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The Palm Tree Blessing


Word Count: 2691    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ries and heathen lands, and ask them what is the most appreciated tree in

admit of outside growth, the hothouse will have its various kinds. But where is there a tree in the world that furnishes so much material for practically all the necessities of life where the palm is indigenous? When we think of the great variety of food, and furniture, building material, and the hundreds of useful articles of every description

valuable properties, it is prized above rubies and diamonds. Just as the Icelander or Greenlander cares nothing for the palm, and perhaps knows nothing of its merits, so the people who dwell in spiritual Arctics do not appreciate the possibilities of this full salvation grace. Ask th

pass the station of utmost desire and appreciation. He will reach a want in his soul that will surpa

illed," He gave us a divine philosophy concerning the proper seeking. He wants a seeker to appreciate what he is after. That which costs nothing is rarely properly appreciated. That which costs a struggle and "all that he ha

rayer. This is prima facie evidence of a lack of appreciation. When the hunger reaches practical starvation, and the desire becomes sufficient, then

r. In just three and a half minutes the fire fell and our seeker obtained her heart's desire. While pastor in the city of Los Angeles we had a member who was seeking the blessing of holiness periodically. She would come to the altar and weep and make a nice little prayer, but failed to reach the line of intensity adequate for the blessing. Obtaining nothing she would depart and not be at the altar again for perhaps a couple of months. When a service would reach a specially high tide of power and victory this lady would be down with others seeking holiness. Revival meetings were in progress and she was at the altar one evening, and, as usual, was not receiving. We tried to show her that she should constantly seek till she found; that she should come to the altar every time she had an opportunity till she got through. Finally, we asked her if she would promise to come to the altar one hundred times in succession without a letup, if she did not get the blessing before the hundred times were expired. After awhile she promised thus to do. Immediately we took out our pencil and right under her face we wrote the number 100 on the

tain the blessing at once I am going to remain all night in prayer. Will you stay with me?" The brother responded in the affirmative. "But wait," said the seeker. "If I do not obtain the first night I am going to remain the second night. Will you remain with me?" After a little thought he again answered in the affirmative. He was ready to start, when the seeker declared he was going to remain the third night, then the fourth, until it amounted to a whole week. When he obtained the promise of his friend to stay by him, they started f

pray nor answer a question. While others were saved around him, he remained silent, and would leave without any help. This was repeated time and again. He always curled up the same way, and would never say a word to God or man. Finally, the workers, seeing they could not get anything out of him nor help him in any way, agreed among themselves to let him entirely alone. After this he came as usual to the altar, took his usual position, and while others around were praying through, he obtained nothing and

rying her way to God in a penitential grief, to have her foolish mother kneel down beside her and begin to stroke her and say, "My dear child, you have always been a good girl." Immediately note how the girl drop

prayed for her the best he knew how, but found out that it was doing no good. Finally, the Lord showed him that the woman was depending upon his prayers instead of the Lord. The next time she asked him to come and pray for her, he said, "I

marvel. The way to appreciate anything is to note what one will be with it, and what he will be without it. What is one with this great pearl in his possession? He is safe for both worlds. He is saved from inward and outward sin. He has "joy unspeakable and full of glory." He has a life of usefulness ahead and a certainty of everlasting bliss in glory, where he will bear the palm of victory, wear the crown of glory, walk the

us disposition," for he sold out on that line, till it turned to anger, then hatred and then murder, till finally he was utterly forsaken by God, and he turned into a spiritualist, consulted the witch of Endor, went into battle, committed suicide and passed off from the stage of action here. Solomon, what was yours worth? "Outlandish women," is the answer, not from Solomon's lips, but from the inspired pen of Nehemiah. "Nevertheless even him did outlandish women cause to sin." Young lady, what was the price of your soul? "Moth

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