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The New Physics and Its Evolution


Word Count: 12430    |    Released on: 06/12/2017


which are the principles already referred to. These principal hypotheses are, in the eyes of a physicist, legitimate

le of the equality of action and reaction. We will not detail nor discuss them here, but later on we shall have an opportunity of pointing out how rece

the factor which intervenes in the phenomena of universal attraction, and particularly in gravitation. We shall see when we treat of these theories, how we have been led to suppose that inertia depended on

he notice of physicists and chemists. But its great apparent simplicity and its high character of generality, when enunciated at the end of the eighteenth centu

ct, and the principle depends on experiment. It may even seem, at first sight, more singular than not that the weight of a bodily system in a given place, or the quotient of this weight by that of the standard mass-that is to say, the mass of these bodies-remains invariable, both when the temperature ch

nomena of the disaggregation of matter. We shall have to seek the exact meaning which ought to be given to the experi

as before the reaction. In particular, the weight of a solution of salts of copper in water is not the exact sum of the joint weights of the salt and the water. Such experiments are evidently very delicate; they have been disputed, and they cannot be considered as sufficient for conviction. It follows nevertheless that it is no longer forbidden to regard the law of Lavoisier as only an

an astronomers, but which was generalized and clearly enunciated for the first time by the late M. Curie. This illustrious physicist pointed out the advantage of introducing into the study of physical phenomena the considerations on symmetry familiar to crystallographers; for a phenomenon to take place, it is necessary that a certain dissymmetry should previously exist in the medium in which this phenomenon occurs. A body, for instance

ssible that an electric field, a magnitude directed and not superposable on its image in a mirror perpendicular to its direction, could be cr

ust be understood that it cannot of itself give us absolutely precise notion


t. It shows us in a powerful light the most diverse questions; it introduces order into the most varied studies; it leads to a clear and coherent interpretation of phenomena

the first thought of physicists is to find out how it accords with the principle of the conservation of energy. The application of the principle, moreover, never fails to give valuable hints on the new phenomenon, and often even suggests a complementary disc

n obstructed in its development by the unfavourable conditions of the surroundings in which it appeared. It first of all came, in fact, to oppose itself to the reigning theories

ned in precision what it lost in extent. When once definitely admitted and classed, as it were, in the official domain of science, it endeavo

first clear enunciation in the particular case of the principle of equivalence. It is, therefore, rightly considered that the scholars who were the first to doubt the material nature of cal

sum of the products of the mass of each molecule by the square of its velocity.... We shall not decide between the two preceding hypotheses; several phenomena seem to support the last mentioned-for instance, that of the heat produced by the friction of two solid bodies. But there are others which are more simply explained by the first, and perhaps they both operate at once." Most of the physicists of that period, however, did not share the prudent doubts of Lavoisier and Laplace. They admitted, without hesitation, the first hypothesis; and, four years after the appearance of the Mémoire sur la Chaleur, Sigaud de Lafond, a professor of physics of g

evident that "all variations of heat, whether real or apparent, undergone by a bodily system when changing its state, are produced in inverse order when t

aterial nature of caloric, and his immense authority, so fortunate in other respects for the

ed that in producing work an equivalent amount of heat was destroyed. But the year 1842 is particularly memorable in the history of science as the year in which Jules Robert Mayer succeeded, by an entirely personal effort, in really enunciating the principle of the conservation of energy. Chemists recall with just pride that the Remarques sur les forces de l

s, evident errors in mechanics. Thus it often happens that discoveries put forward in a somewhat vague manner by adventurous minds not overburdened by the heavy baggage of scientific erudition, who audaciously press forward in advance of their time, fall into quite intellig

rinciple which, for him, had a generality greater than mechanics itself, and so his discovery was in advance

. Yet it must be acknowledged that if it was somewhat denaturalised by those who endeavoured to adapt it to the theories of mecha

ceeded in giving a more precise form to its numerous applications; and their attempts thus contributed, by reaction, to give a fresh impulse to mechanics, and allowed it to be link

oints being attracted or repelled by each other with an intensity depending only on their distance or their mass. If, to a system thus composed, the laws of the classical mechanics are applied, it is shown that half the sum of the product

s are connected in such a way that any change produced in the one necessarily brings about a change in the other, there can be no variation in the characteristic quantity of the second except so far as the characteristic quantity of the first itself varies-on conditi

new phenomenon always appeared and heat was produced. By experiments which are now classic, it became established that the quantity of heat thus created independently of the nature of the bodies is always (provided no other

is to admit this reduction of heat to mechanism; but this hypothesis was so seductive, and so much in conformity with the desire of nearly all physicis

mitted the fault of forgetting that it was an hypothesis, and considered it a demonstrated truth. Moreover, they were thus brough

