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The Pony Rider Boys in Louisiana

The Pony Rider Boys in Louisiana



Word Count: 3644    |    Released on: 06/12/2017


e. And y

the railway station in Jackson. Four clean-cut, clear-eyed young men, who had left the train with the Professor, stepped up at that jun

k hands with each of them, bowing with true southern co

Stacy, otherwise and more familiarly known

that they had heard of, but never had

Perkins wrote me asking that I do what I could for you. I am delighted at the opportuni

lease," bowed

which he conducted them, explaining that it w

dine with myself and fami

they were not in condition to accept home hospitality to which the Major replied that he and his fami

ght the Germans?"

majors and captains down h

or's home at five o'clock that afternoon, meet Major Clowney's family, a

shall send one of my servants to lead you to my home. My wife and daughters are impatient to

kind, sir,"

ook about us for a guide and for some horses, as I have been given to unders

the Major. "It has been my pleasure to attend to a

ctions for the fetching of the equipment of the boys from the station, then making a personal inspection of the rooms assigned the Professor a

e as this miserable hostelry can make you. And

ng hands all around, bustled out

linked s

't know whether I am awak

up by and by,

ght all profit by Major Clowney's courtliness. Did you

we see him this evening. Depend u

w, but it's hot. Where is our baggage? I want to get in

on," answered Walter. "The men went

red Chunky. "Everything looks black to me now. I wond

ofessor Zepplin. "I believe there are four blacks to every white in

n light and shade,

r valuables," advised Tad. "These gent

f," bristled Stacy belligerently. "W

t," advised Ned. "Who wants

bout the town; I want to

ep is good for chi

eep so much?" wonde

ging the conversation. "We have plenty of time, and need n

ustle his bath and dress. The boys were eagerly looking forward to the evening before them, for it was to be their first visit to a southern home. They were looking forward with a different sort of eagerness to the journey on which they were about to set out-a journey to the nearly trackless, vast canebra

s. The other boys finished dressing some time before Stacy made his appearance

I am," ann

s gazed at him

you get that outfit?" demanded

e it, fellows?"

ren't the dude,

Duke of Missouri. What do y

unspeakable," gr

into his face, a streak of red showing in the part of the hair of his head, while Chunky's second chin hung over the front of the col

yed the fat boy wit

at outfit, young man?

Chillicothe. T


hink of it?" i

e Professor, regarding Chunky

dinner in that r


shall stay home,

e or go. I will make a great hit w

a piece of timely


oes on your trousers. It sh

y gr

else to put on?" que

ajamas," answered th

r Zeppli

can, Professor. The outfit isn'

hunky. "The trouble with you f

lored tie is enough to drive a man to do something desperat

d ten cent store in Chill

," agr

ders of the wor

Walter seriously, whereat a wave of l

e Professor reflectively, "though I can't understand why y

e. They called him twenty minutes later, with the information that Major Clowney's colored man was waiting for t

arty. From the liver-colored tie Chunky had changed to one of the brightest re

ned Ned. "This

hat thing off instantly!"

u folks at all?" w

on a respectable tie," an

en't any

a tie in my tr

him, then," direc

do," urged Rector. "Stacy

in some cases," retorted

led Tad. "We will see

placed himself on exhibition, this time meeting the approval of his critical companions, though hi

ed," announced the

hat you don't fall dow

But why shouldn't I fall down

cut your head off,"

' sake fall down,"

f," retorted the fat boy pompously. "As I said before, you fellows are j

haste to follow them, joining the party in the lobby where the Major's servant was waiting for them. They at once started out, Stac

o the room. Following his hostess Chunky followed a perilous track of rugs on a waxed floor. The fat boy's face was now redder than ever, and the perspiration was streaking down his cheeks and getting into his eyes through his strenuous efforts to keep his feet on the floor. There were Millicent, Muriel and Ma

ent his feet would slip on the insecure rug beneath them. As a result his bows were stiff affairs, nor could he bend his head to any great ex

t difficulty navigated himself to a chair, to the back

whispered Tad, as he strol

" mumbled Stacy. "How am I ever going

dvised Tad. "Long str

ity. But his undoing came when Miss Millicent took his arm as the family and guests moved toward the dining

ingling, nearly pulling Miss Millicent down with him. Had Stacy not had the presence of mind instantl

mile, but for an entirely different reason. As he scrambled to his feet, making a further exhibition of himself in

Boy, the Major declaring that every rug in the room should be removed and a carpe

rt yourself," said Miss

y sit down that way before d

ed?" smiled t

uld try it. Of course at first you should go outside and sit down on the

errily. There was no res

owneys soon discovered that the Pony Rider Boys were well worth knowing. The lads were self-possessed, and their experiences in the saddle in many parts of the country enab

to Stacy's description of how he got an

u got used to the other wa

zing for his appetite, Miss Clo

ite," replied the Major promptly. "The apo

is approval of

eep out of doors all the time and you will get an a

"Major, did I understand you to say

he extent that I forgot all about the business end. I

ood one?"

erwise known as Alligator Pete-was eager to get the job, but I consider him an unreliable man. There are st

e brake from h

you to it. You never h

, s

you at your hotel at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, and you may start

you when we return fro

not want to go into that awful place

hy not?" que

h a horrib

rrible places. I reckon there aren't many such in this country that we

foul deadly fellows," a

the fat boy, his

ything that you might think of you w

before they get into the

n's lips. He was rather sensitive on the subject of

r you do not

o, Pro

of nothing. My life would be much


," nodded th

ives of lots of folks,"

out it," urged

it. I'm too modest

which the three were discussing learnedly. The hosts were amused at Stacy Brown, but they were irresistibl

had been swung back against the wall on their hinges. The fat boy thought this window opened out on the veranda, so he stepped out for a breath of air, but his feet touched nothing more substant

Clowneys, rushing to the window, the Maj

er, that's all. I usually do this. Sometimes when I am out in the woods and th

ore he gets into more serious difficulty,

orst, I guess. Look at his coat. It is ripped for

hit the side yard," smiled Tad

ss Millicent with stories of his prowess in mountain and on plain, the Pony Rider Bo

h life in the open again, and during their explorations in the canebrake they were destined to have many thr

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