they should. When I married they did-for a time at least. When the crash came, and-and all the shame, I just ran away from it. I couldn't have done anything else. Ever since then I have been trying to build things up elsewhere, and I had to have money for it. You can't blame me, Beatrice. You aren't any better. You always want to be first in your singing and your painting, you always want the best of what's going. You always want to be admired and successful in everythin

amond pendant round her white neck. "I know you and I know myself. As to my gratitude

go agai

can recollect, I've pulled us both out of as many s

hy I want you to

do w

rut tolerab

r. Travers gossipi

face, robbing it of its good-nature a

d if you


e a way with men. You


er," she said cruelly. "A remark like that in Mrs. Carmichael's hearing, and

pped out. What I meant was, that I am sure you co

little feminine vanity in the glance-rather a cool judgi

I could," s

't y

make you v

s real peace since I saw Mr.

'll do m


romise if yo

ew a deep si

you, you keep your promi

indifference which seemed to indicate more than an indifference-rather a stoic, smothered antipathy. When it was over, and Mrs. Cary had

s to her toilet. "If Mr. Travers meant to tell, he has probably done so a

st," returned Mrs. Cary,

n, handkerchief and gloves, every now and again casting the same curious, unloving glance at he

avenue," she said. "It's a d

repeated thoughtfully. "

I fancy." A dull flush m

imed, "I believe

the curtain bac

?" she remarked, with a faint irony from

r the ayah en

asks if missy drive with him to the Colone

er mother exch

"Tell Travers Sahib I shall be delighted.

disturbed calm Beatrice proceede

yet," she said. "Fate seems t

, Beatrice," the other

-a-tete. I dare say I shall manage. Good night!" She patted her mo

ear. Do your b

up to do my best?" Beatr

accompanying her with numerous wraps and shawls. Archibald Travers,

y horse is in a state of mind which does not allow for

his side, "and a drive through this lovely air is worth a few ri

ill and could not go, but I was not sure whether you would c

by all

sprang forward into the darkness. They swayed dangerously th

ughed with

e exclaimed, pulling he

ll you

danger," he said, w

the only flavoring which I have hitherto discovered

like a man

or myself," she returned. "That sort of thing does aw

ny shadows on the white road. Travers' horse shied violently, and for some minutes his work was cut out for him in pacifyin

miling to

ve!" he remar

at him. The light struck full on their faces, and they could re

it at the rate we a


repeated thoughtfully. "That i

whip across t

ch of you. I happen to know that I am taking in Miss Caruthers to

s!" she said, laughing. "I know

rd, you

ois he

in her a

I supp

. I dare say the arrangement cou

happen to be my arr

ulated, somewh

calmly. "On Miss Caruthers' right will be Mr. James, who from long custom never opens his m


t on: "I've confided to you my subtle underground plans-why, goodness knows. I'm not usually

r," she said. "Possibly that for

s she did not return his gaze, he was fr

der his breath, "I don't blame t


suppose that i

y the way, are you real


grandmother's ideas if it comes off. All I fear is that the youth's impr

so. He did not

dden drawl, "your face is not one t

was the instinctive movement of a woman br


l you the other day, but there was no fitt

ou," she


and didn't recognize each oth

arcely noticeable stiff

t shock we realized that to acknowledge a previous meeting was not to eithe

lly are plucky!" he burst o

king the bull by the horns because I must. Mr. Travers, I can't live in the same place with you and not know if yo

whether I am going to g



se I g

ur enemy, so I don't mind admitting

may th

as though every one least concerned in the matter had made up their minds to track us down. At last mother thought of India, and of Marut in particular. My father held a small post somewhere about here before

hy you take al

wants to mix with the best. We couldn't do that in England, for the reasons I

h in something that

w what the world-particularly

u mean? Of course

. But I don't. I call you a jolly

ted animal who seeks cover where best he can. As to my being extraordinary, I do not see that you have any reason

," he interp

saying nothing. Her silence

ut his watch wit

my tongue. I don't know that I ever intended doing anything else. I am not responsible to society, and in any case, no direct blame for the past can attach itself to you. As it is, after your confidence,

he said withou

dition-" he went on,

ing for tha

ed good-

me very we

en," she

agree to the condition, you needn't. I shan't on that account go round gossiping about your affairs. At the

e right," she

and with my plans. I confess privately to you I have one or two irons in the fire up at Marut, and that it is


carried out. I have every reason to believe that considerable mineral treasure lies buried under the native Bazaar in Marut, but I can do nothing unless s

might as well go on," s

something else-I want t

ht be joking. His face had indeed undergone a change, but there wa

re difficult? There is Staff

on partly belied. "I believe she is fond of him and he of her in a Platonic sort of fashion which

ed for an instant to be p

his name constantly since I have been here. People talk of

among the natives he is one. In reality, he is an ordinary mortal blessed with an extraordinary influence. I believe he is a capt


playfellow," Trave

u are afra

fair idea that Stafford and I will have to be content with the back seats in Lois' affections. You see, they were great


n at her with

n elsewhere. I thought h



good family, worthy character, a trifle slo

lk as t

One can do anything with an honest, pig-headed man like that if only one takes him the right way. He

heir destination, and he pu

do you say

solutely away, and all he could see was a grave prof

" he r

ich led up to the brightly ligh

then," she sai

her hand wi

he case is just this: we're partners, you and I, with some good cards between

ell," she

and flinging the reins to the waitin

tafford," he remarked casually as he helped her t

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