red, by translating the principle of equivalence, numerical relations between the magnitudes of electricity, for instance, and the magnitudes of mechani

omena are always accompanied by calorific manifestations, of which the study belongs to the mechanical theory of heat. This study, moreover, will no

markable ideas the full meaning of which was not at first well understood. He it was who comprehended the utility of employing a more inclusive term, and invented the phrase energetics. He also endeavoured to create a new doctrine of which rational mechanics should be only a particula

and not to simultaneous creations and destructions. We thus represent energy to ourselves as taking different forms-mechanical, electrical, calorific, and chemical-capable of changing one into the other, but in such a way that the quantitative value always remains the same. In like manner a bank draft may be represented by notes, gold, silver, or bullion. The ear

which, however, has to return to such a state that all the variables from which this state depends resume their initial values except the particular variable to which the evolution of the energy under cons

[5] This conception, as we have already seen, passes the limit of experience; but others go further still. Absorbed in the contemplation of this new world, they succeed in persuading themselves that the old world of matter has no real existence and that energy is sufficient by itself to give us a complete comprehension of the Universe and of all the phenomena produced in it. They point out that all our sensations correspond to changes of energy, and that everything apparent to our senses is, in

n universal gravitation; nay, space itself would only be known to us by the expenditure of energy necessary to penetrate it. Thus in all physical phenomena we should only have to regard the quantities o

philosophical point of view it may, moreover, seem difficult not to conclude, from the qualities which reveal, if you will, the varied forms of energy, that there exists a substance possessi

ility of certain movements which, according to the old, ought to have been but never were experimentally produced, he was only able to do so because the principle of least action necessary for his theory became evident in the case of those irreversible phenomena which alone really exist in Nature. T

le would in a way vanish. But the known forms of energy are fairly restricted in number, and the necessity of recognising new ones seldom makes itself felt. We shall see, however, that to explain, for instance, the paradoxical properties of radium and to re-establish concord between these properties and the principle of the conservation of energy, certain physicists have recourse to the hypothesis

n intermediate media, we must always recognise that there exist no bodies in the world incapable of acting on each other, and we can never affirm that some modificati

Universe, of a property demonstrated for those restricted systems which observation can alone reach. We know nothing o

and it still preserves, if you will, a high philosophical value. M.J. Perrin justly points out that it gives us a form under which we

r the mechanism employed, first the change K and in addition some other change, unless this latter be one that is otherwise known to cost nothing to produce or to destroy." If, for instance, the fall of a weight can be accompanied, without anything else be

at which this transformation is bought, measure its invariable value by a common measure (for instance, the melting of the ice), and, without any ambiguity, define the energy lost durin


Like it, too, it has evolved, grown, and invaded the entire domain of physics. It may be interesting to examine rapidly the various phases of this evolution. The origin of the principle of Carnot is clearly determined, and it is very rare to be able to go back thus certainly to

n which "the method of developing the motive power attains the perfection of which it is capable"; and this is, almost textually, one of the enunciations of the principle at the present day. Carnot perceived very clearly the great fact that, to produce work by heat, it is necessary to have at one's disposal a fall of temperature. On this point he expresses himself with

ting two engines capable of working in a reversible cycle, that t

ry of the principle of equivalence, might have seemed perfectly justified. Written, in fact, on the hypothesis of the indestructibility of caloric

re of heat, on which he seemed to rely. As he no doubt himself perceived, his idea was quite independent of this hypothesis, since, as

enerality. The postulate arrived at by experimental induction, and which must be admitted without demonstration, is, according to Clausius, that in a series of transformations in

tions returns to its initial state, can only furnish work if there exist at least two sources of heat, and if a certain quantity of heat is given to one of the sources,

reversible machine working between two given temperatures is greater than that of any non-reversibl

t. Clausius, however, drew from it much more important consequences. First, he showed that the principle conduces to the definition of an absolute scale of tempera

since they often admit too easily the objective existence of quantities which they cannot define. Thus, for instance, it is usual almost every day to speak of the heat possessed by a body. Yet no body in reality possesses a definite quantity of heat even relatively to any initial state; since starting from this po

it possesses the true characteristic of a concrete physical magnitude, since it is, in principle at least, measurable. Various authors of th

