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The Putnam Hall Rebellion


Word Count: 2021    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

said Jack, on Saturday aftern

e ready response. "

y is going out in his boat too, and

to race

g major. "He hasn't said anything. Of

and his chums had to go to the rescue of Fred and his friends. In the second race, which included another sloop belonging to a young man who lived near the two schools, the Alice came in ahead, with the Ajax second. On this race Roy Bock and his cronies lost considerable money by betting

he lake in a breeze which was just sufficient to fill the sails. Each carried a party of four, and all the

for a couple of miles!" sang out Fred,

ain?" asked the youn

u that the Ajax is just as

ce if you want to.

rden's Cove, if

ze again?" que

to take in sail n

owner of the Alice. "Wha

ice-cream," answ

ed in ice and I'll go you!" calle


nd catch me

ir respective craft as best they knew how. Each had his topsail broken out, and each

race, warm and clear, with

bowled along over the course. "I'd like to

fter this race is o

course until Cat Point was rounded. Th

u!" cried Fred Century. "S

't over yet,"

were now heading directly for Borden's Cove. Soon the Alice began to cr

beat the Al

tow we'll thr

once his sloop began to move faster, and soon the two craft were side by side again.

l it a tie!" decla

jax. "But some day I'll beat you yet," he

y you than anybody else on

hat's a nice


the Alice than behind any other sloop," added Fred.

are," came

either," said Andy, with an innocent loo

wim. Soon Pepper plunged into the clear water and Andy and the others followed. It felt a trifle cold a

ce!" sang out P

t rock. The others joined in, and in a few minutes all were some d

from Pornell Academy, including Roy Bock, Grimes, Gussic, Sedley, and several others. The motor boat was an

loops in the Cove,"

red Century's bo

g to Jack Ruddy," added Gussic. "Nobody

gone ashore,"

hat rock, swimming," said

ore behind a clump of overhanging bushes. From this point those

dea!" cried Ro

I!" add

ps out into the lake

take their cloth

o both!" put

ed another student who was p

ther day, when we turned

the cadets are

over our faces, and over the name

p the heaps of wearing apparel Jack and his chums had left there. In the meant

will," said the bully of Pornell Academy. "M

we ever played on th

Roy Bock to those who were gathe

d Joe Nelson, a trowel in one hand and some wild plants in anothe

?" muttered one of the Pornell

ow," answer

with this clothing! Cadets ahoy!" For he saw t

swam to a rock. "Well, I never!"

?" questioned Pe

clothing! And look, t

loops!" gasped Fred Century.

forward with his trowel uplifted as if it was a da

o the motor boat with all speed. Bock was also alarmed, both at the shouts from shore and from the sw

behind, Roy?" dem

ste," said the bully. "Here they c

k like wild men as they rushed along the

izzed so close to Roy Bock's head that the bully dodged. More stones followed, thrown by Ja

amed Will Carey. "Yo

se sloops alone

you too, Gussic and Carey. You clear out

," growled Bock, seeing that the chance to

no right to touch our

Andy. "Joe, how is it that

ing," answered Joe Nelson. "I came to the shore just in t

it was lucky

said Sedley. "We were going t

rted Dale. "You were going to run away with t

e you played at Putnam Hall t

e?" deman

ow well

g," retorted the Porn

we found you out," added J

is going to swear out a warrant for your arres

ried Roy Bock,

what I

we haven't forgotten how you came to our s

s chums did the same. Roy Bock wanted to talk some more, but the young major cautioned his c

red Pepper. "They are responsible f

m is going to do about it," answered Jack with a grin. "

and for their attempt to take our bo

red Andy; and all of the

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