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The Radio Boys Under the Sea


Word Count: 1664    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

"As for Benton himself he struck me as just about all right. T

I sized him up,

e's got a pair of eyes that aren't likely to have overlooke

the house tomorrow night," said

ells on," promised Di

e gathered about the table on which Phil kept his radio se

g welcome, and he on his part wa

" asked Phil, as he d

uzzing, and outside a little soreness I'm as well as ever. It takes noth

, as he settled himself comfortably and nodded his

lied Phil. "Are you a memb

ine the set. "I see you've got all the latest wrinkles, s

e Eiffel Tower in Paris and the station at Nauen, Germany. We've talked as far as Texas, and any night we want to we can listen in on a radio broadc

the radio telegraph, but before long we'll be able to use the radio telephone just as well. I tell you it's a wonderful thing. No worrying your heart out now in a fog and mist and storm. You don't need to have the sun in order to get your bearings. You don't even need the lighthouses at n

et it's made greater strides than any other in the history of the world. Every day something new develops, and

ould fly over the cities of the enemy and drop high explosives that would destroy them all. The airplanes could be directed by radio many miles away. The same is true of battles

he old Iowa was picked out to be the victim of the plane attack. There wasn't a soul on board, and I tell you it seemed something uncanny to see how that big ship sailed a

ships after a while will be able to sail from America to Europe without a soul on board. The ship could s

observer can notice the difference in the intensity of the sounds received, and so can chart out the position of ore and coal veins. The old-time prospector will soon be a thing of the past, as extinct as the dodo. Of c

terrupted Benton

ig object on the bed like a ship will indicate the location of the object. Up to now it has been a matter of great difficulty to get the exact position of a sunken ship. A submarine would help some, but that can only be

gh he were talking to himself. "That sure is a new thing to me, thoug

lately?" asked D

ut I'm mighty interested in one t

s," laughed Phil. "Why no

t replying. Then he straightened bolt upright in hi

I've gone loco before I get through with it. But first I wa

ne another and it wa

itimate and seems to us worth while. Of c

can prove to you that it is worth while. I don't disguise from you, however, that

risks before,

hat I'm going to tell you now. But this thing means so much to me that I couldn't afford to act on first impressions. I don't mind tel

t your adventures with the Mexican bandits and the way you rounded up 'Muggs' Murray. Perhaps you don

l pride and all that, you know. We've just got into a few scrapes and had

afternoon. At any rate, I'm perfectly satisfied in my own mind that you're the fellows I want to share my plan if it

pers from his pocket an

Phil misc

he said, "and s

zled for a moment

. Now just one other little thing. If after I've told you my plan you don't want to go in with me on i

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