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Uncle Tom's Cabin

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1244    |    Released on: 28/11/2017


er mistress, from girlhood, as

uty of the most dazzling kind, and in almost every case with a personal appearance prepossessing and agreeable. Eliza, such as we have described her, is not a fancy sketch, but taken from remembrance, as we saw her, years ago, in Kentucky. Safe under the protecting c

him to be considered the first hand in the place. He had invented a machine for the cleaning of the hemp, which, conside

description was re

an in Kentucky. [

ll these superior qualifications were subject to the control of a vulgar, narrow-minded, tyrannical master. This same gentleman, having heard of the fame of George's invention, took a ri

ness of inferiority. What business had his slave to be marching round the country, inventing machines, and holding up his head among gentlemen? He'd soon put a stop to it. He'd take him back, and put him to hoein

trated the manufacturer,

is?-isn't th

sir, to increase the

't need to hire any of my han

peculiarly adapted

much adapted to anything that I

this machine," interposed one o

e bound; let a nigger alone for that, any time. They are all labor

n his lips, but a whole volcano of bitter feelings burned in his bosom, and sent streams of fire through his veins. He breathed short, and his large dark eyes fla

h him for the present. We

he could not hear what was said; and he inwardly strengthened himsel

respectful word; but the flashing eye, the gloomy and troubled brow, were part of a natural language that

emed in every way suited to her; and so they were married in her mistress' great parlor, and her mistress herself adorned the bride's beautiful hair with orange-blossoms, and threw over it the bridal veil, which certainly could scarce have rested on a fairer head; and there was no lack of white gloves, and cake and wine,-of admiring guests to praise the bride's beauty, and her mistress' indulgence and libe

robbing nerve, once more entwined with that little life, seemed to become sound and healthful, and Eliza was a happy woman

d been taken away, when, as he hoped, the heat of the occasion had passed away, and

talk any longer," said he, dogged

nly thought that you might think it for your inte

day I took him out of the factory; but you don't come it over me that way. It's

toil and drudgery, rendered more bitter by every little smartin

can put a man to is to hang him. No; there is an

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