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The Pillar of Light


Word Count: 3970    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

id Constance, swinging the lantern close to her comp

red her, "you will b

d not fall. Wait here a moment. I

ry and recreation room in normal times, now held fourteen injured pers

the cornice of the lighthouse. The worst accident was a broken arm, the most alarming a ca

hence the doctor was lost with the first batch of victims. Enid discovered that among the few steerage passengers saved was a man who had gained some experience in a fie

e's question, "is some water and some linen for bandage

n quickly with a sheet

f you come with me I will send

rior of the lighthouse was utterly dark. To move without a light, and with no prior knowledge of its internal arrangements, was positively dangerous. All told, there were seven lamps of various sizes available.

the whereabouts of Mr. Emmett, the first officer, t

und Enid in the dark and

e more," he cr

ant diction. Her heart jumped each time the sea sprang

r," s

ght everybody would be fully

up the

magined you were the other young lady.

reality very angry with herself for her flippan

ssage to Mr. Emmett, was greeted with a tar

that young man was attending to t

not. What

supply of water and ne

ng. Didn't you recognize him? It was he who

it. Honestly, you know, it was I who w

eadened by the outer noise. "There's a kind of general idea floating round th

ee Enid's scarlet face. There was a moment's silen

keep," he said. "Would you mind letting me kno

domo, gave the inf

w how to get their clothing dried. You see, Mr. Pyne, my sister and I have no sp

ng me," he answered. "I am sor

sh I could help. But, indeed,

hen, my prospective step-aun

irls, but Constance, rarely fo

You mean, perhaps, your fia

rst time. Mrs. Vansittart is going to marry my un

delighted giggle from Enid did not help to m

tart to come out and sp

tell her I am all right. That is the


s or bunks. Then, some of their linen could be dried at the stove. I will take c

apital idea. Constance went upstai


weet but rather

propriated the lower bunk,

d almost to suffocation. This, if harmful in one respect, was beneficial in another. The mere animal warmth of

, yet animated and clearly chiseled. The eyes were large and lustrous, the mouth firm, the nose and chin those of a Greek statue. Just now there were deep lines across the base of the high forehead. The thin lips, allied to a transient hawk-like gleam in the promi

tance found herself wondering if the smile were not cultivated to hide that faintl

that Mr. Pyne

e! Is h

ibuted the nervous start, the quick color which tinged the white cheeks, to the natura

t all of you owe your lives to his daring? He asked me to-to say h

uch a message. Mrs. Vansittart, it was evident, had received a shock. Perha

orget that scene in the saloon. How the people fought. They were not human. They

accato question. Constance bent over her

ble. It was dreadful enough for us, looking down at things through a mist of foam. For you-But

and holding the lan

o oddly at variance with her smile. The slight flush of excitement yield

hispered. "Tell me,

-keeper," said Constance. "I

ame! What i

ance B

say? And your

ttart, you must try to compose you

glare in Mrs. Vansittart's eyes amazed her. She shrank away, but only for

a serious one, under the circumstances. To her great relief, another woman, who coul

oes not realize that Mr. Pyne not only saved her, but nearly every woman here, when the door was broke

vice was good. She could not a

d be divided into lots. Then she went to the second bedroom and made the same suggestion. The case of the sufferers in the hospital required more

to get rid of their wet garments in the crowded room beneath, and the lockers of Jackson and Bates made it

ilst Enid, having met all immediate demands in the matter of

task of baking them dry. He did this, too, in a very efficient way, speedily converting the kitchen into a miniature Turkish bath. At the end of an hour, he had succee

Enid detained Constan

ttart is od

as she with many errands

of me," she cried

r of the other-of Constance Brand?' It was no time for explanations, so I just said 'Yes.' Sh

nce la

new dad years

hink Mr. Pyne

? Did you speak

his message. He said: 'Guess she can faint as e

s splendid,"

he retreating tide enveloped the lighthouse and smote it wit

fear. They must expect these things to happen for nearly two

netration inspired the man who

the kitchen. Pyne loome

d by another mighty thump and cataract roa

an anvil,"

ery surge was hurled many feet above her head. At last, she stood on the lowest floor. Beneath her feet was naught but granite and iron bars. Here was solidity. How grateful to kn

en rudely reversed. The ship, the noble structure which defied the storm by yielding to its utmost fury, had for them no terrors. But the stark pillar which flinched from no assault bewildered

low amidst the black turmoil:

or me!" cri

eyes open, anyhow,

Astounded, he drew back. Constance stood in their midst, a mere girl, radiant, smi

nly last a-couple of hours. Twenty-five ye

e comfortable." This from the man w

e smoke?" said he wh

iff of mutiny had swept through the storm-tossed fo

hould be dangerous I will come back and let you know. In a few hours it

antic bluster of the hammering waves. Open the door! So this ponderous racket was

itherto. There was a chorus of approval. Constance gave a little gulp.

, "God has blessed s

further utteran

ailor, with the terse directness of his class, told how the Chinook had made an excellent vo

rricane after it had curved away to the norrard, and that the d--d thi

eed with his own theory of the

lenched fist with thumb

eer-"but he wouldn't listen to either Mac or me. Fact is, he was fair crazy to set up a new record for the boat. She's been crossin' the Atlantic forty times

if the Chinook were nearly as old as this lightho

voyage since she was altered; an' they rechristened her, too-always a d--d unlucky thi

lly at Brand's invo

Cramp's to navigate her to New York after she was smartened up I little imagined I would see her laid by forever the next

did real

hedule. With that awful sea liftin' her, and a shaft twenty feet longer, what could you expect? Poor Per

ber saved I feared

r list was light. For the Lord's sake, think

All has not ended with the d

ot a sharp gl

to blame-" he commenced. But Brand

h has to be faced. There are food, water and fuel here for three men for two months. If you do a little sum you will f

ainland." Mr. Emmett had not yet gra

tretch, when, for all the assistance we could receive

jerked his thumb

all that?" he q


Lord!" Mr. Emmett had

s the unexpected happens, after a gale like this.

isly phantom was creeping at him

said. "What'

devise some desperate means of landing all the active men or getting fresh supplies. That is in the hands of Providence. I want you to warn your officers, and others whom you can trust, either sailors or civili

moment than at any time during the night. "I know you are acting wisely, but I admit I a

e alone must live. That was essential, the one thing carved in stone upon the ta

and starvation, the light must shine at night over its allotted span of the slumbering sea. Th

sts, whether private or otherwise, to interfere with the discharge of their public

a way for a man to plead: "I thought it best." Those who framed the

ughts Stephen Brand forced his lips to a

han three thousand gallons of colza oil in store.

t her glowing face i

they may smoke. Poor fellows! They are so miserable-so

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