. The engine having absorbed this quantity of heat, will only give back to the ice a lesser quantity of heat; and the weight of the melted ice, inferior to that which might have been directly given back, will serve as a measure of the isothermal transformation thus effected. It can be easily shown that this measure is

ample, the entropy increases without the substances borrowing any heat. When a perfect gas dilates in a vacuum its entropy increases, and yet the temperature does not change, and the gas has neither been able to give nor receive heat. We thus come to conceive that a

the same body, the value found depends on the state arbitrarily chosen as the zero point of entropy; but this is not a very seri

e unable, in fact, to pass by any means, reversible or not, from one to the other, so long as the transmutation of matter is regarded as impossible; but i

erfectly elastic bodies, we effect sensibly reversible transformations, and changes of physical state are practically reversible. The discoveries of Sainte-Claire Deville have brought many chemical phenomena into a similar category, and reactions such as solution, which used to be formerly the type of an irreversible phenomeno

e the entropy can be exactly defined; but, even when thus limited, the field

name of entropy, which he chose to designate this magnitude, itself signifies evolution. We have succeeded in defining this entropy by demonstrating, as has been said, a certain number of propositions which spring from the postul

ng it, as it were, in large letters. Just as, in elementary geometry, we can replace the postulate of Euclid by other equivalent propositions,

e affirms that there exists a necessary order in the succession of two phenomena; that evolution takes place in a determined direction. If you prefer it, it may be thus stated: Of two converse transformations

truct an engine which should work for an indefinite time by heating a hot source and by cooling a cold o

onsider it as a truth which we admit a priori and verify through its consequences, we are led to consider that in its entirety the principle of Carnot

all real changes which are produced in any system correspond to an increase of entropy, it may be said that the entropy of the world is continually increasing. Thus the quantity of energy existing in the Universe remains constant, but transforms itsel

ted case of a finite system. Herbert Spencer, moreover, in his book on First Principles, brings out with much force the idea that, even if the Universe came to an end, nothing would allow us to conclude that, once

falls on touching the ground to rebound, so the world should be subjected to huge oscillations which first bring it to a maximum of entropy till the moment when there should be prod

see, for example, that in the kinetic theory we are led to admit that, after waiting sufficiently long, we can witness

e that kinetic, potential, electrical, and chemical forms of energy have a great tendency to transform themselves into calorific energy. A chemical reaction, for example, gives out energy; but if the reaction is not produce

ly yield work on condition that a part of it falls on a body with a lower temperature. Thus appears the idea that energies which exchange with each other and correspond to equal quantities have not the same qualitative value. Form has its importance, and there are persons who prefer

e a mechanical explanation. Certain philosophers and physicists see in this fact a reason which

l this heat into work, or that, for the same cold source, the output is greater when the temperature of the hot source is higher; but if it were possible that this cold source had itself the temperature of absolute zero, the whole heat would reappear in the form of work. The case here c

f least action; but the difficulties regarding the mechanical interpretation of the irreversibility of physical phenomena remain entire. Looking at the question, however, from the point of view at which the partisans of the kinetic theories of matter place themselves, the principle is viewed in a new aspect. Gibbs and afterwards Boltzmann and Professor Planck have put forward some very interesting ideas on this subject. By following the route they have traced, we come to consider the principle as pointing out to us

uld only be a law of probability. Yet this probability is all the greater the more considerable is the number of molecules itself. In the phenomena habitua

ame of Brownian movements and can be observed under the microscope. The agitation here really seems, as M. Gouy has remarked, to be produced and continued indefinitely, regardless of any difference in temperature; and we seem to witness the inc

through matter where the molecular spaces would be larger than the hole itself. They have finite dimensions. Thus M. Lippmann considers a vase full of oxygen at a constant temperature. In the interior of this vase is placed a small copper ring, and the whole is set in a magnetic field. The oxygen molecules are, as we know, magnetic, and when passing through the interior of the ring they prod

we admit the absolute value of the principle; but we may also suppose that here again we are in presence of a system where the prescribed

shes, in the immense majority of cases, a very sure guide in


various methods may be employed, equivalent in the main, bu

cur in a given phenomenon; but it may be easier and also more suggestive to employ various functions of these quantities. In a memoir, of which some extracts appeared as early as 1869, a mod

use of analogous functions under the names of available energy, free energy, or internal thermodynamic potential. The magnitude thus designated, attaching, as a consequence of the two principles, to all states of the system, is perfectly determined when

uracy, and all the conditions of equilibrium of the system, including the calorific properties, to be determined. Thus, ordinary statics teaches us that a liquid with its vapour on the top forms a system in equilibrium,

ded to certain hypotheses on electric or magnetic phenomena, it gives a coherent whole from which can be deduced the condition

ntain algebraic theorems applicable with difficulty to reality. It is known that Helmholtz independently succeeded, a few years later, in introducing thermodynamics into the domain of chemistry by his conception of the division of energy into free and into bound energy: the first, capable of undergoing all transformations, and particularly of transforming itself into external action; the second, on the o

d is presented under a more mysterious aspect. It was not until M. Van der Waals exhumed the memoir of Gibbs, when numerous physicists or chemists, most of them Dutch-Professor Van t'Hoff,

s of a system which comprises Iceland spar partially dissociated into lime and carbonic acid gas. The number of phases added to the number of independent components-that is to say, bodies whose mass is left arbitrary by the chemical formulas of the substances entering

