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The Radio Boys on Secret Service Duty


Word Count: 1538    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

at his command, was unconscious but breathing heavily. When Frank ascertained that, their fears that they had k

on. "Black George," threshing about wildly in the endeavor to break Bob's grip on his throat, had lashed out with his feet. A tr

worthy of his mettle. That underworld leader had not gained his supr

rike to aid his comrade. Bob still gripped "Black George" about the throat, but the gangste

ging to him. He must not be allowed to win. Frank swung aloft another lacquered stool, remembering the e

grasp. "Black George" relaxe

s I'd have gotten him, Frank, but

ehind them ros

. Here th

newcomers were Chinese, and evil looking they were in the dim light of that subterranean room, with their glaring almond eyes and yellow faces. They grippe

The boys resolved to

ted as their guide and betrayed them-halted the onrush with a gesture of authority. And Mr. Temple, pallid fr

. Temple, "but I warn y

their number step aside, and the others to leave. Grumbling a

the guide, whom later they came to know as Ma

" he said. "They'

he examined him hastily. Th

attendants, "one of you get Doctor

lift the unconscious form of "Black George." Then he b

nly way out is the way you come, an' nothin' could save ye

disappeared with their burden, returning alm

ccount of injuries. Frank and Jack had come off unscathed. Bob was sore about the shins from kicks delivered by "Black George,"

attempt to win freedom," said Mr. Temple, "

worse by jumping on that rascal," said Bob.

le George, without being surprised by these others, we

le shook

very long chance. However, we sh

won't recover for some time to come, if I'm any judge of broken heads. And meantime it isn't likely

ll be kept prisoners but not harmed, pending the recovery o

unfinished, but Bob

we have to, Dad," he sa

of our whereabouts, or knew that we came sightseeing to Chinatown tonight? We did not tell the clerk at the hotel. The only persons who

re'll be a big uproar. You are a man of importance, and your business repre

ly a well-organized gang that has captured us, and we might be h

rance, he will put two and two together and will realize that we have fallen

o leave for southern California tonight to watch Handby as well as try to locate the smugglers'

day or two. The news will be telegraphed to the paper

of that, of course,"

nued along this vein. Then Murphy again m

too, for your bill. An' don't write nothin' phony. Tell 'em you're goin' for a sea voyage with a friend. That'll fix it if there are any questi

use?" demande

," said Murphy roughly, "

room, of the barred doors across it, and of the villainous, armed Chi

up the pen and preparing to write.

d skull that'll take him a while to get over. But the minute he opens his eyes he plans what to do with ye

full measure for his injuries. With a sinking heart, Mr. Temple wrote the note

e to be in your

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