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The Scouring of the White Horse


Word Count: 3917    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

ns of the salary-book, “your quarter-day to-day, I think? Let me see; you were raised to £— a-year in February last,—so much for quarter’s salar

per across the table towards me, on which my account was state


lad to find the total a pound or two higher than I had expected. For I had lately learnt sh

ure I’m much obliged to you, Sir, for

he extra work, Richard, if it didn’t suit me, or if I could get it better done

I don’t owe you or any one else five shillings, and have a very tidy account at the savings’ bank, besides having paid for all the furniture and books in my room, not very far from L

te a receipt over a stamp which I took out of my poc

He is such an odd fellow about these things. But mind you, I think he’s quite right, too; for, after all, no doubt each of us earns a good penny for h

went for his fortnight on the 30th; he’ll be back on the 14th of

ectly, “I should like i

h of September, both inclusive;” and he made a note in ano

nt down to our room in as good spirits as

hem what money I had, any more than I’ve told you, because I like to keep my own counsel about such matters. Besides, there are several of our clerks wh

of it, or what he has in the pocket of it. But, goodness knows, I can’t stand a fellow who gives himself airs, and thinks himself a chalk above everybody who can


u don’t all want to know my opinions ab

and hats, and clearing desks for the night, so I just sidled up to Jem Fisher, and little Neddy Baily, who are the two I like best, and told them

alking in the gardens that afternoon, and seemed to think it hard he couldn’t enjoy himself just as they did.[6] “However, gentlemen,” said he at last, “there’s some things as the haristocracy ain’t alive to. Did you ever eat cow-heel?” Perhaps Jem, who had all his best clothes on, didn’t mind being taken for one of the aristocracy; at least just for a minute, for he’s too good a fellow to like being taken for anybody but himself when he comes to think of it; at

ter pots full of bitter beer and porter. So we had a capital supper, and then cleared it all

trious little chap, that he has gone over the heads of half a dozen of our youngsters, and hasn’t stopped yet by a long way,) “you

find him out? Jem is a tall, good-looking fellow, as old as I am, and that’s twenty-one last birthday; we came into the office together years ago, and have been

ore than I know

t of his pocket and filling it, “I

le; “but, I say, Jem, you haven’t[8] finished all those p

ome to that, Master Ned, hand me over some of that pine-apple. But no

ut I shouldn’t mind, now, going as high as

ght, I saw a great placard outside the George and Blue Boar, with ‘to Llangollen and back 15s.’ on


Llangollen? Why didn’t you ever hear the song of Kitty Morgan

ly the song don’t tell you wher


rse,” said he, th

, “for Wales is a biggish place. Is it near any thin

id Jem, puffing away; “only of

y, you may go to Paris and stay a fo

nburgh or the L

ing to start off to some foreign place, and find myself with

rking Men’s College, and borrow a Bradshaw from the secretary. We shall find

is[10] of bringing up that place; he

sharp he is at figures! and he knows more history and geography ten to one than I do. I’ll bet he

k it out on the map on his way b

tlas under his arm; “‘unprecedented attraction, pleasure excursions,’ let me see—Re

: ‘Channel Islands, (remarkable as being the only remaining Norman

ble for fourteen days, second class, 21s.


all over the world. I sat and smoked my pipe, for ’twas no use trying to settle any thing; but presently, when they got tired, we set to work and began to put down the figures. However, that wasn’t much better, for there w

ut of his third pipe, “I declare it’s almost as good

ed it,” said I; “I’m more

id Neddy; “now I never get a chance. In my holiday I jus

ear you talk like that, Ned. Some folks would g

don’t believe he did, for a kinder hearted fellow don

h pipe; “we’ll come again to-morrow night; your bacchy’s nearly out, D

p and gathering the Bradshaws and atlas toge

to-morrow. Go to; it is a thing of naught,” and Jem clap

that noise, and t

m, stopping short and

Neddy, bursti


’s always going off with some of h

t was poetry, d

it then


e differen

aid he. “Go along nigger—had him dere, nigger,” and he turned in his knees and grinned, like one of those p

should just like to have the driving of you. There, tum

ned the door; only I don’t see what right she had to give it me all over again next morning at breakfast, and call Jem Fisher a wild young man, and bad company, because that’s just what he isn’t, only a little noisy sometimes. And as if I’m not to have who I please up to my room without her interfering! I pay my rent regular every month, I know. However, I didn’t mi

rm, Berks, Au

eak-neck place it is, and there ain’t three men in the country as’ll ride along the hill-side under the Horse,) and many folks sets a good deal of store by it, and seems to think the world’d come to an end if the horse wasn’t kept all straight. May be I’m a bit of that mind myself—anyhow you’ll see by the paper inside what’s going on; and being a scholar, may be you’ll know about the White Horse, and like to come down to a scouring

h Hurs

u can, and I’ll mount you on my yo

could write just as good English as I, and if he had put “many folks seems to think,” or “you’ve only got to write,” in a theme, old Hopkins would have given him a good caning. But nothing wears out learning so quick as living in the country and farming, and Joe came into his farm when he was nineteen, and has been at it eve


down there; one pound seventeen shillings, say two pounds in all. I shall put three pounds into my pocket, and please an old friend, which will be much better than any thing Jem Fisher and little Neddy Bail

, that I had made up my mind to go and see my old friend Joe, in

and slept in your room last Christmas cattle-show, and wanted to fight the cabman for

d I, “that


good time of it if you go to see him. But, I say, how about sup

as he settled to his desk, and got his work out. “I say, Di

supper at the Cheshire Cheese; but I won’t have you fellows up in my room

ight, and another the night af

and made me ready to hang myself; and then, again, it would lift me up, and seem to fill me with warmth and sunshine. But, somehow, even when I was at the worst, if an enchanter had come and offered to wipe it all out, and to put me back just where I was the night before my holiday, I should have said “No;” and at a


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