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From Farm Boy to Senator


Word Count: 819    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

indebted to the free and friendly communications of Mr. Webster himself. One of these I will transfer to my pages, as

wn. The neighbor had moved into the neighborhood of Hanover, where he had opened a little clearing, and had settle

ld like to know how he is getting along. I think

and soon found out pretty

should never find the place; but I finally did, and when I got there I was pretty well tired out with climbing, jumping over logs, and so on. The family were not less delighted than surp

hey actually subsisted on this grass fried in the hog's fat. But it was not so bad after all. They fried up a great platter of it, and I made my supper and breakfast off it. About a year and a half afterwards, just before graduating, I thought that, befo

ve got through college, and have got college lar

had not decided

upon other people's ailin's, are up nights, and have no peace. And as for bein' a lawyer, I would never propose that to anybody. Now," said he, "Daniel, I'll tell you what! You are a boy of parts; you understand this book-larnin', and you are bright. I knew a man who had college larnin' down in Rye, where I lived when I was a boy. That man was a conjurer; he could tell by consultin' his books and s

in place of Daniel Webster, the great lawyer, and the defender of the Constitution, we had Daniel Webster, the famous conjurer, it would be a ludicrous transformation. There are few persons who do not consider themselves q

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