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The Pony Rider Boys in the Rockies


Word Count: 2633    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

n the saddle again,

ter than falling over a clif

me. I didn't think a gun could hit so

up and down like a pump-handle,

d carried off even honors, with Walter Perkins a close second, while Stacy

ntil the first finger of his right hand had begun to exert a gentle pressure on the trigger. Then, he

ore picking their way over the rough mountain trail, headed for Ba

e journey, old Bobtail, as they had named the Profes

while an officer in the German army, and that he did not mind a slight mishap like that at all. He decla

nd Ned confided to Tad, by whose side he was riding,

ining brightly, the air was cool and invigorating, and a gentle br

exclamations of wonder at the gorgeous p

e were walking on air, doesn

, observing that the boy had unconsciously pulled his horse too near the outer ed

not come out of it qu


a rock or two on the

lucking t

y had arrived at their destination. Yet not a sign of Jos

t this, for the ride had given them an a

happened to the pack trai

ing off. But don't you worry. Jose wil

d his way, and was now wandering about the mountains. It was too late to go in search of the missing outfit that day, so t

mselves at home while he went out for an observation. In the m

ockies stretched away at their feet as far as the eye could see, the hills and low moun

pon the scene in awe-at

reathed Tad, his eyes gr

ied Chunky lightly. "I've seen better. We'

of the scene, its beauties intensified by the co

somewhere in fron

med Chunky, now arous

able to a

and Chunky; was sure that he h

oubt some one hunting, and that what the boy

make a business of shooting, and even yourselves will be doing some of it within a few days, if

the boys did not observe that he left his

shooting just

question, however, the gu

ds in the mountains," he said. "We hav

eds to make," objected C

nned Lige. "We have to discover a good man

trips to camp and back in order to carry enough for the purpose. But, even then, they were mystified as to e

interest, finding much that was new to him in

stuff, Lige looked about him to fix upon the b

u are going to lay the stuff int

grinned Lig

down, until he had outlined a fairly good bed. This done, he continued setting more of the green limbs, pu

unced. "One bed

. "Why, that wouldn't hold a bab

down on it,

little by little a sheepish sm

does ho

urse i

I ever slept in. But it wouldn't be half so funny if a fellow m

ok turns in trying the new bed,

ve," decided Ned. "I'll have a tent in the back yar

ummer. Some other trips have been planned for you, and you no doubt will spend many nights in th

word, leaving to their youthful imaginations th

r firewood,"

," exclaimed Ned. "Whe

going to do,

's the original wizard," laughed the Ge

dly is lost in the mountains. We probably shall see nothi

emanded Walter. "Here we are, without

answered Tad. "That's a

eat the beds,"

supper," advised Lige. "You know, we have to get used to difficulties in the mountains. I

g a few moments later, carrying a brace

ded Stacy Brown, his

f them. I shot them, and now we'll eat them. I was p

tains had in reality taken possession of their beings, they fou

had accomplished this the fire was burning high, and out of it he sc

rp sticks,"

ting them over the coals to cook, w

ssible for a man to find sustenance in a

f I were turned loose

the same fate. The only mountain subject with wh

t eat rocks,"


tack. Bring it all over here, fill your folding cups with water, and then I think we'll b

know what we're going to do for pl


do without them. If you'll watch

the guide proceeded to carve the rabbits with his hunting-knife, seasoning

ooked on e

dollars and a half for my appetite at this v

ll you, there's nothing like falling off a mountain

one down a bit," agreed Tad. "Wha

s face was buried in a flank of jack-rabbit, and he was able to talk

rved on a rock several thousand feet in the air and with only such conveniences for

s labor long enough to go to

ight fetch some for the


t. However, finding it inconvenient to carry all the cups at one time, he left his own

o which Stacy bowed with great ceremony

ed, they forgot Clunky entirely. But he was rec


ssor, being engaged in earnest conversation at the time, had no

looked at each o

d. "That kid has gone and picked up a cat. Wh

anded Lige sharply

unky's f

pussy. That's a good kittie. Puss, puss, pu

ped forward with much greater quickness than he did in this instance, bowling ove

m alone!"

d understood. He was h

n and a great floundering about in the bushes. Then the guide appeared around the corner of a large rock, leading Chunky

stammered t

crack of the pistol, and stood, amazement written

Ned Rector in as firm a

he tried to shoot

s trying to catch the brute," growled t

ened wide and h

cat?" the

it did not kill kill him! Hear hi

I ever heard of!" exclaimed Ned,

all of that,"

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