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The One Woman


Word Count: 3321    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

as stupid and blue and had a headache. His wife had no

day off in the country. I'll lose both soul and body if I don't take one day's rest in seven.

, looking up reproachfully

you tell me

you hate his brutal frankness, and he is anything but a Christian, but we are old college chums, and he's the clearest-headed personal friend I have. I need his advice

then, and come back refreshed. I'll try to like even Mr. Overman,

catch the train for Babylon, where Ov

so ugly it was fascinating, and he was constantly laughing about it himself. He was a Wall Street banker, several times a millionaire, f

about him was his missing right eye. The large heavy eyelid was drooped and closed tightly over the sightless socket, which seemed to have sunk deep into his head. This cavern on one side of his face gave to the other eye

, he was Gordon's class

stick a piece of glass in his head to deceive fools. He used to tell Gordon that he was

e muscles of his mouth into a sneer. He had a habit, when he closed an emphatic speech, of twisting the muscles o

n any capacity, and, by the sounds day and night, he kept at least a thousand roosters. He would drop the profoundest discuss

a chicken yard fitti

the act!"

nd put her in the neighbouring yard. They both tried to make love to her through the wire fence at the same time, and they were so busy crowing and strutting and showing off to this pullet t

you let them kill one

ged. Animals fight as inevitably as they breathe. You can trace the progress of man by t

ht this morning. Put up those invention

ll just chop the head off of one and let you eat him for dinn

than the exhibition of br

But I can see your mouth watering now, looking at that fat young pullet over there, dreaming of the dinner

deepest culture is about skin deep. Scratch any of

ed every ten feet into rooms stored with special treasures of subjects on which he was interested. Masterpieces of painting hung on the walls over the cases, while luxurious chairs and lounges in heavy leather were scattered about the room among the tables, desks and fili


ad been pulled through a small-sized auge

he Board of Trustees of the Society. In spite of all my eloquence and the crowds that throng the building, he has set the whole Board against me. He is really trying to oust me from the pastorate of th

as silent

of mental and moral breakdown, the fleeing from self-reliant individual life into the herd for help. You call it 'brotherhood,' the 'solidarity of the race.' Sentimental mush. It's a stampede back to the anima

n gru

culty of putting the opposition

s a man flabby. It is the earmark of racial degeneracy. The man of letters who is poisoned by it never writes another line worth reading; the preacher who tampers with it en

ve over the loss to the

ried, wi

t really, Frank, I hate women, not beca

gether and looked thoughtfully out of t

ty and hungers for love! I don't allow women in this house because I can't stand the rustle of their drapery. I don't want one of them to get her claws into me. They can see through me in a minute. Women have an X-ray in their eyes. They can look through a brick wall, without going

nly and fixed hi

other quarrel with y

o you

hai rooster that a little game-cock has knocked down a

have som

ur thinking. You can't fool her about it. She knows you are drifting where she can never follow. She knows instincti

od of Man and the Solidarity of the Race

f Socialism will destroy the monog


catch words to change your methods of work and thought and revolutionize your character, an

into an al

thoroughness. When I look at the titles of these books I feel as though I've eaten tons of sawdust. You

want has been lifted," said the preacher emphatically. "The aim

read some choice bits to you from these big-brained, clear-eyed men who created your movement. I like

ot of books, threw them on a

hey are the breastworks behind which the army of the rich crouch and from which they sally to rob

, is hateful. A new development of the family will take place, as the basis not of a predetermined lifelong business arrangement to be for

rdon for a moment, laid his

s to me you never read one of


orld the irrational names of husband, wife, parent and child will be heard

can of your love and yourself; but never strive for my sake to deny any love, to strangle any impulse that pants for breath within you. Give me what you can, while you can, without grudging, but the moment you feel you love me no more, don't do injustice to your own pros

on: 'In a Socialist form of government the sex relation wou

roperty in your pulpit your wife knows instinctively that you are attacking the basis of her life and home. Private property had its origin in the family. The

deal marriage and home l

ck on which you must wreck your ship sooner or later. The herd and the mating pair cannot co-exist as dominant forces. This is why Socialism never converts a woman except through some-individual man. Woman's maternal instinct created mo

deways and pierced Gordon

question of the century, the thought that is sweeping life before it. While I've been listening to you, more and more I've seen the need of consecrat

just the size of a deacon in a modern church in New York. Win him over and work with him. He'

le Van Meter's commercialis

d and shrugged

u can't pass examination on any of these points. Your idea of God is the First Cause. You do not really worship or fear anything. You submit blindly to nothing. You have written an interrogation point before every dogma. You have ceased to be missionary and become humanitarian. As a prie

istic to the mis

s religion is, I grant you, a pretty stiff mixture of Paganism and Christianity, but historically he is in line with the Church and you are out of line with it.

so," Gord

nsume such worthless rubbish. You are even apologising for hell because you can't stand the odour of burning flesh. I like the old God of Israel better than the ghost you moderns have set up. Honestly, Frank, you have never treated Van Meter decently. He

sensible thing yo

if you and Van Meter ever agree y

e your advice and

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