of which it makes known the general form. We must, if we wish to penetrate deeper into details, particularize the hypothesis, and admit, for instance, with Gibbs that we are dealing with perfect gases; while, thanks to thermodynamics, we can constitute a complete theory of dissociation which leads t

pted to begin by the same means a more complete study of those systems whose state changes from one moment to another. This is, moreover, a study which is necessary to complete satisfactorily the s

the fecundity of the method; but if thermodynamic statics may be considered definitely founded, it cannot be said that the


oted to general views on the principles of physics, a few w

of the Universe, some physicists think they may find, in certain general principles, sufficient guides to conduct them across the physical world. But I have also said, in examining the history of those principles, that if they are to-day considered experimental truths

and that in modern times the revival of the one was closely connected with that of the other. He shows, too, by very close analysis, that the atomic hypothesis is essential to the optics of Fresnel and of Cauchy; that it penetrates into the study of heat; and that, in its general features, it presided at

ing of atomistic ideas, accompanied, it is true, by wide modifications in the manner in which the atom is to be regarded, since the most recent theories make material atoms into centres constitut

tion of our knowledge, or, perhaps, from that of Nature itself. Moreover, this origin, double in appearance, is single at bottom. Our minds could not, in fact, detach and come out of them

me contradictions, is yet a well-founded appearance, since it conforms

, the right of saying that they rest on a real principle. It is in order to recognise this right that several physicists-M. Langevin, for example-ask that atoms be promoted from the rank of hypotheses to that of principles. By this they mean th

nd to solutions often so undetermined, that the most courageous are wearied with upholding it and it has fallen into some discredit. It rested on the fundamental principles of mechanics applied to molecular actions; and that was, no doubt, an extension legitimate enough, since mechanics is itself only an experimental science, and its principles, established for the

e of Leucippus, Democritus, Epicurus, and Lucretius. The first observers who noticed that the volume of a body could be diminished by compression or cold, or augmented by heat, and who saw a soluble solid body mix completely with the water which dissolved it, must have been compelled to suppose that matter was not dispersed

the thickness of the layer of liquid becomes extremely small. Newton noticed even in his time that a dark zone is seen to form on a soap bubble at the moment when it becomes so thin that it must burst. Professor Reinold and Sir Arthur Rücker have shown that this zone is no longer exact

, and Mr Vincent in respect of electric conductivity. M. Houllevigue, who, in a chapter of his excellent work, Du Laboratoire à l'Usine, has very clearly set forth the most interesting considerations on atomic hypotheses, has recently demonstrated that copper and silver cease to combine with iodine as soon as they are present in a thickne

ay be concluded, in consequence, that the discontinuous elements of bodies-that is, the molecules-have linear dimensions of the order of magnitude of the millionth of a millime

f electrolysis. The elements of bodies we are thus brought to regard might, as regards solids at all events, be considered as immobile; but this immobility could not explain the phenomena of heat, and, as it is entirely inadmissible for gases, it seems very

and here the mutual independence of the particles renders the question relatively more simple and, pe

t once conceived, on this hypothesis, that pressure is the resultant of the shocks of the molecules against the walls of the containing vessel, and we at once come to the demonstration that the law of Mariotte is a natural consequence of this origin of pressure; since, if the volume occupied by a certain number of molecules is doubled, the number of shocks per second on each square centimetre of the walls b

thod which does not, perhaps, give absolute certainty, but which is certainly most interesting and curious. Molecules are grouped in such a way that those belonging to the same group may be considered as having the same state of movement; then an examination is made

ain so high a figure. All considerations, those we have indicated as well as others which might be invoked (for example, the recent researches of M. Spring on the limit of visibility of fluorescence), give this result:-that there are, in this space, some twenty thousand millions of molecules. Each of these must receive in the space of a millimetre about ten thou

r ion) which takes part in the movement has, on the average, the same kinetic energy in every body, and that this energy is proportional

xample, in certain theories on radiation. Knowing the mass and energy of a molecule, it is easy to calculate its speed; and we find that the average speed is about 400 metres per second for carbonic a

the proportion of the gases in the mixture; it gives a very striking image of the phenomena of viscosity and conductivity; and it leads us to think that the coefficients of friction and of conductivity are independent of the density; while all these previsi

cule, and appeared to suggest no idea which could lead to the discovery of the key to the phenomena where molecules exercise a mutual influence on each other. The kinetic hypothesis, therefore, remained in some disfavour with a great number of persons, particularly in

known that, to them, except in certain particular bodies like the vapour of mercury and argon, the molecule comprises several atoms, and that, in compound bodies, the number of these atoms may even be fairly considerable. But physicists rarely needed

confusion, it remains understood that, contrary, no doubt, to etymology, but in conformity with present custom, I shall continue in what follows to call atoms those particles of matter which h

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