The Russian Grandmother's Wonder Tales
Her gown, which she called her sarafam, was of a lovely light-blue stuff, and on her head she wore a diadem of gold, all studded with little pearls. Many of t
a coat), and over that a thick, wadded duchegreika, or hug-me-tight. It was a cold day, and she was not too wa
rosta and the older children were still in the fields pulling stubble. The grandmother was not in the fields, for the day was too cold, so the
grandmother," sa
ed the grandmother. "The best way is to forget
ked the little boy. "M
y in your ears will your mouth cea
s!" cried th
ther told
n. Master Petz, the Bear, called to pay hi
nest truth-is it, or is it
orribly here." Upon this the Lion flew into a
observed this mishap. Tremblingly he approached the Lion, wh
should it be close? On the contrary,
s not delightfully fresh; on the contrary, it is dis
n. He stepped in, and bowed low before the Lion, who immediately put the same question
" replied the o
must be either one or the other; either it is close or
near to pay his respects. So the Lion asked him, "See here, Ma
ld blessed I am not able to tell you, for I have taken such a cold that, up
necke's life because he
to supper?" asked the cow-herd woman, opening th
ther, whom they call the Báby in