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The Pilot

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 3520    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

man's coat

pe and comeli

lder stride a

en, a man thou


of commanding a schooner, was usually addressed by the title of captain, stepped on the rocks, followed

ing his eyes upward at the difficult ascent, "and it's by no means certain that

boy; "and you remember, sir, three oar-blades and a

er of throwing old iron about. In such a business as this, I would sooner trust Tom Coffin and his harpoon to back me, than the best broadside that

to be the consequence of habitual confinement in limited lodgings. His whole frame was destitute of the rounded outlines of a well-formed man, though his enormous hands furnished a display of bones and sinews which gave indication of gigantic strength. On his head he wore a little, low, brown hat of wool, with an arched top, that threw an expression of peculiar solemnity and hardness over his hard visage, the sharp

l agility of Barnstable, he would have been completely baffled in this attempt, but for the assistance he occasionally received from his cockswain, whose prodigious strength and great length of limbs enabled him to make exertions whi

enemies," said Barnstable. "Where are we to look for this pilot, Mr. Merry, or

"we made the signal on the point of the rock at yon headland, but, as he must have seen our boat, he will follow us to this place. As to

now we are on the land. I like not this business of hugging the shore so close

turned his grave visage on his command

on board a chebacco-man, and never could see the use of more land than now and then a small island to raise a few vegetable

lf serious. "But we must be moving; the sun is just touching those clouds to seaw

with a desperate leap or two, he stood at once on the brow of the cliff. His cockswain very deliberately raised the

rers discovered a cultivated country, divided in the usual manner, by hedges and walls. Only one habitation for man, however, and that a small dilapid

said Barnstable, when he had taken the whole view in his survey: "I fear we have

lows luck to nobody; there is a mouthful of fresh meat stowed away under th

the object of the cockswain's solicitude, which proved t

merrily, "who would be glad to second long Tom's motion, if

poon violently against the earth, and then made a motion toward poising the weapon; "let Captain Barnstable but say the word, and I'll driv

himself pettishly away from the beast, as if he distrusted his own forbearance; "but stand fast! I see so

"he is a younker, like myself, and would hardly dare

comes on with caution, as if afraid. He is small, and is in drab, though I should hardly ca

the latter stopped suddenly, and seemed to be in doubt whether to advance or to ret

nstable, "what water

, at this question, and he shrunk aside involuntarily, as if to concea

would be the water

ell informed," returned the lieutenant; "perhaps, sir, your cunning is also equal to telling me how

on had been made upon the fears of his auditor, was about to proceed with his interrogatories. The singular agitation of the stranger's frame, however, caused the lieutenant to continue silent

with a storm brewing before my eyes, without landing to be laughed at by a stripling who has not strength to carry a beard if he had one, when I ought to be getting an offi

air of offering some violence, but the other shrank back from his extended arm,

r Barnstable! wo

nexpected appeal, and rubbing his eyes, he

ere lies the Ariel-and yonder is the f

ank at her side, in an attitude in which female bashfulness was beautifully contraste

Ariel, appeared to be banished from the mind of the seaman, who sprang to

omposure, she turned to her companion, who had sat good-n

I owe you an explanation of my unexpected appearan

we were on the coast, and have flown to redeem the promises you m

enediction shall be pronounced over me, until I have effected the object of this hazardous experimen

m do yo

, and I determined at once to have a communication with you. I have followed your movements for a week, in this dress, but have been unsucce

he land! But does Captain Munson know

n, you might be tempted to hazard a little to redeem us from our thraldom. In this paper I have prepared

upted Barnstable. "You

f them!" said a hoa

e, to the side of her lover. Barnstable, who recognized the tones of his cockswain, bent an angry brow o

ht it best to have a lookout kept. I told him that you were overhauling the mail-bags of the messenge

to remain," said Barnstable, "and de

eft the hedge, he stretched out one of his brawny arms towards the ocean,

t a man is soon expart in, but it takes the time of his nat'ral life to larn to know the weather. There be streaked wind-galls in the offing, that speak as plainly to all that see them, and know God'

iffs, and throwing a seaman's glance at the gloomy ocean, "'ti

observer of their proceedings, the same time that he was narrowly watched himself by the young midshipman. "God sen

a short dialogue with his female companion, whom he left concealed by the hedge, and proceeded

have you i

xpect this question, answered

in safety, who have en

," cried Barnstable; "a

ould give the best hundred guineas that ever were coined for two hours more us

ntleman to the boat then; I will join you by the time you can descend

, throwing a glance of impatience from under his lowering brows, "an

ith those who have a right to inquire int

ess, muttering his indignation in suppressed execrations, and the pilot, drawing the leathern belt of his pea-j

ed on every feature of her intelligent countenance. As he felt all the responsibility of his situation, notwithstanding his cool reply

he said, "the time

ate departure?" she inquired, checking his m

to add my own testimony to his opinion. 'Tis a crazy night that threatens us, th

ing away the rich bloom that had mantled the animated face of the brunette. "But you have the paper-follow its di

twould be madness to tempt your fate again. My vessel can and shall protect you, u

the interval?" said the young maiden

shall be her commander; I wil

r youthful features was like the glow of a summer's sunset, and even her mirthful eyes seemed to reflect their tints. "Do not mistake me, saucy on

ur sex," he cried, "and to enable you

mpts to detain her, behind an angle of the hedge, that was near them. For a moment, Barnstable remained motionless, through surprise, and when he sprang forwa

sudden flash, and the bellowing report of a cannon rolled

ed to himself, while he reluctantly obeyed the signal; "you are in a

and as he threw himself carelessly down the rugged and dangerous passes of the cliffs, his experienced e

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