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The Pony Rider Boys in the Grand Canyon The Mystery of Bright Angel Gulch

The Pony Rider Boys in the Grand Canyon The Mystery of Bright Angel Gulch


Chapter 1 WESTWARD, HO!

Word Count: 4248    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

Wow, Wow

at the rear of the woodshed of his home, finis

m to cease his efforts until he had completed what he had set out to do. This finished, Ta

ows anything to d

uated from the woodpil

otherwise and more properly known as Stacy Brown. "Cut a slice of my bi

t you? Mother'll be glad

Walter Perkins. "That's

it is

over to help you chop


hadn't any such idea," l

ng room by way of the kitchen. Tad's mother gave them a smil

rs. Butler,"

l come to yo

ared the fat Chunky, growing very red in the face as he note

Chunky, Mrs. Butler," s

lived among savag

been constant companions for

boy's ear. "I'll whale you when we get o

y and myself are very o


I beg your pardon. I didn't mean it just that way," stamme

said it," gr

thing," commanded Ned. "You must excuse us, Mrs. Butler. It is as Chunky

on the head. "Tad knows what I think of you all and how appreciative we both are over what Mr. Perkins has done for us. Now that I have had a

ted Ned. "And we couldn't think of a trip without thin

out the dog," interjected the solemn voice

e," exploded Ned. "Will you excuse us while

ver. I can see it in your faces. Go on with your conference. I'll bring y

ll or have you really something in mind?"

t will hold anything. And I've go

grinned, passing hands across their faces t

w-wow with you

ve something ahe

ng to the---" b

ould be seen, but not

ched his chair out,

he nodded, w

ome things not even a Pony Rider b

wered Chunky, misapplying Ne

er tri

her has planned it out for

'ye think? H

you telling this or am I

ou're making an awful me

ll it. I know ho

can't you, Chunky?"

ybody. I'm nothing but just a roly-poly fat boy, handy to draw water, pitch and strike camp, gather fire

t into a hearty laugh, which served to put all in good humor again. Chu


nks it would be fine f


e Colo


w where the place was. Walt thought it was some k

to Chunky's further i

e Colorado?" repeated T

ou know, I have always

uld get that far away f

Mr. Perk

th. He knows a good man at Flagstaff with whom Mr. Perkins

of the best men in th

knows Ji

Chunky, suddenly c

hings you don't know," reto

t teach them to me," r

wrote to this man, Nance, and engaged him for June firs

nk we had better take


hardly think I can afford that outlay

Tad," interrupted Walte

t five good hor

r Zepplin is t


" laughed Tad. "We must try not to annoy him so much this

lling Ned," spoke up Stac

t?" dema

. He mumbled some unintelligible words, settled back in

n enjoys our pranks as

ve that he doesn't.

one," muttered Sta

eet the Profes

?" asked Ned, turni

nk father me

pick him up on the

you think of it

e, f

m very enthusi

Has Mr. Perkins decide

about t

soon for me. I don't even know that I

y n

not be able

you didn't, I wouldn't go, and my father would be disappointed. He knows what these trips hav

as a pale lily of the valley.

ritated now, whereas, before beginning to live in the open

lemonade and four glasses on a tray. The Pony Riders rose in

e cookies, didn'

along without the co

yes get bigger'n your

are in polit

rted Stacy. "I'll stand beside you. If you star

ith ginger cookies drove all other thoughts from the minds of the boys. "Mrs. Butler," began Ned, c

