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The Posy Ring


Word Count: 1943    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

s he learned

names and all

vers built

uirrels hid

indeer ran

abbit was

them whene'e


sworth Lo



s'd his spr

e smiled, if

for the sl

so delicat

very brig

s if he lo

I only

real hors

g it would

nd legs to

oats with

rely dev

head and que

r in a lo

snaffle in

y ears, and

madly roun

o catch me

ith dignit

back for

s only ho

take their

e notices

pplauses gre

fast or a

r is a pr

are but p

mine were ju

uld be ano

urn from boo

o gallop ro

when a l


ful beyond

of rolling

on all-four

eams are we

t ape my

only am

real hors


niel, ca

g a Yo


eau, that fa

, and at

er be than

fle that

ve kill'd

w not til

orders, who

ng you t

kill that yo

a doggi

gh chas'd wit

where he

of the th

hom bloo

nt was all

have torn

hat remed

ach you a

after all


am Co

's R

flew to se

of your

ice than yo

er to wi


er cried

, Sir, whose

me to t

as Nature

'd once

erhaps, ma

ept for

our linnet

his pris

d all his st

g press'd

ng him a s

in'd to

s'd his ru

the feath

edience t


eproof you


birds be su

can har

ou, Sir, of

e address

am Co


my baby, the ni

e waters that sp

combers, looks d

hollows that

s billow, there s

flipperling, c

t wake thee, nor s

rms of the slow

rd Ki


come home the

while the bee

ake on the

ive safe in th

funny, pert

ose, and si

na G. R

ou, Pre

pretty co

ilk to soa

y and ev

esh, and swe

ew the he

on the w

ellow cow

make it

purple vio

bubbling w

rass is fre

, go there


and th

ep, pray

asant fiel

ss and dai

orning til

g can som

ind of use

little ma

rve me so

ee the wool

to make y

very col

d not woo

seems a pl

isies in t

chilly ni

ld and de

scanty di

und is brow

farmer com

erry sprin

oolly fle

coat in w

aster, t

asant fiel


in the

mbs! the mo

is ver

r in the

all the win

n I'm big

a roof to

t I am smal

r's knee

angels with

d warm you,

that, if

e lambs be

e Alma


ng fast, the star

said, "Drink, pret

er the hedge, b

ain-lamb, with a m

e were near; the

r cord was teth

he grass did the l

tain-lamb she gave

om her hand he thu

ead and ears, and his t

ture, drink!" she s

eceived her hea

ra Lewthwaite, a c

th delight; they

pty can the mai

were gone her foot

mb she looked; and

ould see the wor

tongue could meas

her lamb that litt

ung one? what? Why

h thee? well both

is soft, and gre

one, rest; what is'

ld'st seek? What is

y not strong? and

grass, these flower

rn all day is rus

ng hot, do but stret

ding by,-its cover

n storms, the like t

are things that sca

g one, rest; thou

und thee first, i

the hills, but tho

rom thy side for

s arms, and in pity

thee!-Then whither

hou hast; the dam

n-tops no kinder

wice a day I have br

the brook, as c

ay, when the groun

hts of milk,-warm

rtly be twice as st

to my cart, like a

shalt be, and whe

thy bed, our house

l not rest! Poor

r's heart which is

ow not of belike

s which thou canst

in-tops that look

ul winds and darkne

that seem all pas

ry roar like lion

st not dread the

u art safe-our co

er me? why pull

k of day I will co

gh the lane I wen

yself did I of

I retraced the b

was hers and one h

again did I r

e than half to the

uch a look, and she s

eceived her hea

m Word

, and Fall

itten on

th the leav


lofty e

e calm and

rning brig

nd and roun

owly: one

otions tha

ttle lea

airy hithe

wer world

isible a


tten, how

retches, paw

e and then

ht and just

many now

op and ther


pward ey


ets the co

o as fast

n her po

ks with thr

Indian c

he in fea

d in joy

. .

m Word

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