can tell better after


?" demanded thre

d of it," adm

ying, Mrs. B

Ned. I will take your a

tacy, looking longingly

rged Tad's mother, giving the boys a frien

. One moment, pl

What i


ky. "Mrs. Butler, we, the Pony Rider Boys, rough riders, Indian fighters

not been for Mrs. Butler's presence Ned

hat his mother enjoyed this good-natured

the table with

lease, ge

kled Stacy, slip

have come to speak with you first, after wh

in the chair that T

e glad to hear what y

say when interrupted by the ir

'm at your left,

is his left and which

s usually le

who was sitting at my l

ention of casting any

t to say, we are plann


ay this t

Grand Ca

nt on the yon,

Canyon of t

s has arranged it for u

plin is going

ne, indeed," glo

er you would approve of the proposed trip or not. We are--ahem--delighted to

't said so," lau

You see how little one

s," interj

him a war

lieve Mr. Perkins would let Walt go if Tad weren't along. You see, Tad's a handy man to have around. I know Chunky's

now," interrup

He needs some one to watch him constantly.

've been keeping,

e, we need

, nodding and smiling. "Of course Tad may go. I am gl

ested Tad. "It is time I were doing someth

undation of health that will last you all your life. Furthermore, you will have gained many things by the experience, Whe

y," began Chunky. "Have

Mrs. Butler. "When he is grown up I loo

nable to guess whether he were being teased, was still sco

ou," continued Mrs. But

lied. "Father said he would call

rs. Butler. "I shall want to talk o

icles of outfit they would need. On this head

rs. Butler, rising. "I will leave you, for I would be of

barrassment before the other young men, Tad held and kissed her, then escorted her to the door. Walter and Ned s

ld all the details of how the boys became Pony Riders, and of the way they put their plans through successfully. Readers of that volume well recall the exciting experiences and hair-

of cowboy life furnished the boys with more excitement than they had ever dreamed could be crowded into so few weeks. It proved to be one long round of joyous life in the saddle, yet it was the sort of joy th

ere it was that Tad and his companions became involved in a "war" between the sheep and the cattle men. How Tad and his chums soon found themselves almost in the position of the grist between the millstones will be instantly reca

of the country the Pony Rider Boys had a medley of adventures--they met with robbers, were lost in the great mountain forests, and unexpectedly becam

nd scarcity of water proved to be a journey that fully demonstrated the enduring qualities of these sturdy young men. The life, far away from all connection with civilization, was one of constant privation and well-nigh innumerable perils. The meeting with the crazed hermit of this wild was

ian "signs" and experiences, not the least of which was their chance to be present at the weird fire dance of the Apaches. The race with the prairie fire, the wonderful discover

eatest wonders, the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, was a

at'll we take with u

o talk with you," spoke up Walter Perkins. "You always

y good planners. In the first place

hatever we do, though, let's not travel light on food. I can s

at you do mean," jeered Ned.

ment--saddles, quirts, spurs, chaps, lasso, guns, canteen, slicker and all that

id Walter. "I don't know just what ar

destination. Folks usually have ammunition in that country," added Tad, with a faint smile. "Our unif

limb mountains?"

fall down,"

me, I know," wailed the fat boy. "I'd rathe

inly can get do

ter-inch Manila. I don't think of anything else. We ought to be

ll, fellows, isn'

shouting," an

ou'd better practise up on those


-w and

ered Chunky in a shri

esounding smack. Chunky was jerked backward, his head strik

you are? That's all right out in the wilds,

d society? Don't you do th

, she'd think something was wrong with us if we didn't make a big racket. Chunky, if you are so full

ile, but I'm a goat if I'll chop the wood. Why, I'd lose my reputati

impossible," answer

ible?" ques

rite it down for you so yo

lose what you don't pos

ot out his atlas and together they pored over the map of Arizona. After some time at this task, Chunky p

how you. When it come

n whom you all ha

y. I'm free to admit that," laughed

In his own estimation, Stacy was the most important person in Chillcothe. So confident was he of this that several persons in the community had come almost to believe it themselves. Chunky, by his

iticism to offer of the suggestions of others. Though the arguments of the Pony Riders at times became quite heated, the friends

i suits, sombreros, each with a red bandanna handkerchief tied carelessly about his neck, they presented an imposing appearance and were the centre of a great crowd of admiring

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